Saito Fuyuka and Masumoto Kira's interview from ExTaishu August 2022 edition

Picture from official source A special relationship that’s more than just “senior” and “junior” Their mutual admiration and playful love When she reaches the point that she can dance, she likes to show it off with a proud look on her face. ーMasumoto-san, when you were a fan of Keyakizaka46, what was your impression of Saito-san? Masumoto: I used to watch Keyakizaka46 videos with my father often, and we did have a conversation once about how “Fuu-chan’s dancing is on a different level.” Saito: Ehh~! Masumoto: Sorry! At the time, I was calling you “Fuu-chan.” Oh, and I laughed together with my father while we watched her doing her serious Awa Odori dance. Saito: (lol) ーAnd Saito-san, what impression did you have of Masumoto-san when she first joined the group? Saito: When we performed “Silent Majority” at Keyakizaka46’s last live (October 12th & 13th, 2020), Kira-chan was near me in the formation. Masumoto: I was diagonally behind her. Saito: I was surprised when I looked into ...