Kousaka Marino interview in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

ーIt’s been 1 and a half years since your last performance at Tokyo Dome. What’s your perspective on that, Kousaka-san? Kousaka: It feels like it was quite a while ago, and when they told us that we’d be performing at Tokyo Dome again, I also thought “Huh?? Already!?” So I do feel both ways about it. But last time it felt like performing there was a privilege given to us, while this time I feel we’ll be on that stage through our own ability. Also, when I look at the video of last time, my hair is so short. That’s another thing that made me realize just how much time has passed. ーIn that time, the environment and state of things surrounding Sakurazaka46 have changed. What do you think about that? Kousaka: Right, I heard that tickets for the 4th tour were sold out, so I hope that can be the case for our Tokyo Dome performance as well. We get to put out good songs every time we release a single, and even if we’re the ones doing it, we feel that the production for the concerts a...