These two are unmeasurable! (Masumoto Kira x Onuma Akiho interview in BRODY June 2021)
The added M According to Onuma-san, Masumoto-san is the only one who's always so energetic when there is a job in the early morning or there’s work that takes a long time. K: It’s fun to be with everyone. O: But even when everyone is sleeping, she would ask someone quietly “Let's play” (laughs). What kind of games do you usually play? K: We play sumo, air-jump rope, and “Masumoto Amusement Park” although we haven’t done that lately. But I play a game where Onuma-san and Moriya Akane-san throw a superball and I catch it. We played for 2~3 throws before I got bored and said, “Ah, that’s enough”. O: On the morning of Kouhaku Uta Gassen, Kira-chan said to me calmly “Let's make ayatori using these bento's strings” in spite of everyone being so nervous at that time. K: I made a broom figure from bento's string, and Onuma-san really swept the trash for me, it was fun. I asked her, “One more time” many times. O: I kept doing it because she seems to like it when I do so (la...