Endo Tatsuya (SPY X FAMILY mangaka) interview for BRODY Aprill 2024 edition

※ The interview was conducted through e-mail correspondence Q First, could you please tell us what made you start supporting Sakurazaka46? Endo: Ever since they debuted as Keyakizaka46-san with “Silent Majority”, I’d already thought they had cool songs, and I’ve been following their songs since. At that time I’d just started getting into Nogizaka46 so I didn’t really understand much about idols yet. I started getting interested in Sakurazaka’s members as well from a little after the first 2nd generation members joined the group. I started watching “Keyaki tte, Kakenai? [now Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?”” and “Hiragana Oshi [now Hinatazaka de Aimashou]” after “Nogizaka Kojichuu”. I’d like to apologise for any inconveniences I might cause with my answers, since I’m still new to things like this, but I’d like to answer your questions in my own way, so I’d appreciate it if you’d understand. Q Please tell us the Sakurazaka46 songs that left an impression on you. Endo: There’s so many s...