The Present Location of Keyakizaka46 (Oda Nana x Moriya Akane BUBKA November 2017)

“A discussion was necessary.”

Because it was a summer that was challenged by betting everything, things missing from themselves were discovered and new things were also obtained. It was not a summer without regrets but after finishing the Nationwide Tour, we feel that they have become a little bit stronger. 

Where are those girls now? Where should they be heading to from now on? 

Oda Nana and Moriya Akane look back on the other side of the craze.

The Challenges of the Second Year

In this interview, the National Tour is all over and I want to frankly ask you  about how you currently feel. 

Oda “The National Tour is over and I do think that the group as a whole grew but we also found a new challenge. I guess everyone has really started to properly think about the group. I think we started to think with everyone about what we should do from now on, how we can create a live properly. “

Moriya “That is true. After all the feeling of accomplishing things with all the members is big. For example,  even if there are difficulties that await us… because this summer period was harsh, I wonder if having overcome it with everyone  will become  a source of confidence for us in the future.“

I see. The feeling of "overcame it with everyone”  inside Moriya-san, was it because you obtained something like a feeling of satisfaction for this summer?

Moriya “That’s right. However, at the same time I learned a lot of inadequate and faulty parts. In that respect, there are regrets but I also think that it was a good experience.”

What is the problem and the point of improvement you mentioned earlier?

Oda “There is also the thing about us being active for only 2 years but I also think that we still lack professionalism. Having our emotions influence our performance is definitely not professional and I think that we should not show such parts to the fans. Honestly, during the tour there were such parts that showed and we talked about how that is something that everyone has to change.”

Moriya “In a good way, our performances are sincere. However, as far as professionalism goes, they are lacking.”

Oda “That's a problem right. “

In other words, it means you lacked experience.  

Oda “I also think so.”

Moriya “Because we steadily continued as lacking as we are, our weak parts might have come out. “

I see. You began thinking that you’ll create a proper live, but how did you become able to think like that? There are the problems you mentioned, but I can’t imagine that’s everything.

Oda “After all, everyone loves the world view of Keyakizaka and also the staff thinks of a lot of stages for us and we want to respond to those feelings. We also thought of creating a live that is like us and show that to everyone and we want to make them feel something from it“

Moriya “Recently, I also really felt that everyone became like that.”

Oda “Also regarding the setlist, I thought about various things inside myself and I became able to talk about it with the staff.  We took a lot of time to discuss with the members alone and we were able to reach a mutual consensus. I think because of that we are able to give suggestions.”

Why did the opportunity to talk with everyone increased?

Oda “We intentionally made it like that. Because if we don’t…”

Moriya “If you think that the direction in which everyone is facing is somewhat different, it is better to discuss it.”

All the members shared the fact that they hit a wall in an easy-to-understand way. There was a sense of impending crisis in everybody if you continue the tour as you were right? On the other hand, if it was smooth-sailing, you wouldn’t have done it. 

Oda & Moriya “That's true.”

But this is an opinion from someone who is looking from the outside. I felt that it was a tour that showed Keyakizaka’s Individuality in various aspects. As for the two of you, do you think you were able to show your individuality?

Moriya “If we were told that everything was satisfactory, it is not the case though. But to those who came to see us, it may be the first live of Keyakizaka that they see. . .To put it simply, all members are constantly at about the same level and at about the same spirit, if we were told that at any performance it was achieved.. I feel that there were performances that weren’t. But that is impossible unless everyone in the group thinks the same way and that is why discussion is necessary.”

Did the discussions become better?

Moriya “Everyone is everyone.  I think that we will never be convinced of accepting everything that anyone says… but, those opinions can be placed in the corner of our minds so I think it will become a plus in our substantial discussions.”

Oda "Yes."

Being unable to 100% unify your wills, if you look at it in a different way, I think that everyone has their own love for Keyakizaka and has a strong desire to do so independently. For example, Captain Sugai (Yuuka) said something, if you suppress your own will accordingly, wouldn't it be easier to follow properly? Certainly if you do that it would seem to have been organized as one. That is not the case though, it may be all over the place but I feel that it is important that each one is thinking about Keyakizaka. Don’t you think that each person’s thought is strong? 

Oda “I did think that. So far I had never heard everyone’s thoughts. After listening to each person, I understood that those who did not assert their opinions until now were actually thinking about Keyakizaka too. For example, (Harada) Aoi doesn’t usually say her opinions by herself. She conveys it to Fuyuka and Fuyuka will act as a spokesperson. (laughs) Like, arrange this part for the dance or Keyaki should do this more. It seems that Aoi usually sends these to Fuyuka via Line. I think that is very good. Another is (Watanabe) Risa, really doesn’t… it may be bad to say this but she is cool and before she seems like she doesn’t think that much but Fuyuka wrote it in her blog that she thinks about the group the most. When I learned that she thought about things like this, I came to like her even more.”

Moriya “Yone (Yonetani Nanami) also. She doesn’t usually show it in front of the members but when you talk to her individually she has good opinions and you get stimulated. Another is (Shida) Manaka. She is very kind.  She takes the initiative to give opinions when everyone is stuck.”

4 Life-threatening Songs

You told us that last year's summer you also got the opportunity to discuss and that your unity was enhanced. Well, Summer is that kind of season right?

Moriya “What did we do last year? “

Oda “Drama (TV Tokyo series "Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?")"

Moriya “Wow! I feel like it was already 2 years ago. (laughs)”

Oda “Fuyuka also mentioned that. In the summer, there is definitely going to be some  kind of wall. We have to slam into it. “

Last year and this year, which do you think was the summer of trials?

Oda “This year. This year was more intense.”

Moriya “Right. The first time I saw the schedule for the summer, I said this is definitely impossible, right?”

Oda “You said it. But our stamina gradually followed. “

Moriya “We became tough.”

Speaking of, Hirate (Yurina) san and Fuyuka-san mentioned in radio about the severity of the setlist during "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2017". When I heard they said "Getsuyoubi no Asa Sukato wo Kirareta" was a break, I thought "What kind of setlist is this!"

Oda & Moriya “Ahahaha!”

Honestly, I think the live performances of Keyakizaka is really tiring and there are a lot of things to memorize. 

Moriya “With that said, I had memorized the choreography for the new song before the tour but after the Fuji Q Highland Live (Keyaki Kyouwakoku 2017) at the end of July, I forgot it all at once. Memorizing the choreography of the new song was really… scary.”

Oda “We also didn't have time, right?”

Moriya “I thought, seriously what should I do. Last year was extremely dangerous. Until now, somehow we managed to be on scheduled but this time everyone talked that if we continued like this it would be bad.  That period was really scary.”

In that sense, was the first day of the tour in Kobe the most uneasy?

Moriya “But because it was the first, our feelings were strong. “

On the other hand, you’re going to do it.

Moriya “That’s true. If I try…. I think I remembered it well. Seriously (Bitter laugh)”

Especially for the first 4 songs, I think there is a lot of things to memorize.  I think for this tour the first four songs are crucial. What do you think about the direction of live that starts with those 4 songs?

Oda “A “Let’s do this!” kind of feeling. Kinda like “Watch this!” The drama-like part in between the first 4 songs, the staff that taught us told us, “With these 4 songs, you can absolutely get drawn into the world of the Keyakizaka” That is why we decided that we will definitely do our best in this part. “

Performing while the light sticks are off is an innovation on the lives of idols nowadays. 

Moriya “That is true. Also, the white curtain during “Eccentric”, we rehearsed without using it. When we actually tried it and that scene entered our heads, we got fired up.”

I see. I am simply curious about that. Does everyone only see the white curtain? 

Oda “We could faintly see the fans though. But when we concentrate on the dance, I feel it's basically just completely black before my eyes”

Moriya “We discussed this amongst ourselves. During “Getsuyoubi no Asa, Sukato wo Kirareta”,  when the first curtain falls and we sing “Oh” is the best feeling ever and we can’t help looking smug. (laughs)”

That part was extremely goosebumps-inducing! Instead of being the first song, “Eccentric” felt like the zero song and then “Getsuyoubi no Asa, Sukato wo Kirareta” as the first song. That feeling was so cool. Also, I personally really like the choreography of “Kimi wa Mou Sagasanai”

Moriya “I also love it!”

Isn’t there a stepping before the second chorus? That stepping slowly becomes stronger and farther away. The feeling that your excitement goes up is so cool.

Moriya “That I like that part very much so until the song comes, I work very hard. Then something like “It’s here!!” (laughs)”

I really want to try that choreography. (laughs)

Moriya “Really want to try (laughs). Since rehearsal, we did it really seriously to the point we might have injured our foot. “

Also, this is connected to another impressive choreography “Kataru Nara Mirai wo…”. The first 4 strong songs end, after (Hiragana) Keyakizaka46 come in for the MC, that was a really beautiful flow. For this tour, I really think that the presence of (Hiragana) Keyakizaka46 is also very big.

Moriya “We were really helped by (Hiragana) Keyakizaka46. We started with that kind of worldview and from there they helped to bring excitement into the live. They also helped us many times by connecting the MCs. Especially Hiragana did a National Tour right? It was quite a while since we were together and their experiences really showed. I am not saying this with a condescending attitude but they really grew.”

Oda “Yes yes. They are extremely good at MC.”

Moriya ”It gets so exciting that we gather in the back (laugh). But, we are really grateful for that stimulation.”
I am going to go back to our previous talk. Everyone discussed their opinions each other, but what did you discuss most about during the tour?
Oda “Everyone’s feeling about Keyakizaka, what kind of feelings are encountered during activities. Fuyuka took the lead and said, “If you don’t say it, we won’t know what you are thinking about. I want to properly hear everyone’s opinions.” We talked a lot right?”

Moriya “We did discuss it. But there are still a lot of who can’t speak confidently in front of everyone. “

Oda “The ones who take the initiative during those times are Neru (Nagahama), (Ishimori) Nijika and Yuuka. We know that they really love Keyakizaka, the things they want to improve were really conveyed. That is why we also should really say but… “

Moriya “Oda seems the type to say but unexpectedly she does not say it honestly in front of everyone (laughs). Even though she says it if it's only a few people.”
Oda “I think I am thought of as someone who is always fooling around so if I talk seriously…”

No no. Oda-san’s roots is serious. If a character like Oda-san would speak, I think that there are aspects that really resonate to the heart.

Moriya “Yeah. We talked in the veranda right.”

Oda “We did talk.”

Moriya “Together with Fu-chan (Saito), the 3 of us had a deep conversation. “

What kind of talk was it?

Oda “"It will be bad if we continue as is right"”

Moriya “Regarding Fu-chan and I, we don’t go to University. We have bet everything on Keyaki. In those aspects, we fit very well. It depends on the member, there are those that balances it with school. I think it is inevitable that each one’s way of thinking will change but as for me, I want try to solely focus on Keyaki. It was that kind of talk.”

I see. When I listen to your talk, in the end I think everyone loves Keyakizaka. 

Moriya “That is true. Those who don’t say their opinions in front of many people, when you talk to them, you will know that they really think about Keyakizaka.”

Oda “Because everyone’s love won’t change”

Another thing I thought of is, I don’t mean this in a bad way, I think Keyakizaka is an unstable group. 

Oda “Yes Yes.”

It is also said by everyone that there is an unevenness in the performance during lives, the individuality of the members also varies. I think that there are many unstable parts but that can be seen as something mysterious and beautiful. And, to put it in another way, the composition of Sugai-san as captain  of Keyakizaka extremely shines. I feel like her exquisite sense of security is wrapping the instability.

Oda “Yuuka’s presence is extremely big right?”

Moriya “Yes”

Oda “If Yuuka was not around, we wouldn't have made it up to here. There are a lot of things that we entrust everything to Yuuka. During bad times and times where we fail, I think that she is a person who feels that she is responsible because she is the captain. But including such things, I think only Yuuka can be the captain.. Yuuka is stable, isn’t she? I think she is the No . 1 who can look at Keyakizaka objectively and is someone who can calmly think.”

From Moriya-san’s perspective, how is Sugai-san?

Moriya “In a good way, I think she is a neutralizing presence. Her presence makes the group milder.”

Oda “She’s an adult, right?”

Also, in this tour there was a performance where Hirate-san was absent. I want to ask about how was the situation where Hirate-san was not around. She was gone in the middle of Kobe (performance), she was absent in one of the Nagoya performance. Frankly speaking, what do you think about a Keyakizaka without Hirate-san?

Oda “The size of Hirate’s presence is immeasurable. I think a lot of people know this…”

Moriya “The members also take it seriously.”

Oda “I think that fans have their own members that they support but… even so, I think a live without Hirate is clearly conveyed. We are to told to show that it’s not only Hirate’s group… but… as expected if she’s not there… “

Moriya “Yes. Because Hirate is there, we have a lot of things that we can do.”

Oda “Because (Kanji) Keyakizaka is 21 persons.”

The Truth of Fukyouwaon

The tour is over.  What is the number 1 area that you thought should be trained/improved by Keyakizaka from now?

Moriya “Mental. To be able to do a great performance at any given time. Of course technique is important but there are things that cannot be expressed if you do not feel it. That is why if we don’t strengthen our mental, it would be bad.”

Oda “The next time we will do this kind of tour again, I think everyone should be able to think about how we want to do it and be able to accomplish it with high professionalism. “

We might be returning to the topic at the beginning but, was this tour fun?

Moriya “It was fun.”

Oda  "The time when we are doing the tug of war, we did that very seriously"

Oda Yep (laughs)

By the way, what is being pulled?

Moriya “Clothes. The white uniform we originally wore…”

Ah, that was really the clothes you wore.

Oda “That is true. The white uniform we wore for "Eccentric” gradually became dirty. It’s a production where ultimately we break identity-like things that represent ourselves.  “

Moriya “By “Masshiro na Mono ha Yogoshitaku Naru”, we performed by wearing dirty white clothes.  “

Ahhh, so that’s what it was!

Moriya “The first group pulls it from both ends, the next group breaks it. Then, at the end, we play with the powder. “

That is true. That powder is supposed to be ash? 

Oda “That’s right.”

Moriya ”We became covered in ashes (laughs)”

So there was that intention. Also, your way of ending it with “END” appearing on the screen, on the contrary, it made me expect what will be done in the next live. It was a truly shocking and powerful performance. By the way, after the concert the fans were very excited and were shouting “Boku wa yada!” while matching it with the BGM of “Fukyouwaon” that was playing during the regulated exit. Did everyone hear it? (laughs)

Oda “We heard it, we heard it! (laughs)”

I really know that kind of feeling. You can’t help but shout out of  I think that is Keyakizaka’s live.

Moriya “Fufufu (laughs)”

This is the last question. In summary, is there anything you noticed 

Oda “I… I love everyone in Keyakiza46. I think being able to have fun working is a good thing… I think it is a good thing if everyone can be able to share painful times and fun times. Perhaps I should say the bond of Keyakizaka. Because I think the solidarity can become a big help. I want to use that as an advantage to steadily climb up the slope.”

How about you Moriya-san?

Moriya “It’s difficult… Keyakizaka is already a place of work (laughs)”

That is true. It is a place of work (laughs)

Moriya “There are a lot of things I can do because of being in Keyakizaka46. But having entered, I also met members who I can rely upon as workmates as well in private… Ehhh, I wonder I how should I say this…”

Though Moriya-san mentioned this awhile ago, didn’t you bet your life on Keyakizaka46?

Moriya “Yes.”

Are you glad that it’s with Keyakizaka?

Moriya “I am glad. I think I entered a really great group. (laughs)”

Oda Nana born on June 4, 1998 in Shizuoka Prefecture. During the cavalry battle held in "Keyabingo!", when Suzumoto Miyu became the horseback rider, her excited look while saying "What a nice ass!" got broadcasted. She is the subject of Suzumoto’s strong one-sided love but an allegation that they love each other emerged. Currently, it is under investigation. Her nickname is "Oda Nana" 

Moriya Akane, born on November 12, 1997 in Miyagi Prefecture. Has a passionate soul and a high level of feminity. Keyakizaka46’s warm girl. She achieved her "Life Goal" in the magazine "Anan", a magazine that is heavily supported by girls, when the series development with her admired Nogizaka46’s Etou Misa starts. Her nickname is "Akanen".


Translator ariadne32391
QC toomuchidea, Queenchima
Raw 平手友梨奈 @weibo


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