We will talk about members! (Kosaka Nao x Tomita Suzuka x Watanabe Miho FLASH SPECIAL GLORY BEST 2018 New Year)

2nd gen has freshness as a selling point. They are cheerful, but what kind of people are they? The three of them will introduce them!

There is a lot of interesting characters gathered in 2nd gen!

Please introduce yourselves one by one

Miho “Nao has a cool and quiet image, but when there is only the two of us she has a friendly, little sister like feeling. I was taken aback by that gap”

Suzuka “She’s quiet when all of 2nd gen are gathered, but when we are together she would call me Nobuko”

Nao “Fufufu. I think you need to explain that”

Suzuka “I’m called Nobuko. Because i have the special skill where i can flare my nostrils.  So i was called Nobuho, aka “Nose Black Hair”. But they said that ‘Nobuko is a better nickname’ (laughs)”

Nao “Nobuko is a mood maker. She always said funny things.”

Miho “She is called Paripi(party person) but she’s actually a very serious person”

Nao “Miho is very attentive and a leader”

She has that aura

Suzuka “Yes. Even though she’s busy with work, she is a reliable presence that members can seek advice from.”

Please introduce the other 2nd gen members.

Nao “(Kanemura) Miku is a 3rd year middle schooler like me. She speaks as much as Suzuka”

Suzuka “No, don’t you think Miku speaks a lot more? She’s always talking.”

Miho “There are times when we think Miku is the one that’s more of a party person. (Kawata) Hina is a crybaby. Both in private or at work (laughs)”

Nao “When she’s just a bit anxious, her tears are already flowing.”

Miho “The other day she got caught by the elevator and she cried! She was caught between the doors (laughs)”

Suzuka “Nibu (Akari) is really an airhead. She can study though, so i thought she was a capable person. But usually…”

Miho “She’s quite airheaded”

Suzuka “The other day, Nibu was wearing a heat tech shirt the wrong way around (back to front) and when she went to turn the shirt around she didn’t take it off but just tried to turn it around but when she did the shirt she was wearing on top would turn around as well, So she could never fix the heat tech shirt underneath.”

Nao “(Hamagishi) Hiyori has a little sister character”

Suzuka “She’s the tallest, though.”

Miho “You feel like you want to spoil her, right?”

Suzuka “We often say ‘Cute! I think i’m going to fall in love!’ (laughs). (Matsuda) Konoka looks like a neat and polished girl, but she talks a lot. She has tea-colored eyes, she’s good at dancing, and she’s good at switching between on and off.”

Miho “(Miyata) Manamo is an amazing name!”

Suzuka “Like the name says she has a cute~ personality”

Miho “She doesn’t look like she’s the oldest”

Nao “But sometimes she speaks on the behalf of everyone, right?”

Suzuka “She also has amazing clothes. Wearing cat ears, and a fully beret cap.”

Nao “The 2nd graders are all cheerful and interesting, right?”

Miho “We made a series of funny faces, and making weird movement on purpose.”

Suzuka “Because it’s all just those members, we get along quickly, right?”

Nao “Even now, i miss seeing everyone a little bit”

Suzuka “We talked about wanting to go to Fuji Q as soon as possible. Because it’s a customary with the program.”

Nao “I’m bad with thrill rides…”

Miho “However, in order to promote the 2nd gen more out there, we have to do anything so they would remember each of our names, we must make the chance.”

Nao “That’s right. We do have a goal to make us known more!”


Raw Cnya_ @weibo
Translator toomuchidea
QC Varianth


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