Ourselves those days, and ourselves now (BRODY February 2018, Kobayashi Yui x Imaizumi Yui)

What do we and the fans want to hear the most now? And, what is the most necessary to Yuichanzu now?

 The answer that comes out when we think of it is "a dialogue between the two in a space devoid of anybody".

 From now on, we’ll have them talk in a situation where no one else is around. Not even the managers. In that kind of situation, a dialogue between the two might naturally be something people would never hear. However, the fact that this is being delivered to the world, is because it’s definitely for the sake of Yuichanzu. Thus, we’ll post it here.

 Imaizumi Yui and Kobayashi Yui, how would they "resonate" in a space where only the two of them are alone?


Imaizumi "It really is only the two of us here~ (laughs)"

Kobayashi "Seriously!”

Imaizumi "What should we do?"

Kobayashi "It's so embarrassing (laughs)."


Kobayashi "What are you thinking about right now?"

Imaizumi "Right now? I don't know what to do. I don't know how the members think of me. I can't even ask them. At this rate, I feel like I'm going to disappear. But I know this can't go on forever."

Kobayashi "You feel that the members don't know what kind of situation you're in right now?"

Imaizumi  “Uh huh. Recently i talked to Fuuchan and Yuuka-chan and was like "I'm in this situation right now. I’d appreciate it if you can relay it (to everyone)". But it won't work if i don't say it myself.”

Kobayashi "I told Yukka as well. My opinion. Through Yukka. But I can't say it. I'm scared."

Imaizumi "I really can't say it. I'm worried about what everyone would think of me."

Kobayashi "Same here."

Imaizumi "Also I have no idea what kind of situation Keyaki is in now. Is it in perfect form, or quite the opposite. I don't know."

Kobayashi "Last summer was really tough. After the tour ended, reaching a point where we could take a rest... Everyone understood. Everyone knew what they had to do."

Imaizumi "Uh huh."

Kobayashi "We knew, but we couldn't take it into action."

Imaizumi "I... I don't know anything about what happened last summer, so I can't share anything with everyone. So it feels like... I feel a distance between me and everyone like the gap between the top and bottom of a staircase. It's always been like this. It's not getting closer except with you. There's always been a distance."

Kobayashi "I don't know what everyone wants to do. As for me, I'm waiting for someone to tell me how she thinks."

Imaizumi "I really think it's important to go back to the spirit when we started."

Kobayashi "Yeah. I think so."

Imaizumi "Like when we practiced for Music Station, or Kouhaku. We were so frantic back then, right."

Kobayashi "Yeah. The atmosphere during the "Saimajo" days was really good."

Imaizumi "Yeah. Every song has been good, but everything always go back to "Saimajo". I really want to go back to those days."

Kobayashi "I feel like I've changed... somehow... yes."

Imaizumi "Yeah."

Kobayashi "At first, we accepted everything, didn't we? Of course I did too. And as time passes, we thought it was so pathetic. So now we became the cool idols, right? But after all... right?"

Imaizumi "With "Saimajo", we had the impression of idols who don't smile. And then, in "SekaAi" we smiled, right? Then in "Saison" we still smiled, right?"

Kobayashi "Uh huh."

Imaizumi "Then in "Fukyouwaon" we didn’t smile, right? It's like we smile and then we don’t, I couldn't keep up with it. It's like, do we smile or not? But usually, everyone is always smiling, so when people say that we are idols who don't smile... I just couldn't keep up with it."

Kobayashi "Yeah."

Imaizumi "... As Yuichanzu, do you have something you want to do?"

Kobayashi "I want to perform in a music show."

Imaizumi "Me too!"

Kobayashi "Or like "FNS Music Festival" as Yuichanzu~!"

Imaizumi "That'd be cool~!"

Kobayashi "But isn't it embarrassing to be called "Yuichanzu!" in a music show? (laughs)"

Imaizumi "It is embarrassing!"

Kobayashi "Everyone would be like "Who?" (laughs)"

Imaizumi "But the first time we showed up at Yoyogi..."

Kobayashi "That was horrible (laughs). It's expected that everyone would be like "What is it?" right? They didn’t even say "from Keyakizaka46"."

Imaizumi "I think people were like "I didn't come here to see Yuichanzu". But in our right, there were some people holding "Yuichanzu" fan."

Kobayashi "Yeah! I saw them!"

Imaizumi "Oh and, I want to do the recording after we practice it properly. 'Cause after every time, I always felt a little regretful."

Kobayashi "I want to do it with ease. For example, we got a song now. And we release it like at the end of 2018. I want to take a year to release it."

Imaizumi "Yeah. Or at least half a year. I want that much time. I don't want to worry about a time limit. I prefer we say “OK!” at our own timing."

Kobayashi "Yeah, I want to do it. It's good sometime to do something like that, yeah. I want to take a year to do it! (to the tape recorder in a loud voice)"

Imaizumi "I want to take a year to do it! (to the tape recorder in a loud voice)"

Yuichanzu (happily laughs)


Raw toomuchidea
Translation Ameto-kun
QC toomuchidea, Tofu & Seri


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