Wishing (Uemura Rina BRODY August 2018)

Like a white flower dyed red, Keyakizaka46 evolved as an idol to a direction different from the existing ones. And in that process, both beauty and cruelty existed. Uemura Rina is also a supporter of that revolution. She want to make a more beautiful flower. That wish of her dwelled in her eyes.

What is the goal in 2018 that everyone set up at the beginning of the year?

Uemura: I was surprised when it was decided that Silent Majority will become our debut song, but i think that i’m now used to our characteristics. Recently, i think that it becomes hard for me to laugh while performing a performance. When performing something that’s strained our muscle, wouldn’t you make a look matching the feeling?

I see (laughs). At the 2nd year anniversary live from the other day, i think at the part of a song where you are it’s hard to perform has been transmitted from your facial expressions. In this live, various members has acted as Centers on behalf of Hirate (Yurina)-san, what kind of things did you feel on the stage?

Uemura: We have a lot of choreography that cannot be done without a Center, so i think that having a Center is important in terms of conveying the performance to the people who came to see us. When i saw the members who become Center are struggling, once again i realize that Techi never complained, she never showed her hardship, it must be difficult for her.

Certainly, i have never seen Hirate-san complaining about it.

Uemura: Perhaps, she feels that there is other member who want to become a center too, so if Hirate shows hardship as the Center, that member will change her mind about becoming one. I think that Techi is really mindful of everyone.

When i’m reading blogs, i think that Uemura-san trusts Hirate-san from the bottom of your heart.

Uemura: Because i think that Keyakizaka46 won’t be able to come this far without Techi, and also because i know how she usually like. Even before this, when i was overwhelmed by motion sickness in the bus, Techi brought me some water to drink. I thought that she really is a kind person who watches the people around her. Moreover, she is not selfish, she’s humble, and there is a part of her that do what needs to be done, i think those are the reasons why we follow Techi.

That means you care about her that much.

Uemura: But, at first, at the beginning, i used to think “It’s always Techi that got shot…” while i’m the opposite of it in MVs. But recently, my way of thinking has changed to “When one person stands out in MV it becomes more united”.

So Uemura-san’s way of thinking has changed from “I want you to shot me” to “I want you to show the image of Keyakizaka46”, right? What do you think of “Keyakizaka46 with 21 members”, whether it was the one you yourselves said or the one said by the people around you?

Uemura: Indeed, when one person is absent the decrease in number stands out, and for ourselves, the dressing room feels quiet and lonely. But, i think it’s bad if our feelings dropped just because one member is missing, and have it affecting our performance. That’s why i feel like it’s better if we are not bound by that words.

It’s a sign that you are bounded with a strong bond, but it’s also something hard to overcome. It has been nearly half a year, but how do you want to spend the rest of the year as a whole?

Uemura: When members gathered in January this year, we set a goal together. The goal is that “To appear in all the lives and events we appeared in last year”. I think that there is a part of us that feel like we are being tested on the first time. If we are called once again, that means we managed to leave some marks behind.

That’s a good thing to make sure of each other’s feelings. It seems that you usually actively held a discussion between members.

Uemura: There is quite a lot of discussions. However, there are still people who can’t say their own opinions in front of everyone, so we want to overcome that part, and hope to do our best with everyone.


Raw: toomuchidea
Translation: toomuchidea
QC: hunter934


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