Thank you. Yone-san (b.l.t January 2019)
Yonemin who, with her bright smile, wrapped the group in her warmth.
I will tell you my gratitude now. Thank you-----

There is a lot of things I’d like to hear, but on the other hand, does Yonetani-san have anything that you want to say?
“Hmm~ As usual, I’m not good at talking about myself (laughs). I think I’m better at listening to someone.”
Well then, I will ask about your graduation. In blt graph vol 30, back in March, I actually sensed that Yonetani-san seemed to be lost. Has your feelings been shaken since that time?
“Yes, I had various things in mind. Before I entered university, I think that my expectations and worry were pretty evenly divided. I thought about, “What should I do if I didn’t fit in?” but when I started to attend, I actually had more interest than I expected and slowly started to enjoy studying”
Do you have a different feeling when you study at school and when you are active as a member of Keyaki?
“Perhaps unexpectedly (laughs). I thought that it was busy and hard during high school. The “high school” in my mind is “Monday to Friday”, from morning until 6PM. But in university, your schedule is adjusted according to the course and you can focus on the subject that you like, so it’s completely different. Of course, I still have to take national language, etc. and I have to get credits, but in comparison major courses have bigger credits and more than anything else, it’s usually from lectures and practical classes so it’s really fun.”
So your feeling of wanting to learn more became stronger?
“I do have that sort of feeling. Also, if i have to take an absence from the practical class, I can’t retake the class again. It will be hard for me to catch up with those who have already taken the class. Under such circumstances, it will be hard for me to balance it with Keyaki activity. I wondered what should i do, as i hate to do both half-heartedly and after worrying about various things… I came to the decision to graduate from the group”
Did Imaizumi-san’s decision to graduate greatly influenced you?
“Hm… Actually, we decided about the same time. When I talked to the staff, they told me that there is a chance that I’ll be faster than Imaizumi. There was that possibility. But… In neither a bad nor in a good way, because I love, cherish and want to protect the “21”ness of the group, there was a great pressure in knowing that I might be the one to break it. I was wondering whether I should participate in the National Tour (2018) or not. Eventually I participated and managed to do activities until the end of the year. As a result, Zuumin’s (Imaizumi) graduation came first. But… I feel sorry thinking that the the break up of “21” falls on Imaizumi. Zuumin will stay in entertainment business while I won’t, so if it was on me, maybe Zuumin wouldn’t have to carry that extra weight. Even now I still think about it.”
Recently, l had the opportunity to talk with Imaizumi-san before and after her graduation. But when she returned from her hiatus last autumn, she told me about how when she was alone, Yonetani-san casually came next to her. She told me that she was happy about how kind Yonetani-san was.
“I’m happy to know that Zumiko felt happy from that (laughs)”
Quoting what she said, “I want to try going out for a meal with Yonetani!”
“Ah, a while ago, the two of us went out for a meal! We always talked about wanting to go out together, but I participated in the tour while Zuumin was busy with “Koi no Tsuki” drama shoot so our schedules weren’t able to match. Then it was like, when we were able to finally realize that, autumn has come (laughs)”
She also told me that she wanted the two of you to go out as a pair and do something together.
“Ever since she was still in the group, she talked about it, maybe a radio work or something. She said “Let's do something together, okay?”. It's something that's also still left inside of me”
Listening to how Yonetani-san and Imaizumi-san supported each other, I remembered what Suzumoto Miyu-san said before. “Because Keyaki is a group where each members are supporting each other, if one goes missing then the chain might be broken, and it is scary”
“I understand that. That’s why there was always a feeling that I can’t leave the group, and caused me to worry for a long time”
Have you thought about it since last year?
“I started feeling lost since Fukyouwaon. Somehow I just started feeling ‘What should i do?’. But that time, the only place i belonged to was Keyaki. High school wasn’t very fun, I was in a situation where the only future I see was getting accepted in a university, so there was no choice but to balance both studying and my activity as a Keyaki. There was also a time where I froze in place. But when I found another place for me in the university, I thought “Maybe this place is better for me”. I thought that it’s time for me to make a decision, and i was able to properly face myself.”
And so you, by yourself, made a decision for Yonetani Nanami's life.
“But…. Once I decided my graduation and after it was announced in my blog, there was a feeling of sorry left within me.”
The closing sentence of your graduation blog was “I’m sorry that I am like this”
“Yes, but I was serious about it. I’m not sure if there is any good way of saying it but i felt like i’m an irresponsible person for graduating in such situation. But I have something else that i want to do, that’s why there’s always a conflict inside of me. And so before I made the announcement in my blog, during recording Keyakake (Keyaki tte kakenai?), i talked with Tsuchida-san and Sawabe-san, just the 3 of us. That time, I cried for the first time. When I told the members before, for some reason my tears didn’t come out. But the two of them told me straightforwardly “We are glad that you entered Keyaki”. It felt like something that was stuck inside of me was released. And since then, I felt at ease. Turns out the two of them has seen through me. They told me that they already had a feeling about it even though nobody else in the group noticed, excluding the members I consulted my graduation with. They told me that I wasn’t so cheerful in previous recordings, and guessed that there might be something going on. Knowing that there are adults around me who properly watch over me, I felt thankful and relieved… that my tears started to flow out (laughs)”
Tsuchida-san and Sawabe-san are watching over Keyaki members like a parent.
“They are watching over us like a homeroom teacher. It’s like how they will stay in the same place and send off their students as they go out and start their journeys”
Ah, that’s right… Then, is the member Yonetani-san consulted graduation with Nagasawa Nanako?
“I only consulted with Naako (Nagawasa). But before i told the rest of the members, I told Shiichan (Sato Shiori) and (Shida) Manaka in advance. Ah, and (Harada) Aoi too. I thought that we won’t be able to meet because of the timing. Aoi always been studying hard for her exam, I feel bad for surprising her at such a timing, so I apologized “Sorry for disturbing you at such time” and told her.”
And how did she responded to it?
“It was similar to (Koike) Minami’s respond. Minami only said “You can’t!” but Aoi was more straightforward by saying “I don’t want you to!” (laughs). “I want Yone to be there when i return”, but then she said “But I shouldn’t say something like this, right?”. Of course I want to wait for Aotan (Harada), but then it will cross over the year.”
So that’s how Harada-san responded. What about the older sister-like Sato-san?
“Shiichan…. She only said “... Okay”, she showed understanding of my decision. The difficult part is finding a timing to tell the rest of the members. It was during the busy time to prepare for Republic of Keyaki 2018 and National Tour. Since it will be their last summer performance with me, i didn’t want to add necessary burden to weigh their mind. So I thought that i will tell them after the National Tour, but then there’s recording for TV programs, and we were invited to Inazuma Rock Fes, and we were as busy as ever with work. I was actually thinking of quickly telling Suzumoto and Hirate (Yurina) about it, but a timing to do so didn’t appear. Because the two of them are sensitive, and the type that shows their emotion at the time, I couldn’t tell them before a live performance or a recording of a TV program. Because there was no chance to tell them individually, I told them together with everyone. I think it was just slightly before Inazuma Rock Fes.”
How did the members responded that time?
“I told them straightforwardly (laughs) That’s why everyone gave an “Eh” like reaction. But if someone wants to talk more deeply about it with me, i planned to talk and discuss with that person 1 on 1. I told them that, and (Nagahama) Neru came to me, and we talked a lot that day. Thinking about it, i think Neru might be the one who received the most shock.”
The other time, Nagahama said that “Yone is super kind”, but she is too, a kind person… I have the impression that all 21 members of Keyakizaka46 are kind. I’m thinking of asking Yonetani-san about those members, what do you think?
“Eh~ I wonder if i can say much about it?”
Well then, let’s start from Ishimori Nijika…
“Nijika is… Since, i wonder when, but one day i started to get the impression that she has become very mature. Her way of thinking, the way she behaves… She is kind not only to me, but also the rest of the members. I’m very thankful for that. Back then, she was a person who straightforwardly shows her emotion, and it scared me a bit (laughs). So i think that there might have been trigger that brought about this change of heart. I think that change becomes a plus point for the group and when i see Nijika who changed in that way, i thought ‘That’s nice’.”
I get the impression that Ishimori-san’s “For the group” is getting stronger by the year, rather for her own self. Then let’s continue with Imaizumi Yui.
“I started becoming able to speak a lot with Zumi after her return from hiatus. Instead it feels like we barely spoke before her hiatus (laughs). How to say this, but I am a person who becomes unable to speak when in a large group of people so I am only able to talk in depth when it’s a person to person. And after her return from hiatus, there was a lot of time when Zumi is alone… And for me, there’s a lot of time when I’m alone too, so i thought “why not try speaking with her” so I reached out to her. And we just started speaking casually. Then we started to talk a lot, our relationship became where even if there is nothing to talk about we would still go and speak to each other. And the fact that both Zumi and I missed Republic of Keyaki 2017 plays a big role. Everyone said that “Republic was the best!” but we didn’t appear there… The truth is, there was a thought in my mind where i thought “Am I even needed?”. Of course, being absent in Republic was my own choice, and i don’t regret it, but there was the sadness that I wasn’t able to experience what the members said was “the best”, and the only one who can sympathize with that feeling was Zumi, and she saved me. I will continue to support Zumi too from now on. She is a very strong girl. I believe that she will make her solo career a success.”
That’s wonderful. What about Uemura Rina-san?
“I also feel that Rina has matured so much compared to before. Though it’s strange for me to say since I’m the younger one (laughs). But ever since we shared the front together in Fukyouwaon, I thought that she has changed. Actually, i was a little bit scared of her in those days. Somewhat like there is a feeling of a tensed atmosphere. But recently i don’t feel that way. Also… I got the impression that she come to like dancing to cool-ish dance. Compared to before, i feel like she has come to stop saying “I’d rather do cute songs~”.”
I’d like to ask about that area as well. Well then, what about Ozeki Rika?
“Oze (Ozeki) is the type of person where even if i don’t say anything, she could sense that something is going on and would send a LINE about it. Even if i say “Ah, i’m doing fine”, she would say “If something is going on, you can LINE me about it”, she is a person who easily worries. (Suddenly remembered something) That’s right! During the National Tour, she suddenly came to me and said “Yone, don’t quit”. I was like “Eh!?” and was very panicked about it. That time the only members who know that i’m graduating is only Naako and Shiichan. So i asked Shiichan on what to do and Shiichan only said “I didn’t tell anyone~”. Though that time I told Ozeki “I won’t”.... But, the time when we did School Of Lock together had become a fun memory.”
That radio was certainly fun. Then next is… Oda Nana-san.
“Dani (Oda) is an unexpectedly cool person, a person who keeps a reasonable distance at all times. Everyone sticks close to her, but Dani is not the type of person who sticks close to someone else. I am also not that type of person, so that sense of distance and form of relationship is very comfortable. But at a time of necessity, she would speak about it. She is basically a passive person, but because she has a strange ability to tolerate, everyone comes to Dani. And then Dani, me… and Naako as well, as “Nanachanzu” is really unforgettable… Our photoshoot and activity, every single one of them was all fun.”
I think that we can be proud that Nanachanzu’s first photoshoot was featured in B.L.T. Next is Koike Minami-san but… It seemed that the two of you got into a big fight?
“More than a fight… We didn’t talk for about half a year after Tokudare. We greet each other, but it doesn’t feel like we had a conversation.”
What happened?
“I don’t really remember anymore, but there was something that bothered me during the drama shoot, i thought “If this goes on it could become a fight”, so i started to distance myself from her. Then Minami ask “Why did you distance yourself from me?”. But if i told her, a fight might break out, so i thought to wait until it resolved itself. But Minami was curious about it… And she wanted to talk about it. So when i talked about the detailed reason and circumstances… A fight indeed broke out (laughs)”
Was it as if you were strangers?
“Ah, it’s not like that. When i explain why i distanced myself from her, it broke into a fight. When I explained the reason why I put distance between us, it became the cause as to why we fought, don’t you think so? I don’t like to argue, so i thought that if i distanced myself from her for a while it will resolve itself eventually. But because we talked in that situation, I got scolded by Minami. We kept a distance for about half a year, but before we knew it, we have returned to normal. Now we laughed about it (laughs)”
When all is said and done, adversity strengthens the foundation . Next is… Kobayashi Yui, who is the same age as you.
“Yuipon (Kobayashi) is a very stoic person. This is just my opinion, but before the live like during rehearsals, she is the type that worries about various kind of things, or that’s how i see her (laughs). Saying things like “I can’t hear the click sound*, so please raise the (volume of the in-ear) monitor”, or “It’s slippery here and someone might fall down, so i hope that you can change the choreo”. Yuipon is always stoic when doing Keyaki activity, when i ask “If i increase the click sound in mine, will I be able to hear everyone’s voice?” and she quickly gave me a response. That time I thought that she is really a dependable person, and I’m thankful to her. She is always stoic ever since she entered Keyaki, it feels like it is steadily increasing. But it feels like Yuipon’s cool atmosphere has slowly warmed down, and being together with her is comfortable.”
It might be because she is similar to Yonetani-san. Then next, is Saito Fuyuka.
“Fuuchan (Saito) is one of our consistent dancer since the beginning. Without being discouraged, she is an amazing person who doesn’t change much. Everyone has a wave inside them, right? Like, “I don’t feel like doing it today” or “I don’t feel like working hard today”. But Fuuchan never feels like that, and always does her best. And one time we had a lesson that lasted 4~5 days, but she continues to maintain her feel. I think that Keyaki has been supported by Fuuchan, a person who thinks more about the group than herself.”
As expected, Fuyuka-san = Dance. Next is Sato Shiori-san. Is she a dependable older sister figure for Yonetani-san?
“There was a lot of time where I shared a hotel room with Shiichan during the National Tour. We streamed SHOWROOM together around last year, and we are pretty much always like that. The time we are together at the hotel is at night, so our tension is little bit higher than that (laughs)”
Sato-san is actually a younger sister, and Yonetani-san is an older sister, so what is the relationship between you two like?
“We asked each other for advice a lot. I’m the kind of person that is unable to speak about my own self so it’s great to have someone come to me to talk about something. Because i think that the people who come and ask for my advice are people who trust me, like it’s okay for them to talk about themselves. We talked a lot about ourselves that is in the group. Like “Right now i’m feeling this way, what about Shiichan?”.”
I think that’s a wonderful relationship to have. Next is Shida Manaka-san. I heard from Shida-san that the two of you have went to eat yakiniku together many times.
“I went out to grab a meal with Mona (Shida) from time to time. Going out with Mona is not like going out together with a fellow girl. When we went to the yakiniku place we will talk, but basically it was like “Eat ramen then go home”. We are literally just go out to eat (laughs). And she’s also the type to suddenly say “Hey, let’s go grab some ramen”. I don’t hate that kind of invitation, so i’ll say “Sure”. I like that proper amount of distance.”
I feel like I can see a trend. Next is Sugai Yuuka, the captain.
“For me, since a long time ago, Yuuka (Sugai) is a mature person. Even after doing her job as a captain, that side does not change. When I watch Yuuka attending press conference on behalf of the group, not once do I feel worry. She is always dependable and speaks with reassuring words. I think with each group there are different types and roles of being a captain but I think that Yuuka did her role as Keyakizaka46 captain with 100% effort”
There is a sense of comfort in knowing that she is the spokesperson. Next is Suzumoto Miyu-san. She has a strong image of a dancer.
“Mon-chan (Suzumoto) is a very sensitive person. But I think that because she is sensitive, she is able to understand what I feel. But because of that too, she is easily hurt… She is not the kind of person who speaks out, but because she thinks about the group and the members a lot, i can trust her a lot as well. Moreover, she is an honest person. When she is unable to agree to what i say, she would definitely say “I think that’s wrong”, and when we can sympathize with each other she would say “I understand” or “I also think the same”. I think it’s cool how she doesn’t tell a lie.”
Because she rarely speaks, her words carry a weight. Next is Nagasawa Nanako-san, did she become someone who can understand you the most?
“When i first consulted Naako about my graduation, she said “Stay a little longer (in Keyaki)”, “You can still do your best”. Hearing that gave me quite a shock. Naako is a person who accept everything in general, so i was surprised to know that she’s stopping me. After that for a few days, she sends me a LINE to stop me, and it shook my heart a little. But, after my graduation has been decided, she showed her understanding. But, sometimes a call will suddenly come from Naako. Like just before i’m heading to bed, “Hey, although it’s midnight let's eat some sweets,” she said, to which I replied “I ain’t going!” (laughs). She looks like she's fooling around, but on a day when I was feeling so down, I went to see the sunset by the river and Naako called me. Hearing her ask “Where are you? Are you okay?” made me really happy. She is someone who properly sees you when it’s the most needed.”
So she is not just an eccentric person. Next is Nagahama Neru-san.
“Neru is… surprisingly, a person that gets lonely easily. She looks firm and able to do anything and looks like she can live by herself. But I think that she is the kind of person that can work even harder when the people she can trust is next to her. And… Neru, Naako, and I saw the “Neru Map” that the people in Nagasaki made, it’s very interesting. Reading it makes me want to go to Nagasaki. I look forward to the day Neru can show me around Nagasaki.”
Imagining that makes me emotional! Let’s proceed into the next one, Habu Mizuho-san.
“Habu-chan is a healing kind of person. But, maybe within in this one year? Don’t you think she has become more aggressive? Like in Keyakake. But she said that it’s because she regularly works in radio. I think it’s wonderful that while being involved in such work, her gentle personality does not change. I also love her usual attitude that makes me relaxed.”
Habu-san beauty is also being polished. Next is Harada Aoi.
“Around the time Aotan took her hiatus, we happened to meet at the office. We have a conversation that goes “Let’s chat a lot in LINE” “Yup, let's” but we don’t do that at all. So I’ll send her one after a while (laughs). I touched the topic before, but I told her of my graduation by phone. Once Aoi’s path is decided and things has calmed down for her, i want to meet her and talk to her about it.”
Please do! Next is Hirate Yurina-san. She have stayed in your home before, didn’t she?
“Hirate… I want us to be normal friends. Like, she is often seen as someone special, right? But she herself is just a normal girl her age. And for me, among the other members, she is a person with whom i have the strongest friendship with. When she came to my place, the two of us were exhausted after playing in USJ, so we fell asleep pretty quickly (laughs). But that time, we didn’t talk about work or Keyaki at all. We really were just two normal high school friends going out together. When we came back, Techi (Hirate) sends me a LINE saying she wants to make this an annual event. I’m glad that we can have a normal relationship like that. I want us to be friends who go to USJ once a year.”
That’s an unexpected relationship. Next is Moriya Akane-san.
“Akane is… This is just my opinion, but she is someone who is bad at expressing what she feels. Good or bad, she will frankly say what she want to say, so there are parts of her that is easily misunderstood. But in the other hand, there are times where what she want to say is properly said, but she gets impatient. If she changes her way she says it, i think she can convey what she’s trying to say better. But I also like that part of Akane. It feels like I just said something very selfish (laughs)”
Not at all, I feel like I can understand it somehow. Then, what about Watanabe Rika?
“I have never seen Pe-chan (Watanabe) getting angry or irritated. For 3 years without fail, she has continued to heal me. In a good way, she is a person who doesn’t change at all. She is also the only person who since a long time ago calls me “Yonemin”. That made me really happy. The other members call me “Yone” (laughs). Well, that's also because we have close relationship.”
Yes, I think so. And the last member… is Watanabe Risa-san.
“Me and Risa appearing in a radio together recently was very memorable. We have never really interacted that way before. More than what I expected, our conversation connected smoothly that I was a surprised as well. If my partner was Naako, I know what sort of “topic” we will talk about. But with Risa, I wondered if I will be able to speak well, especially since it’s a radio… But we were able to speak well in a good tempo. I wondered if it’s because we had become adults.”
The model job Risa-san is working in might be a big influence. Next is the 21st person. What about Yonetani Nanami?
“Eh! I… There’s nothing special about me.”
I think that the fact that Yonetani Nanami’s voice won’t be included in future Keyaki songs is actually a big blow.
“To hear you say something like that makes me happy. But Dani’s singing voice will still be there (laughs). Because I am unable to sing in a higher range and it doesn’t match the pitch of the song. I may have caused inconveniences to the members. But I originally have a low voice tone which makes it easy for me to sing Keyaki songs and I am grateful for it.”
I am here speaking to represent everyone. Thank you for becoming a member of Keyakizaka46. Well then, what sort of group do you want Keyakizaka46 to become to?
“As long as the members are happily having fun, that is enough for me.”
One more thing. What sort of person do you want to become?
“A person that is not influenced by her surrounding or position. I, too, want to become a wonderful person in the future, like the people I have met in the past 3 years.”
Raw: weibo
Translator: toomuchidea
QC: Ariadne32391