New members! The First Contact with 9 members (Keyakizaka46 2nd gen, MARQUEE vol. 131)

The 2nd generation Kanji Keyakizaka46 members who started their activity with Omitatekai in Budokan on 10th December last year. The 9 members who joined the only Sakamichi group who have never had new members until now is Inoue Rina, Takemoto Yui, Fujiyoshi Karin, and Yamasaki Ten from Kansai; Seki Yumiko, Matsuda Rina, and Morita Hikaru from Kyushu; and Matsudaira Riko from Tokyo. It is interesting how there are more members who come from West as compared to the two other groups’ members who passed the audition. This time the 9 members are gathered, and while exploring their respective characters, we will also talk about Keyakizaka46, their current feelings, and who is their oshimen among the seniors. Keyakizaka46’s 2nd gen individuality is beyond what you imagined!

So many members who come from the West

Everyone except Matsudaira who is from Tokyo is from Kansai and Kyushu. What did you think when you passed the audition and have to move to Tokyo?

Yamasaki: All i think about was the audition, so i didn’t think about that, but i have no problem with moving out, rather i wanted to. Moving out has always been my dream (laughs).

Inoue: Because i am graduating from high school this February, i felt like there i no problem in going to Tokyo either to attend university or to work.

What about Matsuda-san, who was already employed in a bank?

Matsuda: There are times where the audition will be held in Tokyo, but i thought that i will never reach that point of audition, and even if i do, i got work to do and won’t be able to go. But when i thought that i would always work in a company, and live the rest of my life here, I might regret it. I am happy that i could be in a situation where i can move out to Tokyo.

Is there is anyone else who always wanted to leave hometown?

Takemoto: (raised her hand) My parents wanted me to go to a university and to get a job in my hometown, but the thought of living in the same place forever doesn’t excite me, so i longed for it (leaving hometown).

Everyone here are people who applied for Sakamichi Joint Audition, but is there is anyone here who thought about wanting to become a member even if this audition did not happen?

Seki: (raised her hand) I originally like Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46. I’m a 2nd year university student so i talked about the future with my friends. That time i said “Truth is, i always wanted to be an idol”. Then my friends said “Do it then”, and i said “Guess i should try to apply for the next audition”, the next day the Joint Audition was announced.

Everyone: Eeeh----!?

It’s an incredible timing. And everyone else felt like they are applying for the Joint Audition? (Everyone nod except Seki)

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Inoue Rina ver

Last December there was Omitatekai held in Budokan, and then someone people are already given the chance to appear for a TV performance. I thought that with the change of the year, everyone’s way of thinking could change too, so please tell us about what you currently feel about entering Keyakizaka46 and what you’d like to do in the future.

Inoue: After the end of omitatekai, we are shown the footage taken from the event, i felt that i have no character or individuality, i thought about whether people will remember my face and name more if i show more of my character. But the more i look for that character the more i wondered what is my character actually is, even now i still doesn’t know (laughs). So i’d like to find it. Also because i’m an idol, so of course there will be singing and dancing, handshake events and live performances, but i hope that in the future i could give drama and stage play that i always admire a chance.

Have you admire the entertainment age since a young age?

Inoue: I always liked idols since i was in elementary school, but i also have big admiration for stage play. The first idol that i like was AKB, because of Atsuko Maeda who-- despite being an idol-- could also be an actress and do all sort of things, i thought that idols are amazing. Idols can do variety of things, and for me that is what i admire.

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Seki Yumiko ver

Seki: Until now i always avoid exercise and moving my body because i don’t really like it, so i’d like to improve my dancing so i will not pull everyone’s legs. When i was in Fukuoka i went to a model school, and that is the only thing i could be confident of right now, so my goal is that i want to make use of it.

Experiencing to be on stage during the Omitatekai, is there a difference between being a model and being an idol?

Seki: I think the me who becomes part of the group isn't me who should watch her surroundings. “Right now is the time to go out, right now is the time to pull back” I have to think about these things so I think that is the difference.

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Takemoto Yui ver

Takemoto: I got plenty of chances to perform with the seniors for end of the year TV performances, since they are seniors who i always admire it makes me very happy but there is also a pressure greater than i could imagine, and the situation where i lost confidence in myself continues. So by working hard together with the seniors, i’d like to pursue my own performance and improve it further.

What did you feel when it was suddenly decided that you will participate in the TV performance?

Takemoto: It never really sunk in to me. When i got home and watch the recording, i performed it recklessly so it felt like that i was not there performing. On the day of the performance i just gave it my all, and even if the camera came close i didn’t know where to look. That time i only thought of not to standing out in a bad way. But as i did several performances, i was able to improve by reviewing the video at home and thought about moving my leg like this or my hand this way, and it makes me want to study dance more.

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Tamura Hono ver

Tamura: I was given the chance to perform with my seniors as well, and at that time once again i realize the greatness of Keyakizaka46. Learning how the performance i loved to watch on TV was made, my love for Keyakizaka46 and the 1st gen grew even more.

Did your seniors gave you any sort of advice?

Tamura: I think they did but that time i was really frantic (laughs). But they really reached out to me. The first time was during the “Utacon”, before the performance i have the negative image of keep saying “Sorry”, worrying about what to do if i made a mistake, or “I’m sorry to intrude here” (laughs). Until then we never really have the opportunity to talk with the 1st gen, so i couldn’t help but to feel like we are disturbing them. But before the performance many of them said “Let’s do our best”, my feelings changed from “Sorry” to “I have to work hard.”

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Fujiyoshi Karin ver

Fujiyoshi: I originally auditioned because there is nothing that i’d like to do with my life, there was nothing that i’d like to do in the future, i never done anything before and i came so far here. I just happened to see the audition ad while browsing, and since i was someone who auditioned with the feeling of “Let’s give it a try”, i wondered if it’s okay for me to be here.

Do you still feel that now?

Fujiyoshi: (nods) Everyone are cute and good at dancing, Karin doesn’t have anything special.

But you was the center of Saimajo that was performed in Omitatekai.

Fujiyoshi: That was a fluke.

(laughs) What kind of things did you think of when standing on that stage?

Fujiyoshi: I thought about how amazing my seniors are.

That’s a very objective impression.

Fujiyoshi: I don’t really have memory of it (laughs). My only memory of when i was dancing is that it was very nerve-wrecking, and that i’m gonna die after it’s all over. All i remembered from the Omitatekai was the handshake event. It was fun.

You seemed like someone who is not very similar with idols, but what is your impression of handshake event? Are you surprised by it?

Fujiyoshi: It’s amazing (laughs). It’s powerful (Everyone laughs).

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Matsuda Rina ver

Matsuda: Even now, I still can’t believe that I’m part of Keyakizaka46. Even when I see myself being in the official site, it feels strange. I kinda think, “Ah, I’m there”  (laughs) During the time I performed with my senpais, when we were told “a few of you will perform”, I thought that I really wanted to perform but when I was selected I couldn’t actually feel it. I was supposed to be really happy but it didn’t come to a feeling  where I was like “I did it!” or “Uwaaah”. When we performed together, I was really frantic. I watched the recently recorded “Utacon” I thought the dance was really nauseating (laughs) Doing that together with the senpais,  I felt sorry. Moreover, I made a big mistake. But having able to appear a lot in TV and have these experiences pile up, Takemoto Yui also said this a while ago, lately I’ve also come to think that it would have been cooler if I had done it like this. Like I’ve come to be able to do this kind of choreography, this hand was able to be on time, I have come to think more about my performances. But with I do the actual performance, because of nervousness,  I feel it becomes not much. (laughs)

It seems like you are able to do it by your own but when you do were unable to match it with others?

Matsuda: Yes. It seems I am able to catch up or perhaps I should say that even though I thought I could, I become unable to do it.

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Matsudaira Riko ver

Matsudaira: I made a big failure during Budokan. The moment I went up on the pop-up stage, I realized then that I had become an idol. It became a feeling of “Ah, I’m in trouble!” (everyone laughs) When I saw the Joint Audition CM during summer, I thought I really worked hard from August to December and the tears would come flowing out. Everyone comforted me so much. I’m someone who doesn’t have any confidence so next time I am able to stand in Budokan, I want to stand on stage with confidence projecting from my face.

So when you went out through the pop-up Stage and saw the full audience, it was the first time you were able to accept the reality that you became an idol?

Matsudaira: Ah, when they launched us on stage (using a platform) during practice (everyone laughing hard)

So it wasn’t during the actual performance and the audience hasn’t entered as well.
Matsudaira: When I saw that scenery, I thought “Ah, I’m in trouble!” and it made me flinch.

What is it that you don’t have confidence in about yourself?

Matsudaira: I am not able to do a genuine smile. I am not able to create a cute self.

It’s because you entered Keyakizaka46 and came to think about a lot of things?

Matsudaira: Yes. Before that, I felt I was more 'Happy!'. I don’t know the reason I passed you know. I’m told that I’m a character. It was different at the start but now I’m slowly being told that I’m a character (everyone laughs)

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Morita Hikaru ver

Hikaru: I am originally a shy person, and at school festival or recital i am the person who worked behind the scene. In Budokan, each of us have to show our skills, i wondered about what i should do. Then i also thought how skills such as writing will be important and started reading book and such. I never done dancing or singing before, so i always followed the lessons with the best i could, but everyone is tall. Like for example, if Seki Yumiko-chan would bend down and even if i stretch the best i could we would still be the same height (laughs). There is that feeling, so i wondered how can i match with everyone, how do i make myself look bigger when we lined up together, those things was hard to think about for a performance.

But in Budokan you played wadaiko and drums, so you have a special skill.

Hikaru: Seki Yumiko-chan also came from Fukuoka, and as for drum Riko can play it too, so there is a lot of overlap with the other members. Moreover, by the name order they will be called before me, so i thought that i must find something different. My experience with drum was in the first year of high school, where i joined the Light Music club for only a month (laughs).

Eh--! Only one month?

Hikaru: Yes. I played around (with the drum) for half a year before i entered the club, then i thought that i should enter and tried it out, but i quickly went home and decided to quit (everyone laughs). But even after that though, i still play around with it.

“From now on, Keyakizaka46!” Yamasaki Ten ver

Yamasaki: Within myself, I don’t know what will be ahead for Keyakizaka46. Not being able to see what will happen far off into the future, doesn’t that happen a lot right? That is why I thought a lot about it. The future. It’s really uncertain. Doesn’t the number of people increase with the 2nd gen coming in? But Keyakizaka has a strong image of 21 members. There’s a lot of things to look forward to but there’s also things to worry about…

You’re worried about not being able to see what’s ahead within yourself?

Yamasaki: Well even if  you read into it, it’s not interesting so I thought that doesn’t matter. I think that’s probably the reason how this great group was made. I think it’s because you do not know what will happen so you cannot take your eyes away from it.

Because there’s a part that you are unable to understand, on the contrary, you get charmed by it?

Yamasaki: Yes that’s right. Originally, I didn’t have any interest in idols. I got shown by my friend the music video for Keyakizaka’s “Silent Majority”. My first impression was I thought they were scary. I was still a 5th year elementary student at that time so lyrics with a deep meaning seemed scary to me. That is why from then I had a scary image to them so I could not listen to them. “Fukyouwaon” was also scary. But “Kaze ni Fukaretemo”, I came to feel their charms and I also came to to know the charms of “Fukyouwaon” and came to love it. That is why during the audition, I didn’t like how it was a joint audition (laughs). If I were to say my true feelings, I wanted to apply for a Kanji Keyakizaka audition only.

What do you think about being the youngest?

Yamasaki: Hmm I don’t really feel like that. On the contrary, Tamura Hono is more…

Tamura: Ahahaha

Yamasaki: Child-like. Of course, I mean it in a good way. I think it’s one of the great charming points of Hono.

Being able to point that out to Tamura san who is older than you, it’s like a proof that you are able to communicate (laughs)

Introducing Others

Well then, just like the talk right now. I want to know how well you know each other currently so starting from Inoue san, can you introduce the person to your right?

Everyone: Uwaaa (laughs)

Inoue: When it was still not decided which group we are going to be, Yumi-chan (Seki) radiates this unreachable presence, it feels like she is a “Yumiko-sama” for me (everyone laughs). She’s pretty, have long legs, and just simply perfect. But when we are in the same group, she is surprisingly easy to talk with, Ten (Yamasaki) was told that she is reliable a lot, but among the older group Yumi-chan is seen as the older sister presence. I was not chosen to join the music program performances, and i understood that it is best if i-- who is not good at dancing-- is not chosen, but i realized that it’s bad if i didn’t get this experience so i consulted it to Yumi-chan. She then gave it a positive perspective and told me that we will work hard and since then for Rina she becomes someone i can consult with.

Seki: Because Yui-chan (Takemoto) is right after me in the name order, there is a lot of time where we share a hotel room. Once i was sharing a room with Yui-chan and one other girl in a room where it should have only have 2 beds. One more bed was added later and it became a 3-person room.

Takemoto: Ah--! I remember that!

Seki: After that we talked about “So which bed do you want to sleep in?” and we ended up doing janken, and the other girl who won took one of the normal bed, and i won the second one but i feel sorry for her (Takemoto) so i picked the extra bed, and Yui-chan should be using the other normal bed. Then at night my phone ran out of battery, but there is no outlet in the extra bed’s place. Then she said “You can charge it over here” and i thought that she is a very kind girl (laughs). Since we both are in the Local Group during dance, i get to see Yui-chan, she is good at dancing and kind, and thought about how she is a girl with a lot of good aspects. The two of us love Kanji Keyaki, and have went to handshake event before so we get to talk about those too, i am glad that the two of us could join our dream group.

Takemoto: There are a lot of times when i am together with Hono-chan, the first time i saw her i thought “Uwa~ she’s so cute!” and how older sister like she is. And then she’s actually a person who is easy and quick to laugh.

Tamura: Kyahahaha

Takemoto: But that what makes it fun to be with her. She really showed how much she like idols, she have the image of looking of a picture or watching a video while going “Ah so cute, so adorable”. For me, I feel like we have the same mental age (They actually have 4 years difference), but when we are together i can’t help but to think that she really is an older sister. That’s why we talked that i am the older sister-like one between us

Tamura: I am still unable to read Karin-chan (Fujiyoshi). We doesn’t talk with each other until our group was decided. But our position are next to each other during the dance lesson, Hono in the front and Karin behind me. So during the practice she is always behind me, and i thought if she is the kind of girl that doesn’t want to go out front, and thought that that is cute. Karin-chan sang the “Egao ga nigate (I’m bad at smiling)” song from Totoro, but actually her smile is real cute, if she smiled from something i did i quickly thought “Hooray!”. That’s why i hope the fans can make her smile a lot too.

Fujiyoshi: (Looks at Matsuda) She is very kind and have an older sister feeling, the two of us was also chosen to join in the music program performances twice. During the first one, before the performance she came over and ask “Are you okay?”. At the time of song recording and such, when Karin panics she quickly came and support me. Before we are assigned to Keyaki the two of us has already went out to play together too, so i was happy to learn that we will be in the same group. She feels like an older sister that looks after you.

So you have interacted already prior to joining Keyaki. What happened that made you two become friends?

Fujiyoshi: Um… (Whispered to Matsuda for advice) Ah, because we often share hotel room. (Everyone laughs)

Matsuda: Riko have interesting remarks, and that is who she originally is, she have a very strong individuality i don’t think i can win over it. In the questionnaire there was a “Who do you think is the most fashionable?”, and everyone was discussing about who it could be, then Riko said “Hey~ Pick me” (Everyone laughs). Riko have a good style, small face and big eyes and looks cute, but she is a person that doesn’t have confidence. But during photoshoots she was never far from a mirror so i thought that maybe she does have one (laughs). I think that how different she is from other people will be her strength in this (entertainment) world, i think that she have both interesting and cute character.

Matsudaira: Um, i don’t really have many friends. Because everyone other than me are from local prefectures when we met for the first time, it broke down my mental (Everyone burst out laughing). And among them Hikaru-chan (Morita) is the one i haven’t talked with the most. But she have a beautiful skin, so yesterday i asked her via LINE “What product do you use?”, and yesterday we became close. She looks cute no matter from where and which angle do you see her, i thought that’s amazing and i admire her for it. From now on i hope that she can teach me about beauty.

Morita: At first i thought that Tenten is older than me, but during the SHOWROOM audition she said that she’s a 1st year middle school student, that time she was 12? Like going to Tokyo by riding shinkansen by herself when she’s 12, she have fashion sense too, i thought that she’s amazing since i wouldn’t be able to do the same when i was her age. She is good at dancing and have mature remarks, so i was like “So she really is older than me?” (laughs). I thought that she doesn't really act like a 12 year old.

Yamasaki: I’m 13 years old now.

Morita: Ah, yes, i thought that she’s not acting like a 13 year old. But when she’s goofing around with other members, it does feel like she’s a middle schooler (laughs). As a member of the same Keyakizaka46, i can watch her growth, it feels like being one of the fans, but i am looking forward to see what she becomes when she is 20 years old.

Yamasaki: (Looks at Inoue) She was the first person i talked with during the final audition, since we are seated next to each other. At first i thought that she is a very calm girl. Neat, quiet, and delicate. Quickly i thought that she’s an older sister like person. Then she sang Aimyon-san’s song, and there my impression of her slightly changed. I thought “Oh so she’s the kind of person who sing this kind of song”. The point is, she is a very interesting girl that makes everyone laugh. She said it herself how everyone laughed at what she think is interesting, even if she only said something normal. I want her to know that that’s okay (Everyone laughs) She is an interesting girl with a long neck.

Inoue: I’m not sure if i’m being praised or being made fun of.

Yamasaki: Eh, but this is the time where we praise each other? (laughs) But i also think that you paid attention to your surrounding. Rina (Matsuda) is also like that. She has watches her surroundings and her vision is wide. I think how proper she is, is a part of her charm.

Who is your Keyakizaka46 oshimen, and the reason why

I see. Then, before there are already some of you who have talked about your feelings to Keyakizaka46, now lastly please tell us each of your Keyakizaka46 oshimen.

Inoue: I am a Watanabe Risa-san oshi. She is my oshimen long before i entered the group. Her cool expression when she models or dance makes me go “Uwaa~”, but during something like variety she turned super cute and i could see her cheerfulness it makes me go “Why is she so cute!” (laughs) We haven’t properly talk yet, but i really admire her.

Seki: My oshimen is Watanabe Rika-san. I also went to handshake meetings and live performances before i entered the group.

I heard that you have already been recognized by Rika-san before you entered Keyakizaka46.

Seki: The first time i went to handshake event i got 18 tickets with me (laughs). I thought that maybe she remembered me from all that. Rika-san was 20 years old when she became an idol, that time i was in 2nd year of high school and thought “Ah~ So she became an idol when she was 20 huh”. But she normally does idol activities, her modelling activities, and now she will be in a stage play. Isn't she working without getting beaten by her age?  I admire that aspect, so i was curious, i thought “What will happen if i enter Keyaki when i’m also 20?”, so i'm glad.

Takemoto: For me it’s Sato Shiori-san. I also went to handshake event and such, i love how beautiful her smile is and the warm overflowing kindness that she radiates. Whenever our eyes met, she would smile at me, and despite having an older sister like feeling her way of laughing is also cute, i really love her.

Tamura: I’m a Hako-oshi but leaning towards Watanabe Rika-san. Everyone is cute, i was really troubled when i’m about to buy oshimen towel. I love everyone’s characters, during lessons or live i always look at them and my heart would skip a beat. But when i’m about to buy my oshimen towel, i decided to choose and buy Watanabe Rika-san. I love how cute her visual is when she models.

Fujiyoshi: It’s Ozeki-san for me. When we appeared on music program, she is positioned next to me, at that time she was so kind it surprised me. During the audition, i watch “Keyaki tte, kakenai?” video, Ozeki-san’s innocent feel left a strong impression, i thought “So she’s that sort of person”. Then, she have a strong older sister feeling and kind, i thought “Uwa~ She’s kind”. Personally, i want to talk with her.

The two of you doesn’t talk during the music program?

Fujiyoshi: We did, but since i was nervous and shaken, i didn’t say a lot, so i want to talk more with her.

Matsuda: I’m a Hako-oshi but leaning towards Hirate Yurina-san. When we first met i couldn’t believe that she’s standing in front of me in flesh. She is very good at dancing and singing, she can show a cool expression when it’s time to be cool, and be cute when it’s time to be cute, her presence is very fascinating and it attracted me. We haven’t talk yet, so it’d be great if one day we could.

Matsudaira: Um-- Is it okay to answer 2?

Of course.

Matsudaira: For me it’s Watanabe Rika-san and Habu Mizuho-san, but i only fell for Habu-san just yesterday.

So she becomes your oshimen since yesterday. Yesterday you became friends with Morita-san too (laughs)

Matsudaira: Even thought it was the first time we met, i asked “Please take a picture with me”, then we exchanged LINE contact, she’s a very kind person. Yesterday too, i pulled “Great Luck” [Omikuji] (Everyone laughs) Then i thought that this must be Habu-san’s “great luck”, i thought that i used it up already.

Morita: I’m a Kobayashi Yui-san oshi, but originally i liked Imaizumi Yui-san and Yuichanzu. But Imaizumi-san is graduating, so now i become a Kobayashi Yui-san oshi. She is good at dancing, singing, acting, how she shows her expression and also good style, because i thought that she is an “All Mighty” person, if i were to reborn then i’d like to be someone like Kobayashi Yui-san, i think that she is the ideal image of “a woman you can admire”.

Yamasaki: It’s Hirate Yurina-san. More than admiring her…It's like I’d like to learn about her more. That was when i still a fan. But now, there are probably many things that i want to learn from her, so i think it's a different feeling compared to “an oshi”. When you sing, there are words in the lyrics, right? But i personally think it’s amazing how Hirate-san expressed something that doesn’t have words, I wondered if the place where the thing inside Hirate-san could explode is on the stage. I think that her intention is conveyed. I think that Hirate-sa’s expression power helps to make what is already a good lyric and songs from Keyakizaka46 shines even more. We haven’t talked yet. So i really want to talk with her. Everytime i see it, her expression changed, and i wondered if she is the kind of person who showed powerful performance when on stage, but there are also times when she switched and become very cute. This is just my personal image, but before Hirate-san entered Keyakizaka46, she originally didn't have such experiences before, and after she entered Keyakizaka46 amidst the many different activity she had, she was able to absorb many things, so i’d like to be some like her (laughs). So i thought that i want to learn a lot from her. Also when i was a fan, i also like Suzumoto Miyu-san very much. When she reacted to something, she doesn’t let out a voice but it is already expressed through her expression, usually she looks cool but she is cute when she laughs, and looking at her love for Oda Nana-san i think that she genuinely likes her. I think that people who have such feelings are quite charming and i think that's good.

That’s quite perceptive of you. Well then, thank you very much. I look forward to your future success. It’s taking quite some time, but thanks for the good work.

Everyone: Thank you very much.


Translated by tmi & ariadne32391
Raw @ weibo


  1. Thank you guys for translating stuff about Keyaki.

    I just have a bit of suggestion, would you mind fixing, at least, the grammatical structure of the translations?
    I know most of you wouldn't totally mind it but, wouldn't it be more appealing to read if the contexts are properly structuralized?

    1. Hi! Thanks for the suggestion, but we are not a doing this as a hobby and translating the actual content it self is already so much work. So I hope that you won't mind getting this sort of quality from us


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