Session 01 (Watanabe Risa x Tamura Hono B.L.T September 2019)

For Keyakizaka46, the word of “21 member” has become their identity. Something that strengthens their unity. Fans have surely seen the beauty of “bond”, and thus made the girls into legends.

New members have been added into Keyakizaka46. The story that has seen several farewells is certainly not tied to the locks of the past. This is the present and the future of Keyakizaka46. This is the new tone of Keyakizaka46.

During the photoshoot, Tamura-san did a shocking confession to Risa-san, saying "I like you!"

Hono "I'm the type that can't speak to the person I like. I love Risa-san before I even entered Keyaki. My feeling is too strong, but if I tell her she might think that it's too much and distance herself from me, so I never said it. But since there is an opportunity today, I thought "Okay, Let's say it!"

Risa "I thought that she's really cute. She doesn't feel like someone of the same age, more of a little sister."

Hono "The other 2nd generation members said it too. Like "Can't see that you are as old as Risa-san"

Risa "I get that feeling of being the same age from Seki Yumiko-chan, but like, Hono-chan has the cuteness of a baby (laughs)."

Speaking of which, what makes you attracted to Risa-san?

Hono "First, I love her visual. She has a small face, and everything about her is cute. During lesson, seeing her from behind I would think "Wow, Risa-san has a good style…", I've pretty much always thought that she's so pretty. 2nd generation members talk about it too, about how we admire Risa-san's style."

You pour it out all at once (laughs)

Hono “There’s still more… I also like Risa-san's cute voice. I also like seeing her happily play with the other 1st generation members. When she’s with Oda (Nana)-san and she does something, I would think, "Ah, so cute~"

Risa "Eh, is that so? (laughs). Have you ever spoken with Dani (Oda)?"

Hono "We haven’t properly spoken yet (*At the time of the interview). I’m not the type that start a conversation…”

Risa “I’m also bad at starting a conversation, so at first the two of us kept to yourselves right? (laughs). But slowly, we started to be able to chat.”

Hono “I admire Risa-san too much. I was not able to speak to her until today. I told the manager that today I’m going to ask her to take a picture with me. The other 2nd generation members also supported me, saying “Do your best to speak to her~”.’

Did the two of you talk during the 3rd Anniversary Live?

Risa“I talked with the 2nd generation members who are positioned close to me, but only that. The members who went on the pair location shoot in Keyakake became close with each other, so I thought that maybe it would have been different if I had gotten to go too.

But Hono-chan is as old as I am, so I thought that I’d like to speak with her. But the time when we are together is limited to moments like rehearsal for a live performance and Keyakake recording. I thought about how great it will be if there is some opportunity to reduce the distance between us, so I was happy when heard about this photoshoot.”

Well, since this is a great opportunity, please ask what you want to ask (laughs).

Hono "Eh… What do you do on your day off?"

Risa “Hm, I wonder… Going out to shop, going to the cinema, if not probably cleaning my room.”

Hono "I don't really go out. I  am always busy with my club so I spent my days off relaxing in my home."

Risa  "Ah, volleyball club! I want to see you going all out. I want to see you exchanging spikes with Akanen (Moriya Akane) (laughs)."

Hono "Eh~ Please no~!"

Risa "I guess so (laughs). But, I'd love to have the two of us to go out for a meal together."

Hono “!!!! (Eyes opens wide)”

Risa “I think that is the fastest way to make us better friends, more than anything.”

Hono “Eh, to think of you going out for a meal with someone like me. I feel like I'm troubling you, I feel sorry…”

Risa “There’s no need to hold back like that. It doesn’t matter when we entered the group, you're very much welcomed here so it's okay”

Because Tamura-san is seeing her as a fan, you have high respect for her?

Hono "Performance wise too, of course, but before that I love her as a person. That’s why hearing how she wants to go out for a meal with me makes me really happy…”

Risa “Ah, what food do you like?”

Hono “Ah, I’m fine with anything. What about you, Risa-san?”

Risa “Maybe something with a lot of meat. Also, Korean food, and if it's Winter then it’s hotpot. If we have the time, I’d like us to go. I want us to have same age relationship like the one I have with Dani, (Koike) Minami, or (Nagahama) Neru. So I will be happy if you can stop holding back and start reaching out. It’s really okay, so don’t worry.”

Hono “... (Moved to tears)  Let’s go out a lot from now on.”

Risa “Geez, just call me Risa.”

Hono “Eh, I still can’t… Risa-san is Risa-san. But, it makes me happy. 1st generation members are warm and very welcoming, but 2nd generation members thinks too much and we hold back. This also frustrates us.”

Let’s blow away that frustration this summer (laughs) . Is there is anything you’d like to do this summer?

Risa “If I get the time I’d like to go on a trip… But we have the tour, and we are also invited to festivals so I’d like to show a good performance.”

Hono “I think that what 1st gen members have built in the past 3 years is connected to the tour and festivals, so we’d like to work hard so that people will be glad that 2nd gens entered the group.”

Risa “I’m really glad that 2nd gen members entered the group. I think it’d be great if we can liven up the group regardless of our generation. I also think that it’s easier to do our activities if the distance between us is short and so that they will rely on me more I’d like to reach out to them first.”

Hono “Yes, I think I will stop holding back as well. That’s why I'd like to go out for a meal with Risa-san! (laughs)”

Risa “Okay, what do you want to eat?”

Hono “I’ll be okay with anything that Risa-san like. But first, can we take a picture together?”

Risa "Sure, sure~ Let’s take one~ (laughs)”


Translated by toomuchidea
QC by ariadne32391
Special thanks to Varianth
Raw @ weibo


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