Hirate Yurina Interview from NYLON JAPAN October 2019

The Center of Keyakizaka46’s debut single, “Silent Majority” was a 14 year old girl by the name of Hirate Yurina. Since then she have stood on the stage with overwhelming presence and charisma, and have captivate people regardless of their age, gender, or even nation. This is an interview to explore her “present”, as a 18 years old who have been active for about 4 years since their debut.

First of all, can you tell me your impression of today’s shoot?

Hirate: It was fun. Every shot feel fresh, though it’s the same to all other photoshoot I’ve been. I got to wear a neutral colored checkered boyish jacket and white mini skirt that I would never pick to wear. That “out of usual” is fun. Today I am surrounded by the staffs I often work with. I could trust them, and it made me feel relaxed and able to stand in front of the camera.

Your expression in front of the camera is impressive. Depending on the outfit you wear, you could look mature or looking like a baby face. When performing, you embrace the song and express its atmosphere. Hirate-san is described as “possession” type that could change expression depending on the song, but do you feel that you switch according to the atmosphere of the outfit you wear?

Hirate: My tension certainly changes with the outfit and makeup. I’m never conscious of it, so I don’t really know. So maybe I just switched without realizing it myself.

In today’s photoshoot, Hirate-san also shows that smile of yours. Maybe it’s because your Cool image is too strong, so it feels like we are able to show a side that you rarely show.

Hirate: Maybe, yeah. But… I can also smile, you know? (laughs). If there is something funny, then I would smile, and in today’s photoshoot I have smiled for many times. Today, I was chatting with a staff and laughed so much I fell on my knees. My stomach hurts from it… (laughs).

Please tell us what makes you smile.

Hirate: Eh, I wonder what? I think there’s a lot. Like for example, the familiar staffs. I am a shy person. The more I interact with a person, the more I will feel more loose around them. Just by speaking with them, I already had fun and laughed from it. Also, I like to watch MVs or videos. I am the type of person that can’t really sleep at night.

I heard a rumor that you don’t get much sleep, just about as many as Akimoto Yasushi did (laughs)

Hirate: Yeah, I am (laughs). It’s fun to use the time when I can’t sleep to browse for MVs and videos on my smartphone. I also like the sleepless time I use to speak with various people about how interesting or how good something is.

There’s a lot of fun time that brings smile to your face.

Hirate: Yeah. There are times when I think “Today is a good day” in my daily life. Like for example, as soon as I sent a LINE message it was already read, and I could say what I want to say right away… The days where I can meet the people I want to meet also makes me happy… There are also time when I am soothed by cute things. One of it is my otter shaped pouch, that have recently become my favourite. I put things I frequently use, such as lipstick and eye drops, inside of it. I brought it to today’s photoshoot, and it quickly become popular. Wherever I bring it to, everyone won’t stop speaking about how cute it is, I can’t help but to feel a little jealous of it.

Do you think fashion can convey “smile” too? You often appear wearing uniform, so I am very curious about what clothes Hirate-san usually wear.

Hirate: Maybe it’s because I often wear clothes with collars, I grew fond of it. In today’s shoot, I wear knee length skirts with patterned tops.

In today’s photoshoot, you were wearing a lot of autumn - winter clothes. What do you feel about autumn fashion?

Hirate: My feeling… Recently, there is a lot of lesson, so t-shirt and jerseys are all I wear. I still don’t know much about autumn and winter fashion (laughs).

Hahahaha!! (laughs). I want to know about Hirate-san’s true self, so I asked questions with the keyword “smile”. But I can’t really see your private self (laughs).

Hirate: Fufufu. “I can’t really see your private self” is a word I often hear from people. But I’m just a normal girl, normal. There are times when I went out alone to shop, or drinking drinks that are currently popular with high school girls my age. The only difference may be the time I spent thinking about the group and the members. I started thinking about it unconsciously… Oh yeah, the other day, I was told that I am a Fortune Teller.

Eeh!? A Fortune Teller!?

Hirate: Maybe not “Fortune Teller” but like an “Oracle”? When I pay attention to someone’s way of speaking, the way their eyes move, their hand gestures… I can see “Oh so they are thinking about this” or “Oh, there are feeling this way”. And it appears that my guess is often right.

Isn’t it tiring to concentrate on observing a person to get a read on what they are thinking or feeling?

Hirate: Yeah, sometimes it’s tiring. But there are times when it become a plus. Both in a good and bad way.

Even when you are away from job, you are always thinking about the group and the members… The reason why we couldn’t see your private self is perhaps because you have little private time.

Hirate: I wonder if that’s so? But I also enjoy the time I spent alone. Listening to music, watching movies. I don’t have a particular favourite movie genre. I enjoy popular movies, that are interesting, non-genre movies, like for example Academy Award winner “Green Book”.

Could it be that they also lead to your ideas for Keyakizaka46 performances and creating new work?

Hirate: Yes, that’s right.

In the end, your self enjoyment also leads to work.

Hirate: Ah, you’re right (laughs).

Hirate-san’s heart and mind is mostly filled with Keyakizaka46, and that really shows. But do you ever feel tired?

Hirate: Yes, there are. But I always thought that it couldn’t be helped, though there are times where it feel stifling. And I… still doesn’t know how to handle that feeling. When I find one, something may change a little… It’s tough.

We only see a small glimpse of your private self, but I’d like to ask about Hirate-san’s “present time as a 18 years old”. Speaking of which, how did you celebrate your birthday on 25th June?

Hirate: Um, the staffs brought out a cake with “Happy Birthday!” written on it. After that, I played a game with everyone.

What is your image of a 18 years old?

Hirate: Eh, I wonder what?... That I can get driving license?

Are you planning on getting one?

Hirate: Not at the moment. But I’d like to take get one. (The staffs around could be heard saying “Scary~!”) Eh, why? Scary? I feel confident about it.

When it comes real, what do you want to drive and to what place do you like to take a drive to?

Hirate: Eh~ What a romantic question (laughs). I like the time I spent inside a car, and most of the time I spent it while listening to music. I want to enjoy my time the same way. Rather than going together with someone else, I think it’s more possible that I will go on a solo trip.

18 years old is also the age of someone graduating from high school, and some people count it as their milestone in life. Did Hirate-san feel something special about it?

Hirate: No, not at all. I don’t feel anything like that. The truth is, I still don’t feel like a 18 years old. If anything, it feel like my age stopped at the age of 14. The people around me may say that “Something has changed”, but I myself can’t feel it.

And what do you mean by “stopped at the age of 14”?

Hirate: For example… Liking pranks?

In today’s photoshoot, you spank a female staff’s butt, right? (laughs)

Hirate: Ah, I don’t think that can be qualified as a “prank”. Even now, I like to surprise and delight people. There was a time where I presented a 2m tall bear doll to a staff for their birthday. It was vacuumed when I hand it over, and when it’s release the doll grew big. The staff’s reaction at the time was very good. I’m really happy to be able to witness that moment (laughs). I like to think about these.

By the way, you said that “I don’t feel that I have changed”, I’d like to know what you feel haven’t changed.

Hirate: Eh, I wonder what? Hmm… I don’t really know it myself. What do people think of me? (Asking the staffs around, they said “She never tell a lie, that never change”). Ah, that could be it. I never tell a lie, or rather, I can’t lie. I always say everything truthfully. It’s not that I do it consciously, I always be honest (laughs). That’s one example with my personality, hmmm, I really do think that there’s a lot of me that doesn’t change.

Including “I cannot think of the future, I cannot imagine it. To give my hardest day by day”?

Hirate: Ah, yes. Even now it’s like that. I treat everything in front of me with “One day” “One time”. I always challenge things with the feeling “It’s okay if this will be my very last”.

Do you oppose in you standing at the Center position of Keyakizaka46?

Hirate: I feel that all the time, even now.

But something have surely changed. Why don’t you give it a thought?

Hirate: Eh, I wonder what?... My height? (laughs). I think my height grew about 5 cm, and it could still grow. And then… Ah, I can drink ice tea with just one gomme syrup! I always added 2 in the past, but now I only need one. Maybe I have become adult in that part (laughs). It makes me so happy that I sent a LINE to Akimoto-san about it and he replied “Lol Lol” “But you still cannot drink black coffee”. I hope I can be an adult who can drink coffee without adding milk into it.

What word would you choose to introduce yourself to NYLON readers?

Hirate: Eh, that’s a tough question. Image wise… I guess “A difficult child”?

Your overwhelming presence and expression is shown on stage and MV. In addition, you have also put out your own idea in creating something, concert production included and become someone who could lead the group… I think that many people have an artistic image of you.

Hirate: Ah, but it’s not that difficult. I don’t push my own opinion like “Everything!” need to come from me, but it’s more often decided by listening to everyone’s opinion. While having a session with the people around me, it always start with “I have this kind of thinking, what do you think?”

That’s true, today’s photoshoot begin after you discuss with the photographer.

Hirate: Yes. We talk about what feeling should I go with, with what tension should I stand in front of the camera… The photographer for today is someone I know well already*. He said, “Not deciding on anything is more like you. Don’t try too hard”... It’s hard to introduce myself, because I don’t know anything about myself. I can’t see it.

*T/N: I believe it’s the same person who always shot Keyakizaka CD cover, and Techi’s part in group PB

Okay, then I’ll be the one asking you questions. Are you a bright person, or a gloomy one?

Hirate: Eh, I wonder?... There are times when I am bright, there are times when I’m gloomy, so both.

Are you quick tempered, or are you forgiving?

Hirate: I think I rarely get angry. Eh, what do you think? (Asking the staffs, someone said “She spent more time thinking about the group and members than her own self. So I think that she have a big heart”). It seems that my heart is not so small (laughs).

Are you a kind person, or are you not?

Hirate: Um… I can’t say “I am kind”.

Are you a crybaby, or not?

Hirate: This is “both” too. There are times when I suddenly broke crying, there are also times when I’m not. I don’t really know it myself. Hmm... This question is difficult to answer!

Sorry for troubling you (laughs). By the way “I don’t know it myself” means that “I don’t know it yet, there are me that I haven’t met yet”. Do you have a recent happening where you figure out a new part of yourself that surprise you?

Hirate: I wonder what… Ah, there’s one. How I worked hard for ice bath.

Eh, ice bath?

Hirate: After a concert, I would take a dip in ice water. I hurt my body a bit when I put out power to a certain extent. To care for it, my trainer told me to enter the ice bath. I thought that it would be impossible for me, but I did my best and soak in for 20 minutes. I surprisingly able to handle that. I guess that is the new part of me I met recently (laughs).

Every question I ask did not flow as properly as expected. As she give her frank answer, she speaks in her own way. When you don’t understand, you would say so. When you couldn’t find an answer, you would say so. I was impressed by your honest appearance. At the same time, I could also see your 18 years old girl self. Just like the photoshoot, in the interview too I feel that I am able to touch various aspects of Hirate-san. And what I strongly felt is that Hirate Yurina still continue to evolve. For that reason, I ask Hirate-san, “What do you feel right now?”. I am curious of you answer.

Hirate: I feel that this is the time to take new steps, or so I thought. Like this is the time to work hard. Like, “I can’t stop here”. If I can show more of the new me… That’s what I think right now.

Speaking of which, what is your current dream?

Hirate: I don’t have one. I never had a goal or dream… And because of that, I am often ask “What is your motivation?”. I like to try new things. The things that I want to try and challenge, it feels that they are connected to the things that are in front of me right now. And it feel that it will be connected in the future.

The are many readers of NYLON who treasure their own opinion, as they carry their own dream and chase after what they like.

Hirate: I think that it’s nice to have a dream. I don’t have one, so I don’t even think that this is something correct…

But there are also people who couldn’t find their own dream. I think that there are people who are feeling troubled for not having a dream, while everyone else does.

Hirate: I understand that. I really do.

I think that for those people, Hirate-san’s word of “I don’t have a dream” have become a word of support to them.

Hirate: If that really so, then it makes me happy. I don’t have any dream, and it feel that I am just living day by day… But, I am here. It’s a nice thing to have a dream, but not having it doesn’t mean that it’s something bad too. There may be various pressure from your surrounding, but I hope that you can proceed in your own way. Hm, yeah, I want to tell them that.


Translation: toomuchidea
Raw @weibo


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