"What's In" Interview regarding the Documentary Movie (Koike Minami, Harada Aoi, Sugai Yuuka, Moriya Akane, Kobayashi Yui, Watanabe Risa)

What does their first documentary tell about them? Asking the 6 members

Keyakizaka46’s documentary movie “Our Lies and Truth: Documentary of Keyakizaka46”. From going around CD stores before debut, nervously showing an awkward smile to their first One Man Live, their first appearance in Kouhaku Uta Gassen, their first National Tour, and then the Tokyo Dome performance that they arrived at after three and a half years, behind the scenes of the postponed 9th single, until the sudden withdrawal of Hirate Yurina who has centered all singles. Now as the group heads toward the 4th anniversary of their debut on 6th April 2020, how do they perceive the meaning of releasing the first documentary of the group? We interviewed six members who are also interviewed in the movie.


Please tell me what you feel when you heard that you are getting your first documentary movie.

Moriya  We barely show how we are behind the scene, I feel worried about how people are going to think of it, but it’d be great if by watching this movie they could think “I’m glad I like Keyakizaka”

Koike  I do think that behind the scenes there are things that are unsightly, so I feel a little bit worried. I don’t know how the fans will receive it, but this is what Keyakizaka is until now, the present Keyakizaka, so I hope that they can see everything and come to like us even more.

Kobayashi  Until now, we barely show the fans our behind the scenes, even though they’re watching it to see us, I’m nervous about what they’ll see. I think that there will be things that they didn’t know until now, or things that they will learn about, it’d be great if this could become a work where people could learn about it and renew their spirit to support us.

Sugai  Camera has been recording us all the time until now. I also feel nervous that things that have never been shown are finally coming out. I think that Keyakizaka in particular is a group that did not show their behind the scene, and I thought that maybe that is why we might be misunderstood. I hope that it can be overturned, in a good way. I too, by watching this documentary movie, think that I came to realize again what I have done in the group. I’d be happy if this could become a work that could reassure those who watch it, and make them want to continue supporting us.

Watanabe   I was really happy to hear that we are getting a documentary movie. I think that there are many things that we couldn’t show to fans, that we didn’t show, that they still don't know about, so I’d be happy if it could be transmitted through this movie. And I think that there are many misunderstandings, so it’d be great if people could know us better through this movie.

Harada  I’m very happy that we are getting a documentary movie, and it’s something to be grateful of, but indeed so many things have happened in the past 4 years. Each person has a different way of thinking, so even if they are watching the same thing, I think that they will have a different feeling about it. I feel scared and worried about it, but I hope that through this movie they could feel closer to Keyakizaka, and I’d be glad if fans could think that they are glad to support us.

It has truly become a work packed with your history, from the time of your formation to the present. Four and half years have passed since your formation, but what events do you feel were a turning point?

Moriya  Every single moment is big for us. It’s difficult to narrow down to “these are our turning points”, but in terms of the strength of MV or songs, I think that the timing of when we released “Fukyouwaon” was big. It’s a song that has a lot of impact, and in terms of public awareness, I think that it’s the song that people know us for next to “Silent Majority”.

It was released in your 2nd year of debut, in April 2017 as your 4th single. In the movie, Moriya-san talked about how you “are no longer able to communicate” with Hirate-san.

Sugai  That’s right. Immediately after “Republic of Keyaki 2017” in summer that year, Hirate started saying that she couldn’t perform as she wanted. It was a very memorable live, but since then was the time where I had no idea what to do as a group.

Harada  In our second summer, from “Republic of Keyaki 2017” to our first National Tour was… Until then various things have happened, but the instability came out in the open. Everyone began to discuss a lot about how we couldn’t just work hard, and what should we do as a group. In that sense, I think that 2017 was a turning point.

Sugai  Right. I don’t think there was any disagreement, but each person slowly began to individually think of what they should do, I think that an atmosphere in which “we can’t go on like this” started to flow.

Koike  And then, after performing “Fukyouwaon’ in Kohaku Uta Gassen in the same year, harsh voices began to rise. I think it was also the moment where each member had a change in awareness. I, too, realized that I relied on Hirate too much that moment. That Kouhaku stage was a place where I realized again that I had to change myself, and that each member had to grow stronger and stronger.

What about Kobayashi-san?

Kobayashi  For me it was the 2nd Year Anniversary Live in April 2018. Hirate, who had worked as Center so far was not present, so different members became Center. I think it was the live performance where members felt more responsibility that we had to deliver a good performance to the fans who are watching, even if someone is not present.

Watanabe  Too many different things have happened, it’s very hard to decide where the turning point is, but at the end of January this year it was announced that Hirate was withdrawing. We will be working in a group in which Hirate has disappeared from, so I think what we are thinking about will change even more than before. Until now, even when she couldn’t participate in a live performance, it is still a situation where Hirate is in the group. But from now on we will truly become a Hirate-less group, I think it will be important to see what we will be like.

From now on I will be listening up to the end. Now, you have mentioned memorable events in the terms of trouble and conflict, but can you tell us about memories where you had fun?

Moriya  The first One Man Live in Ariake was fun, right? Everyone had a really bright expression, and was really having fun. It’s a really good memory, it has become a live performance that often comes up when talking with members.

Yuichanzu’s video is also put inside the movie.

Kobayashi  We worked as a unit from the beginning. There are also productions where live performances started with Yuichanzu, I was allowed to experience various kinds of emotions. Looking back in this way, once again I’m glad that we had Yuichanzu.

Koike  For me the first Republic of Keyaki, that has become a topic of conversation earlier, was fun. It was the first live performance for Keyakizaka to show not only our cool side, but also to have fun together with the audience. And at the same time, we are able to properly perform songs that convey Keyakizaka-like messages, so for me I thought that the live performance from that time was the best. So right now, in any live performance, for example “Fukyouwaon”, I often want to exceed the “Fukyouwaon” from that time.

Kobayashi  I think it’s our after parties. In Republic, we would do BBQ outside, and for Anniversary Live we would get a big cake. Until then, everyone is working hard for the live performances, so I think that everyone likes the afterparty after it’s over. There is a feeling of release, and also the sense of accomplishment that we have done it. Perhaps you can say that it’s like a breakpoint, I think that the moment where we think “Let’s do our best for the next one” is also fun. Recently there have been a lot of members who are feeling exhausted, so I’d like to enjoy it while feeling our age (laughs).

Sugai  For me, “Eccentric” MV shoot was fun. I usually do my best to remember the choreography, and often work desperately. But during “Eccentric”, I could remember the choreo, and was able to do it at ease. We shot it in a building, and at night we lay down to stargaze, and it was a little bit cold so we ate the oden made by the staff together. I enjoyed communicating with the members, and I think such casual time is very memorable.

Moriya  That was fun, right? I remember that there were many offshoots with everyone. Once the cut was decided, there was quite a lot of free time. We all also went to eat soba together, right?

Sugai  Yeah, we did~

So you remember it from the food.

Kobayashi  Ahahaha. Everyone likes to eat, right?

Moriya  There was a stage in the school, so it really felt like we were students.

Harada  There are various after parties after each live performance, but the afterparty for 2nd Anniversary Live is memorable. That time, all 21 members met together, right?. That made me really happy. In the first Republic of Keyaki, not everyone could join, so the 2nd Anniversary Live was the last time all 21 members of the 1st generation gathered together. In that sense, I remember that afterparty very well.

Watanabe  For me, the first time we performed our debut single “Silent Majority” in “Music Station” music program left an impression. It was a program that I would always watch weekly before I entered Keyakizaka46, and it was also a live broadcast, so everyone was really nervous. I don’t have many memories from that time, I only remember the fresh feeling as we come together as one to perform. How we work hard while our heart beats so fast left an impression.

It’s a bit abstract, but what is Keyakizaka46 for you?

Watanabe  They are not family or friends, they are truly people that I would never meet if I hadn’t entered Keyakizaka46. I am very happy to be able to have met them, and they are also an important presence. From now on too, I think that there will be a lot going on, but I want to overcome it together with them.

Koike  Keyakizaka46 has a completely different, completely opposite impression than me, so at first I was really worried about this difference. There is a big worry inside me, thinking “How do I become Keyakizaka46?”, but I began to wonder if the me who is refusing is the me in Keyakizaka46. As a group, it has also become a place where I can properly face myself, and as a member it’s the first time I can open myself and meet important friends who would comfort me. They are a family-like presence to me.

Harada  I think that it’s allowed me to encounter many things. That is both people and experience. I wouldn’t be able to meet members, fans, and staffs if I’m not in Keyakizaka. If I hadn’t been in Keyakizaka, I wouldn’t be able to perform in Kouhaku, and I would never have been interviewed like this. So I think that it is a presence that allows me to encounter many things.

Moriya  For me, it’s a dream. It is a place that allows me to see many dreams and made them come to reality.

Sugai  … It's a little bit embarrassing, but it’s the meaning of my life (shyfully laugh)

Moriya  Amazing! That’s amazing~

Sugai  Before I entered Keyaki, there was a lot of time where I thought “For what reason am I alive?”. I auditioned to find the reason, and in this job, I could get an immediate reaction and impression to what I did. I was also able to realize that I have become the source of strength for someone, and I felt that I have found the meaning of my life.

Kobayashi  For me, it’s a place where I can discover various parts of myself. Until then, I lived by deciding “I’m this kind of person”, then I entered Keyakizaka, and thought “So I’m like this too”. I was able to discover a lot of things about myself, and that discovery is fun.

You didn’t think that you were the kind of person that could say “Everyone~~ Let’s go crazy!!” to liven up a live performance?

Kobayashi  No, I think that’s actually something I’ve always thought.

Harada  Ahahahaha.

Kobayashi  I always thought of myself as a dark person. However, I discovered that I unexpectedly really like to say something interesting, or do something comedic.

Earlier, Watanabe-san said “I think it will be important to see what we will be like”. What do you feel about the timing of Hirate-san, Suzumoto-san, and Oda-san’s announcements? Please tell us what you think about the future.

Sugai  I think that this is truly the turning point. It’s a milestone, and by releasing a documentary movie in this timing, I thought that we, and myself too could do all sorts of things. For all we have made the fans worried about, I want to make them believe in the future just as much. While treasuring what we have so far, I’d be great if we could find new possibilities for Keyakizaka in the future, so I would be very happy if you could very positively look forward to it.

Moriya  By releasing it with this timing, by talking about the present, we could neatly end the 1st chapter. I hope that this film could help you to enter the 2nd chapter, look forward to the new Keyakizaka46, and want to support it. I am very grateful that such a wonderful movie is made at a very valuable time.

Kobayashi  I think that the fans who have been supporting us are worried about our future activities. But this is not the end for Keyakizaka. I really want to show them a wonderful time as a part of Keyakizaka.

Watanabe  While carrying forward the image of Keyakizaka we have until now, I think that it will also be a chance to show many more sides that are not just that. I hope that each member can create a new Keyakizaka while sharing their ideas, like what they want to do.

Harada  While retaining the good parts that we have accumulated so far, there are still so many good things about Keyakizaka that the fans don't know yet, so I want to do my best to deliver them more than is expected.

Koike  We have been conveying messages through various songs so far, so I’d like to keep that part from now on, but 2nd generation members are entering. I think that the 2nd generation is still growing from now, so I want them to work while feeling at ease. While I think that there could be things that are changing, I want to face it without fear.

Lastly, could you tell us about the appeal of members we don't know yet?

Sugai  The other time, I went out to play with Ten-chan (Yamasaki Ten), but she has a really dependable way of thinking. She’s the youngest, but I could feel that she will lead Keyaki in the future. She has a hidden passion inside of her, so I’d be glad if it could slowly be shown to everyone in the future.

Koike  Inoue’s monomane is… is not that high of a level (laughs), but if you set her up then she will definitely do it. It’s very funny how she does it while being full of confidence, she’s cute too, so I want her to show it even more.

Kobayashi  When 2nd generation are talking together, they are doing gags and funny things, so I hope that they could speak more in radio and such, and show more of the sides they haven’t shown yet.

1st generation is not joining there?

Moriya  We don’t really join in, right?

Kobayashi  Because 1st gen tends to miss the joke (laughs).

Sugai  2nd generation have a bigger sense of humor.

Moriya  They have high quality too. We don’t have much interaction with the Kansai dialect too, so I thought that it’s really exciting. But, I’d like to convey Pe-chan’s (Watanabe Rika) interestingness without being discouraged! I’m wondering how can I convey it to people.

Sugai  Fufufu, that’s the difficult part.

Harada  Recently, I often ask Pe-chan about overseas. The pictures she took are really beautiful. Like when we went for a MV shoot, everyone would take pictures when they are at the sea, but the photos Pe-chan took are really pretty, it was good. It’s well known among members, but it’s not known to fans yet, so I want to make them know.

Watanabe  I’d like to recommend Moriya Akane from the 1st generation! I think that in TV programs like “Keyaki tte, kakenai?” she has this image of a strong, older sister-like character, but she’s also clumsy and cute. For example, stumbling over nothing.

Moriya  Ahahahaha.

Watanabe  Because she usually has such a perfect image, her cuteness comes out at unexpected places. If her clumsy side is known more and more to the fans, I think that it will be a nice gap. I want that to be shown.

Moriya  You don’t have to do that!

Together Ahahahahaha.


Translation: toomuchidea
QC: fuyupz


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