They are always watching over them (4 and a half years!) (Tsuchida Teruyuki x Sawabe Yu, B.L.T June 2020)

Tsuchida Teruyuki and Sawabe Yu, as the MC for “Keyaki tte Kakenai?”, have been watching Keyakizaka46 since the early days of the group. The story from the two who knew their different aspects and the true faces, became a yell of support filled with kindness, love, and laughter.
There’s actually a lot of projects that didn’t make it to the show…?
The two of you have been watching over Keyakizaka46 since their time of formation throughout the program, I’d like you to talk about stories that left an impression and expand on them as it comes up.
Tsuchida: Let’s see, it’s something that you don’t see in other shows, but for “Keyaki tte Kakenai?” there’s actually a lot that gets shelved.
Sawabe: Eh, there were quite a few?
Tsuchida: There are. Like the “Doll Project” (Recorded August 2017, a 5 minute summary of it aired December 2017). If it isn't touched upon like that, we will forget about it too. Moreover, since it’s not aired in the order in which it was recorded, we shot 3 episodes in one go, but there is a possibility that only 2 might actually make it on air! (The program staff present in the same room fully denied it).
Sawabe: That’s why I think without our knowledge, the girls are probably answering a ridiculous number of program planning questionnaires. After answering, there surely are a number of few projects that didn’t make it, rejected. Every end of the year, we have the “Shredder Project” where we shred those that didn’t make it, but even in that project we are not able to introduce all of it.
Tsuchida: Also, when the set changed for the first time, Keyakizaka’s logo didn’t look green, and immediately got replaced, right? I think it’s about it…
Sawabe: There were such things, right… Hold on, let us talk about the members! (laughs)
Real tears that the members have shed because they are serious about the program
I’m hoping that you can take your time to talk about the members.
Sawabe: When recording in the studio, the schedule is quite tight, so there is not much time to talk with the members. That’s why when we went to eat yakiniku as a reward for “Sawabe Award”, being able to speak to them a little longer than usual after the recording was over, left an impression. Tsuchida-san and I were seated apart from each other, eating while surrounded by the members, each of them came seeking advice for their own problems… There was a queue like I’m a fortune teller (laughs)
Tsuchida: That’s right, we talked a lot. Those girls are indeed worrying and thinking about things. Let’s see, what left an impression is the “Tearjerkers”, I guess.
Sawabe: They are girls who are enthusiastically challenging some things, so when it didn’t go well, they ended up crying. Among them, Nagasawa (Nanako)-kun’s tears during the “Gluttonous Confrontation” were interesting.
Tsuchida: That was properly aligned with the program, so it was a cry that could be broadcasted. Because of that, it connected to a gluttonous revenge. But she couldn’t win, and cried (laughs)
Sawabe: Moriya (Akane) too, seriously took on the competition, she wanted to go for a location shoot, so she cried real tears.
Tsuchida: Tears when they first appeared in the program too, those feel nostalgic now, don’t you think? But they can cry because they are serious about it, it’s something good.
The “Kuroi Hitsuji” prayer campaign that is actually different from plan
Speaking of tears, the “Kuroi Hitsuji” prayer campaign of doing takigyo (waterfall meditation) unexpectedly was a moving episode.
Tsuchida: The actual plan was more pop, brighter.
Sawabe: That’s right. It should have been something like “Eh~ I don’t wanna go~” or “You and you should be the one to go, right?”, like pushing it unto each other (laughs). But when we gathered up and started the recording… They were like, “I’ll go”
Tsuchi: Saying things like “I have never been able to contribute anything to Keyakizaka, so...”. And we were like, hold on these are different from what we had planned.
Sawabe: They talk about how special this song is. It makes you think once again about how earnest they are, right?
Tsuchi: They have strong feelings toward the group and songs. That too, is a part of who they really are.
What’s more, after watching the location VTR, members in the studio cried, it had become a more chaotic episode…
Sawabe: Moreover, they are doing it in the middle of a snowstorm. We too, truthfully, also felt moved by it.
Tsuchida: I would like to go for another prayer campaign as soon as possible, but they are not releasing any new song… Of course, I’m aware that there are various circumstances, and situation wise it’s also difficult.
Sawabe: I genuinely just want to listen to their new song
Tsuchida: 2nd generation members still don't have a song that they have participated in. I hope they can make it happen soon, and fans have been waiting for new songs as well. But I think that the part of Keyakizaka in which you cannot see what will happen next is a part of their charm. Compared to the “Number One Idol” Nogizaka46, or to their juniors Hinatazaka46, or even AKB48 as well as Hello Project, I don’t think there are any other groups in which you cannot tell what will happen next that’s similar to Keyakizaka. BiSH is called a punk band that doesn’t have any instrument, but I wonder if Keyaki is the punkest of all. In an extreme case, if the group name becomes “襷 (Tasuki)”zaka46 about 3 months later, people would think “Ah, if it’s those kids then it’s possible” (laughs).
Sawabe: I could see people grinning while saying, so it’s 襷 (Tasuki) huh!
Tsuchida: What surprised me the most is that when Hirate (Yurina) withdrew, it was reported on an evening news program. When I saw that, I thought that was amazing. There is no other Idol who has news value as much as her.
You don’t know what will happen next. That is why, it is the time to keep an eye on Keyaki
The group is surviving, and the remaining members are working hard. How do the two of you look at Keyakizaka46 right now?
Sawabe: We do know that the other members are doing their best, but in public, there is this image of “Keyakizaka = Hirate” , right? I don’t know what will happen when someone who is like the symbol of the group leaves. But I wonder what kind of story the remaining members will show from here on out, and on the other hand, for me, now is the time people should be keeping an eye on these girls
Tsuchida: Comparing it to soccer, the current Keyakizaka is like Barcelona when Messi left. However, after Messi = Hirate, the next person wearing number 10 might create a different charm for the group. In that sense, I’m not worried at all, instead I’m really looking forward to it.
Sawabe: Even in the case of Number 10, will it be one person who will carry it on their back, or will some members share it together? That part too, is also why you can’t take your eyes off them.
Tsuchida: It seems that several names have been listed as candidates for the next Center, but a no-name girl might be appointed instead. Like Matsudaira (Riko), and they might awaken from it.
Sawabe: Or perhaps it might even be selected from one of the new 2nd generation members.
Tsuchida: I think those uncertainties are attractive. I think that Idol has a limited period of activity, and the style that changes dramatically within a short period of time, I feel that it is rather brave.
In a dramatic sense, I was surprised by the graduation of Oda Nana, Suzumoto Miyu, and Nagasawa Nanako who help make the program exciting.
Tsuchida: Just as the program, they were a big presence for the group as well.
Sawabe: The graduation of Suzumoto, with her dance performance, and Oda who was loved by everyone and supported the group mentally, is a big loss.
Tsuchida: In that sense too, Nagasawa-kun was a loveable character. But I think it’s good that they have found their next step. The point is that they’ve grown up, their youthful or student days are over, and they are only moving toward their next step. I hope that they can do their best. Also, I said this somewhere before, this is a group in which you really can’t tell what will happen next, so if there is “graduation” then there must be an “admission”. Hirate was a “withdrawal”, right? Well, then there must be a possibility of an “enlistment”, right? (laughs)
Sawabe: Perhaps she will return with her hair in a Mohawk style (laughs)
Tsuchida: Before, when I met Shida (Manaka), she said, “Among Keyaki jobs, the one I love the most was Keyakake”. And the other day, she said, “Do you think I can appear in Keyakake again?”. I said, “If you want to, please take the next audition”. Well, she’s definitely going to fail, though!
Sawabe: I don’t even understand how she got accepted (laughs)
Tsuchida: Imaizumi (Yui) said it too, that she loved Keyakake. That’s why I think that it’s in the realm of possibilities to have graduated members appear from time to time, but there’s also “adult circumstances” that need to be considered of (laughs)
Not by being strict, but by pampering them. What they have learned in the 4 and a half years with Keyaki.
The two of you have the occasion to co-work with Keyaki members in other programs outside Keyakake, but do you look at them with favoritism…!?
Sawabe: A while ago, I appeared in AbemaTV’s “Shikujiri Gakuen Owarai Kenkyuu-bu” together with Takemoto (Yui). After the recording was over, she came to me and said “I apologize. Big bro, it was very bad.” I was thinking, “Are you a young comedian?” (laughs)
Tsuchida: Eh, Takemoto did? That girl has a high motivation
Sawabe: She doesn’t look so down about it, but still it is what it is, so I encouraged her, “It was okay, you did well”
Tsuchida: That’s right, one thing that we learned in the past 4 and a half years is that “Keyaki girls grow with praise”. I think this was particularly strong in the early days. We realized in the middle that it’s not good being strict with them, in any case, we pampered and pampered them, like “Just a little is okay, please speak out”.
Sawabe: But (Watanabe) Rika, even if you spoil her, she won’t speak when she faces the camera, but seeing her went so far made me thought that she is professional enough already
Tsuchida: There is no professional like that! (laughs) However, in a sense, as an idol it’s not necessarily a weakness to be not good in variety. As Sashihara (Rino) has said before, it’s rude to comedians if an idol claims to be one. That’s why I think this applies to Rika as well, but I hope that Keyaki girls could also enjoy the program with a stance that suits themselves.
Sawabe: Sugai (Yuuka) too, she’s a good person and she works hard but it gets nowhere. But it is also what makes it interesting. As a structure, it’s well done.
Tsuchida: Sugai is a hard worker, but the part of her that seems a little out of it is also good, don’t you think so? That’s why I’m really glad that she became the Captain. But it’s just a personal opinion. The balance is good.
Speaking of which, could you list the indispensable characters for the program?
Sawabe: Saito (Fuyuka) worked hard, but I thought it’s okay if she pushes it more. That girl can read her surroundings, so I think that there are parts of her that can adapt to the atmosphere of the group.
Tsuchida: She’s an energetic and innocent person, so I’m a bit stricter when I tease Saito. But that just shows how broad-minded she is, and because she could take being an ukemi* properly, we can tease her. In that sense, she may be a valuable presence.
*T/N: Receiver of a joke
Sawabe: That’s right, among the members Saito was also the first to tease me. But as the MC, I’m thankful and happy for it.
Tsuchida: Then there’s also Ishimori (Nijika) with her stupidity, but you could tell how she wanted to show her “good lady-likeness” or “capableness” more, which in turn made her cute.
Sawabe: Don’t you think Ishimori has become quite used to her idiot character? She may be bad at studying, but I think she has good comprehension.
The truth is that I want to hear about each member, but as the two of you that carry love for Keyaki, may we have some words from you?
Sawabe: Recently, it may be easy to feel depressed, and I think that the path of orthodox idols has an approach of letting the light in, but I wonder if Keyakizaka is a group that has the power to destroy the dark modern society from the inside. I look forward to seeing what the girls will show in their 5th year after their debut.
Tsuchida: I think it would be interesting to see the unexpectedness of trying to do once, a frilly Idol like style. The width of the range, or rather, I think that the ability of being liked by any gender is a strength. I hope that can betray us, in a good way.
By the way, if you two were to name your favourite Keyaki song…?
Sawabe: If only one song, then “Futari Sezon”. But I like whichever song.
Tsuchida: For me, it has to be “Silent Majority”. It was shocking that the clumsy girls appearing in the show could show such a completely different expression, and I feel that it will continue to be the song that symbolizes Keyakizaka.
Translation: toomuchidea
QC: ariadne32391
Raw: karl_k46
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