Masumoto Kira interview in b.l.t graph vol. 57


Brightening up the place weekly and with funny stories. Just by having her here, I felt as if glimmer = brightness.

For you, Matsumoto-san, what kind of presence are the new Keyakizaka46 2nd gens?

I was this feeling of familiarity with Kosaka Marino but, recently I’ve became able to talk with Onuma (Akiho)-san. During our kenshusei (trainee) period we weren’t that much in contact, and when we became the new Keyaki 2nd gens, the self-restraint period soon started, so we talked slowly. Recently, when we had the opportunity to be together, Onuma-san really has changed, actually, she’s a really passionate person. That’s why, in my head she has the image of a “the passionate apple”. I thought that you don’t know people unless you talk to them after all, I believe the new 2nd gens will become a family-like presence from now on.

I see. But, when reading your blog and such, you also have a unique impression. What do you think about being unique?

That’s the question. In my opinion, I’m the world’s most average person, so I wonder if I have any characteristics that can be complimented.

I believe they exist for sure.

Oh... At times like this I don’t know what to say but, thank you very much (laughs). But, I read again articles from my seniors on magazines during the self-restraint period, before I had feelings of “I love Keyakizaka” as a fan but, when reading the interviews as a member of the group, my perspective has changed. I’m really burning up now, my feelings of “Alright! Let’s do this!” have really piled up, so I’m going to show them from now on.

That’s reliable. I’m expecting a lot from you!

The feeling of not wanting to regret this is strong inside me. But, when there are times I think “This didn’t go as well as expected”, my negative feelings are being amplified and I only focus on the bad parts. There are many times my feelings of hard work goes around in circle, so I’m still researching this. During high school, when I worked hard with my studies I would get my grades up to the 2nd place in my year, when I was expecting the 1st place I was also doing part time work so it was tough, so I slacked off and my rank dramatically dropped, and I blamed the fact that I spoiled myself. Since then I don’t want to feel  even 1 millimetre of regret.

It must be stoic. Do you think of yourself as a perfectionist? 

I believe I’m someone who hates losing, not in a good nor a bad way. Even though I do compare myself to others around me.... That’s no good, right?

Probably, I think that’s something you decide yourself. Now, what do you think is your strong point inside you?

I’m not that good at dancing so I’m weak at the moment, but I did muscle training exercises all the time during self-restraint period. Also, I did stretching exercises every day, so now I can open my legs more. If I think about it that way, there's only room for growth right now, and if I can continue to improve, it will be a huge advantage for me..

That’s surprisingly optimistic (laughs). But, when talking about Keyakizaka46, what comes to mind is dance after all.

I don’t think that I have a bad physical skills, it’s just that I have no sense of rhythm.

Do you have any experience playing musical instruments?

During middle school I joined the brass band club and I played the trumpet.

So must have a sense of rhythm.

But, the range of the trumpet is about 5. Do, re, mi, fa, so, la, si, do..... Ah, it’s 8 after all.

(Laughs). Having no sense or rhythm while playing the trumpet must be troublesome.

It was troublesome, my schoolmates would always get angry at me...... Since I didn't think I could play the notes according to the score, so I voluntarily played an octave lower, and they would point out to me, "You've noticed”.

It is what it is (laughs). Matsumoto-san, you’re more interesting than expected!

When gathering with my family or relatives, it’s like we’re a household trying to find who is the funniest but, I think my uniqueness is second to none compared to my older sister. My older sister is a person who enjoys humming the “Janken hoihoi” song while going up the stairs.

The uniqueness must flow is the Matsumoto family DNA. By the way, what is the reason behind your name “Kira”?

Even I find it a nice name and liking it, but during my 3rd year of elementary school, we had a task to “Find the reason behind our names”,  my mom thought out “You’ll grow up to be a beautiful and good kid” as the meaning.

She thought of the reason behind your name in your 3rd year of elementary school?!

My parents seemed to prioritize the balance between stroke count and character rather than meaning. That’s why up until the 3rd grade of elementary school it had no particular reason.

And then they think of the meaning later (Laughs). By the way, are there any senior members that have caught your attention?

Koike Minami-san and.... we only talked for several times yet, but Uemura Rina-san has also talked with me, and I fell in love. I want us to play the trumpet together at a show someday.


Translator: SatoneShichi
QC: toomuchidea
Raw @ weibo


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