Watanabe Rika solo interview in Bessatsu Kadokawa Keyakizaka46 / Sakurazaka46 1013/1209

Watanabe Rika never breaks her own pace. Even if Keyakizaka46, which she belonged to for 5 years, gets renamed and the new Sakurazaka46 is born, looking at the Last Live, she will continue to be as she is, with her soft and gentle presence.

Before Keyakizaka46’s CD debut with 「Silent Majority」, a 「Ponkotsu Queen Battle」was held in their variety show 「Keyakitte Kakenai?」. As expected by the majority, the first Queen was Watanabe Rika. In the first six months of the program, the viewers came to believe that it really was ”as expected by the majority". Her being the “Ponkotsu '' of the group was noticeable since their creation. For example, the orientation camp was held shortly after the formation and start of the program. Watanabe came to the meeting place, sat down, and suddenly realized that she had left her carry-on bag at the station…

Her unparalleled beauty, her character that has not changed over the past five years,  Watanabe has been loved by the members and fans alike. In other words, her personality has remained unchanged since their creation. It's a very rare thing, and while many members are searching for what "individuality" or "sense of self" is, she made people around her recognize her individuality without appealing to them by being natural. Because of the infrequent updates, fans are excited when a blog is uploaded, and when it's occasionally long, they say, "You've finally woken up!” and it becomes widely talked about. 

In the after-live special broadcast held after the main program on the first day of the Last Live, the members made comments one by one. When it was the turn of the poorly spoken Watanabe, she spoke with unusual fluency. That alone was enough to elicit a round of applause from the other members. The members and fans love her.

Watanabe was the first one to release a photobook in the group.  The title was 「Talkative Gaze」. In the band (of the book), general producer Akimoto Yasushi said 「I think Watanabe Rika is an actress. Even though she doesn't say anything, she conveys everything with her gaze.」I feel like it’s not a metaphor but it’s a fact. As for Watanabe herself, during her photobook hand-over event she revealed,「I’m bad at talking so… when I’m in trouble, I appeal with my eyes (laughs).」 In this interview as well, there have been such occasions. In other words, In this interview she speaks as she usually does, not only with words, but also with a look in her eyes. That's right, she conveyed her thoughts in a small voice, with few words, as shown in their programs. Slowly, her words were few and far between, but some of them were heartwarming, while others gave a glimpse of her true feelings, and I could feel her "now" more or less. 

The 2-day Last Live is done. Let's start by talking about what she thought and what she was thinking.

「Hmmm. I felt, Ah it really ended. Fufufufufu」

A fluffy atmosphere and a calm demeanor. It may be hard to see the seriousness and strength in it, but she is someone who has a passionate heart inside. She can say "I did everything" because that's how much she was committed to the last live performance.

「This is the last… I think that there are songs that we will never perform again, so in each and every song, I wanted to put my heart and soul into it and give it my all.」

Of course, that's how she has approached the past shows, but there was something different about the last two days of the show, even when she was performing.

「It felt different from our usual lives. Because it is the last one, after all. I also felt that everyone’s atmosphere were different」

I wonder what that atmosphere would look like if you dare to put it into words. 

「Ah, everyone was having fun. They seem to be having fun. Yeah, I also had a lot of fun. There was a lot of eye contact with one of the members during the songs.」

One of the members, with what song did they have eye contact? I’m curious. And so I tried asking about it…

「Eh~ I don’t know. Hmm…. hmm?! (and her eyes widened) Fufufufu」

As she tried her best to refresh her memory, all she could reply was, "Hmm?! (and her eyes widened)". This seems to imply "No More". I understood looking at her eyes and I proceeded to my next question. I decided to ask her about the song that was most memorable during the 1st day of the Last Live. 

「Hmm~... (staring at the set list for a while」

Any kind of episode is fine. A moving unknown episode is also fine. I also don’t mind if it’s a story about failure. Like bangs entering the eyes when dancing, that is still a splendid memory. Unexpectedly, this was the kind of answer she gave. 

「Somehow, in a song that we have performed multiple times. I made a few mistakes like “Even though I never made a mistake here, even though not even once did I make a mistake in this part before”. Fufufufu 」

Obviously, I was curious as to which song it was so I asked her. She softly dodged by saying,「Eh~ But I don’t want to say it. Fufufufufufu」When I asked her for “A memory that can be written down”, she covered her mouth with her hands and burst into laughter. 

「Hahahahahaha. But, how should I put it… Ah! during「Kimi wo Mou Sagasanai」At the set of the railroad crossing, I made a scary face. I made a weird face in the MV of 「Eccentric」when (Watanabe) Risa chan and I were facing each other. The director told me to make that face again and so I did the scary face again. 」

Using the entire arena of the venue, traffic lights, railroad crossings, phone booths, construction sites were placed to represent the lyrics “A street corner where the rain never stops”. As Watanabe mentioned, they recreated the 「Eccentric」railway crossing scene. Viewers may have been caught off guard by the unexpected expression on Watanabe's face as seen over Watanabe (Risa)’s back.

「In「Kimi wo Mou Sagasanai」there is a line that goes ”With a scary expression”I did the scary face in 「Eccentric」to match that line. Fufufufu」

At the time of the interview, she had already seen the video of the live performance of that day, and I wonder what she thought of the "scary face" scene when she saw it herself.

「It was scary. (laughs)」

That was Watanabe who laughed as she was speaking but the expression on her face showed an achievement of the aforementioned "I did everything".

「 Risa, who was in front of me, said something but... Huh, I wonder if she did say something」

Again, she doesn’t mention what I’m curious about... Maybe she really can't remember, or maybe she remembers, but wants to keep it between the two of them, and won't tell us, who knows what the truth is. But she revealed a bit that Risa san also laughed. Then I asked if there was another song that was memorable to her. 


Thinking time has passed for a while. When she was looking up and pondering enthusiastically, I asked her, “Do you have a song that you simply like, or a song that you enjoy dancing to?”

「Fufufufufufu. Eh, I wonder which one. But each one is good. (laughs)」 she replied. 

It's not a throwaway answer, but rather, for Watanabe, who says “I did everything", she likes it so much she can't choose any of them. Because she talked about how, “In each and every song, I wanted to put my heart and soul into it and give it my all.” And the fact that it didn't come to mind briefly may indicate that she was so immersed and focused on her performance. In fact, some of the members looked back on it as such. When I told this to Watanabe, she said, 「Yes, that’s right」as she nodded eagerly. She readily agreed, and when I checked to see if it was true, she dodged it with another smile.

In the Last Live, there was a video looking back on Watanabe’s past 5 years. After it was played, they performed 「Kimi ga Inai」which she centered. Watanabe's history video was shown on a TV placed on a desk. It's something that you can't see now but in the early days of the group's formation, she is tasked with the greeting on behalf of the group. Her innocent appearance can be seen as she practiced the phrase, ”It's a pleasure to meet you all, we are Keyakizaka46” over and over again. 

「When「Fukyouwaon」ended that history video was shown but we had to hurriedly change our costume for 「Kimi Ga Inai」so I was not able to see that video properly. But it's embarrassing.」

As Watanabe Rika sat in front of the TV where the history video was playing, she made a motion to switch it off and the members of the group, who were behind her, began to sing 「Kimi Ga Inai」 without any prelude. What was she trying to do then…

「I wanted to drink the milk (laughs)」

When you say「Kimi Ga Inai」, it is well-known that Watanabe Rika appears by being carried by the members. However, that was not done this time. Instead, as the word "milk" is mentioned in the lyrics of the song, a glass of milk was held in her hand at the beginning of the song. As I recall, she was not good with milk…

「But I tried to drink it. I drank it during the rehearsal! So, I wanted to drink it on the actual performance, but the director said, “It’s better that you don’t drink it…” I couldn't drink it.」

After that scene, enters the circle of members.

It is also the coupling song of their debut song 「Silent Majority」 and since she is in charge of that well-known opening scene and is the center of the song that they have been singing for a long time, she must be very attached to it. I wonder what was on her mind when she performed it.

「Hmm~ The milk was memorable… But I did my best」

The impact of the milk seems to have taken away all other impressions. I pulled myself together and asked her about the members of the group that she was interested in during the show.

「I thought (Uemura) Rina chan was amazing when she flew (lifted up with a wire) during「Mou Mori E Kaerou ka?」」

Surprisingly, when asked about being lifted up by wires to a high place like Uemura, she mentioned, 「I’ll be fine.」 

「I’m not good with high places, thrill rides and the likes but, if it’s at such a height it’s probably fine. I think those smoke-like, cloud-like things would be pretty from above. (*The entire arena was covered in smoke.」

While it was a cute imagination, on the other hand, it must have been hard to know where to stand, a little bit to the left or to the right. Also, I asked her about her thoughts on the rehearsals for the show, including confirmation of standing positions.

「Hmm~... Hmmmm (and her eyes widened)」

I perceived the 「talkative gaze」and I tried to narrow down the question “Did you go out to eat with the members after the rehearsal?”

「Ah, we didn’t. We had rehearsals from morning to night time so we did not have time.」

Then, my interest about the food during the rehearsals was piqued. 

「The bento that was prepared for us and I also brought some homemade food with me.」

Unexpectedly, she answered that she made homemade food. I was really curious as to what she had prepared.

「Eh~~... Fufufu Ehー Normal food. Fufufufufufu I was dieting in preparation for the live so it was vegetables. I ate the bento prepared for us before the Live started. We had fish, I think it was salmon(?), on the first day. For the second day, we had Herb Chicken. It was really delicious」

Perhaps it's a typical aspect of her my-pace character that the words come out more easily than when she is talking about the live performance itself.

The day before and on the first day of the live,

「I slept right away. If possible, I want to sleep for a long time. I thought I should sleep because I’m someone that can’t function without sleep.」

She seems well rested and able to speak so I had to look back on the second day of the Last Live. First off, I asked her if there was a memorable song or event for her. 

「Somehow, before the live started my right foot was in pain but when I dance, I was not able to feel the pain anymore」

It probably was because of the adrenaline. 

「Maybe. I thought humans are amazing. (laughs) It really didn’t hurt at all. It hurt again when it ended. That’s why humans are amazing. Fufufufu」

It didn't hurt during the first day. Maybe it was because of the built up fatigue. Whether it was a muscular pain or not, the reason for the pain was, 「But, my muscles didn’t hurt.」Once again, it was dodged.

In Sugai Yuuka’s interview, she revealed that Watanabe Rika cried during the second day of the live. During the performance of 「Seifuku to Taiyou」tears flowed down. Sugai thought it was a rare sight. I tried to throw that question. 

「I didn’t think anyone noticed but she  (Sugai’s position) was next to me. She patted me on the back. At the back of the stage, the photos of everyone together was shown on the screen. When I saw that, somehow, hmmm… Although there were a lot of difficult times, I thought it was fun. 」

She is always aloof and doesn't reveal her heart, but everyone, even she, is going through a lot of feelings in their lives. The past 5 years she spent with Keyakizaka46, I wonder what it was like for her?  

「Eh~ I wonder what… It felt short and long at the same time. I have a lot of feelings. Hmm I really love the members and the fans so I am really glad that I met them.」

When you look back on the five years, what is the first scene that comes to mind?

「There are too many memories. But the one that comes to mind quickly is… Talking with the members. Even now, it’s the most fun.」

Maybe it's the everyday scenes that we love the most, or feel are more important. Because what we took for granted could suddenly disappear. Hearing her talk until now, I didn’t need to ask her what kind of place Keyakizaka46 was for her but I have asked her to put it into words.

「It is a very calm place, an important place for me. 」

When she thought for a moment and replied that, the image of the members and fans must have been in her mind.

「It's an important place because we've gone through a lot of things together, both painful and sad.」

An important place ー When I asked her about Keyakizaka46 being renamed, the first thought on her mind was the fans. 

「I was surprised. I wondered what the fans would think of it.」

Even though the group's name will change, it doesn't mean that the important place for her and her fans is gone. She is ready to keep going up the hill with the members and fans.

「I really gave it my all in the 2-day Last Live so when it was done, I thought I would also do my best in the new Sakurazaka46. Rather than sadness, I have a more positive feeling towards it. I think the other members also think the same. 」

Even while watching the second day of the Last Live, many people may have felt as if the 27 members were looking forward to the future as one.  While still on a roll, Sakurazaka46 performed the first single 「Nobody's Fault」at the end of the last live and began their activities.

When I asked her again about her enthusiasm, her answer was typical for someone who also works as a model for the fashion magazines 「LARME」 and 「Ray」.

「I was really happy as the costumes were really cute like the costume for「Nobody’s Fault」, the costume for when we appear on tv shows. Just with the costume, it feels like the mood and the atmosphere of the group has changed, in a good way.」

Furthermore, when I asked her what she thought of the new group name Sakurazaka 46 when she first heard of it, she responded with a different response that showed her personality.

「I thought the kanji was similar to Keyaki.」

By the way, I heard she could write the kanji for 「欅」but how about the kanji for「櫻」?

「I can write it already!」

It seems she has been practicing in secret. She has already decided what she wanted to do as Sakurazaka46.

「I want to meet the fans soon. I want to do handshakes. I am really grateful to the fans so after becoming Sakurazaka46, i want to treasure the fans more than ever」

In the second episode of the new Sakurazaka46 variety show 「Soko Magattara Sakurazaka?」Watanabe used the opportunity of being in a new group to advertise her desire to become a 「Super Positive Energetic Character」. Although it is unknown to what extent she is serious about it. If you greet her loudly and cheerfully with, "Konichi Wasshoi!,” she would display an enthusiastic side by saying,"I'm going to talk again today!”. Maybe this is in preparation for the handshake event to communicate more intimately with fans.

By the way, she has some things she wants to do away from work as well.

「I love cameras. I have a mirrorless DSLR. I don't carry it around with me every day, but I want to go abroad to take pictures.」

She has already decided what she wants to shoot. 

「There are lots, but I want to go and take photos of the castles in Europe. I'd like to visit all of the "100 European Castles" (certified by the Japan Castle Association) and take pictures of them. Depending on the number of castles visited, you get a beginner’s level or advanced level (grading system). There are only one or two people in Japan who have been to all 100 famous castles.」

She’s knowledgeable. Don’t tell me, she’s aiming to be one of the few who completed visiting all?! 

「I’m aiming for it. (smiles)」


Translation: ariadne32391
QC: toomuchidea
Raw: ariadne32391


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