Morita Hikaru solo interview in Bessatsu Kadokawa Keyakizaka46 / Sakurazaka46 1013/1209


Keyakizaka46’s renaming. It shocked everyone, who were unable to hide their confusion. However, Morita Hikaru wasn't surprised that much. She believed that if Keyakizaka46 didn’t change in any way, a faint omen would occur.

Over the Stay home period, I had the opportunity to talk a lot with the staff. During that time, we had talks about how for our next step forward, we must adopt something new. That’s when I myself also thought that there may be a possible "renaming" like how Hiragana Keyakizaka46 became Hinatazaka46. After that, all the members were informed that they might really be a renaming. When I actually heard that we were going to be renamed, I felt quite gloomy while also thinking: “We really are being renamed.”

Calmy accepting the reality of the situation and thinking of the reason as to why. Then gently changing her feelings about the situation helped calm Morita down quite a bit. Furthermore, she talks about how now that they’ve renamed, she’s been carefully thinking about what the right next step to take is.

When hearing about the renaming, the first thing that came to mind was how we needed to temporarily leave behind everything that was already settled and in place. Then, since we’re becoming anew, the thought about having to begin from square one and having to build up from there was quite immense. As in the sense of having both the feeling of "letting everything go" and "reborn." Another step forward, I felt that I had to change my mindset and think about how I would be walking on a new path. Therefore, in regards to the renaming, there was no exact time where I felt: “Now I’m alright with it.” Besides, since it was already decided that we would be changing, I once again began to have the feeling of wanting to cherish the little time we had left as Keyakizaka46, with said time passing by day by day.

The Last Live that came after the announcement of the renaming. When reviewing the setlist again, the memories of that time overflow one after another for Morita.

The themes of the first day and the second day are different. On the first day, I felt the world view of "The Keyakizaka46". There are many songs with strong MVs and lyrics such as “Silent Majority,” “Hiraishin,” “Fukyouwaon,” etc, which is where I put most of my focus on when performing those songs, so that the fans would be able to enjoy it from the first day. Every song is deeply thoughtful, but the songs that I was able to participate in for the first time were the most profound to me.

Since Morita is part of the 2nd generation, there were a lot of songs that she wanted to sing. It seemed that there was a strong desire to make them succeed, as she could now participate in them. 

This time, by combining the 1st generation and 2nd generation, I was given the opportunity to perform in the original 21 members (formation), all 9 members (of 2nd generation) were able to participate in all of the songs, it made me extremely happy. Everyone else was also really happy, so I thought that I should try my best.

“Kuroi Hitsuji" can be said to be the symbol of Keyakizaka46. Morita had some thoughts about the song since it was expressed by all of the members.

We were given the chance to have all the current 27 members in the group perform “Kuroi Hitsuji,” the staff members told us that they thought it would be a good idea if we created a new story for the final performance of “Kuroi Hitsuji.” The song has a various of stories embedded within it, so I thought it was a wonderful idea to be able to perform a fitting story for the last live. It was the same idea for each of the songs, however each fan has a different perception for each song, so I believe that the most important thing first is making each fan enjoy themself with how they personally feel about the performance.

With the first day ending and gradually having to face the reality of Keyakizaka46’s end, it seemed that she couldn't feel the reality of that. Only thinking, “Ah, the first day just ended.”

I couldn't grasp the reality of the situation... Since there was also the next day, I was too busy checking the setlist, formation, music, etc.

Finally, we reached the true, final last live. While encouraging each other, everyone formed their final group huddle.

During the second day’s group huddle, everyone was already teary-eyed since this would be Sato Shiori-san’s final live with us. I clenched my teeth together and did my best to hold back my tears. I told myself that I wouldn't cry no matter what for this live.

Her strong, assertive gaze was only looking forward, it was dignifying. When we asked the reason as to why, she replied: "Because there is an ending." The ending of this day would be the arrival of Sakurazaka46’s new song. However, it wouldn’t just be the release of a new song that she was looking towards, but her role to serve as the center for “Nobody’s fault,” with her feelings already being prepared.

Since it was the case that Keyakizaka46 would be ending on this day, there was a moment when I thought that it would be alright to cry. Although, I could still sing all of the songs, so since it was the last day ever, I wanted to do each song as thoroughly as I could. I felt that if I were to cry, my emotions would become too cluttered...

During the Last Live, when all of the members bowed, the sounds of them sobbing and sniffling could be heard. Even then, Morita never showed her tears.

The second day would be our last day as Keyakizaka46, so when everyone was bowing, the names of all of the people who were affiliated with Keyakizaka46 appeared in projection. The idea to start with “Silent Majority” and end with “Silent Majority” while we were bowing was extremely well-done, as I thought it felt really Keyakizaka46-like. I thoroughly began reflecting upon all of the memories of the past, the feelings of gratitude, and the feelings of: “Ah, that happened to us.”

After that, you all re-appeared as Sakurazaka46. With Morita at the front, appearing as the center in the front row. What were you thinking at that moment?

When the Last Live was over and everyone went back inside, we had to change our outfits extremely fast in order to appear as Sakurazaka46. There was really limited time, and to be honest I was thinking about whether I was Keyakizaka46 or Sakurazaka46 at the time. As I had expected, it was really hard to switch at that moment... But when the renaming was decided and that I would be the center, I promised myself that I had to properly change my feelings from Keyakizaka46 to Sakurazaka46. Otherwise, I thought that the entrance at the end would not be successful, so even if my emotions were against my own will, I would carry them to Sakurazaka46 and break free from them.

That reluctance from Morita was not felt at all during the re-appearance of the members, and she believes that even if time progresses, that moment made a lasting memory within many people. Only her strong willpower and feeling of excitement that came from starting anew was felt. In addition, she revealed that when the words: "Surpass Keyakizaka46" were displayed, that her feelings could not be expressed in words.

I was too absorbed in everything at the time, so I don't really remember that much, but I remember heading to that stage thinking that I wanted to be part of a new group that wouldn’t lose to Keyakizaka46. There were a lot of rehearsals for the performances, along with the sheer amount of choreography and songs, I felt like I couldn’t wrap my head around all of it. If possible, if you could watch everything until the very end like how I gave it all I could, I’d be happy.

I was watching the performance and I felt Morita Hikaru’s fearless smile, which was so strong and beautiful that it gave me goosebumps.

Everyone who watched it said that I was grinning, but I had no idea what they were talking about..! It wasn’t planned at all to make that kind of face and it was a completely unconscious decision! All I remember is catching sight of the set changing into a cherry blossom tree. Of course, I knew that the set would suddenly change after becoming Sakurazaka46, but I only got a good view of it after watching a video afterwards of the flower petals fluttering around, which is when I thought: “Wow, it’s beautiful.” In addition, I was thinking about a lot of things. 

...But, as I have said many times, that grinning expression wasn't an expression that I made on purpose, so I was surprised when I was told about it by everyone (laughs).

What do you feel looking back at that live now?

I was really happy to be allowed to do almost all of Keyakizaka46's songs. I know that live performances are not easy to prepare and execute, and I was really happy that I was able to perform for 2 days as the last finale for Keyakizaka46. I believe that it’s because us members are who we are now that we were able to show everyone this last performance.

We asked her about her feelings when she heard that she would be the center for Sakurazaka46, her response was: “They were really complicated and hard to put into words.”

When I first heard that I would become the center, I was very surprised. To be honest, there were feelings of confusion and happiness... All I thought about was wanting to not have any regrets after doing it. Furthermore, Sakurazaka will have just been born with this song, so I’m looking forward to seeing how the group will develop from here on out. Looking into the future, I’d also like to ask how you all feel about this song too.

She pondered when we asked her how she felt she changed from when she joined Keyakizaka46, to now becoming Sakurazaka46.

Actually, I was asked the same thing in the interview right after the live ended. Though, I was unable to answer it at the time no matter how much I thought about it. Since I don’t think that I’ve changed much. Of course, within the period from then to now my feelings have changed a lot, but I myself haven’t changed. There is a specific figure that I want to be, but it's embarrassing so I won't say it (laughs). Personally, I’m always thinking about wanting to become a wonderful person.

She told us that before joining Keyakizaka46, she was more greedy and wanted to be many things. 

I’ve never been the type of person who strongly thinks: “I really want to do this!” I’ve been more of the type who’s frivolous and has a lot of different things they want to do. Right now, the outline of that dream of mine is clear, not just as an interest, like: “what in particular do I need to do to make that dream come true,” or: “what should I do in order to make that happen” has become my way of thinking recently. Looking at everything from a more concrete way might have helped me out.

Joining a group and working together with people she’s never met before was, to her, extremely exciting. 

For all of the members, there’s parts of them that I respect, or that I found attractive. I’ve been influenced in a good way, and I’ve been trying to polish up my own skills in hopes that I can also influence them in any sort of way. It’s not like I’ve been only receiving encouragement from one member only, I really do believe that each and every single one of the members have things about them that I think are wonderful. It’s all of that which I respect.

She talks about how she immediately finds the great and wonderful aspects of each member. That’s because she’s always observing them. Ever since joining Keyakizaka46, her hobby has become observing people.

When I observe people, I notice things like what type of person they are, or what they’re thinking about. I’m never really analyzing the details too much. Though, I do end up looking at a lot of people out of habit. It’s not like I'm trying to learn something from it. Suppose that I started to become too influenced by other people and begin to copy them, well, then I’d feel like I would lose myself. So in order to do that, I try to hold my core self firmly in place. If I get asked what “myself” is, I don't really think I can answer that well… 

If I had to say something, then I guess I’d go with “fixation.” For example, I decide what today's mission is, then I try my best to remind myself to do it. It's really trivial things usually, like: “because I have this job today I want to try this out,” or: “because one of my seniors wrote good things on their blog, I’ll also try to do the same thing to follow their example.” I really only carry out things that I notice. 

Normally, I'm the type of person who doesn't set many goals, but after becoming Sakurazaka46, I thought it would be better to properly do some personal planning, so I’ve recently been writing down things I want to do and things I have to do in my notebook. Then, when I look at the list, it gives me a lot of things that I can try to attempt. This may or may not be a significant change.

After becoming Sakurazaka46, she started to make a to-do list in order to help discover a new part of herself. What kind of things has she written down?

For starters, I want a variety of people to know about Sakurazaka46. That's the most important one. After that, I certainly want to develop as a group, and there’s also a lot of personal things. So I think that it would be really good if I could thoroughly achieve each one of them piece by piece, starting from the really minor things. Also, I’ve been thinking about this one since Keyakizaka46, but I’d like to attach myself to a color. Not the hue of the color, but the character part of the color. I’ve never really had the thought about: “What if I had to attach myself to a color?” However, I want to become a person with a variety of colors. Similar to how the white sakura represents Sakurazaka46. I would like to be a person who can be dyed with any color.

Sakurazaka46 has only just begun. For this reason, this is a good chance to find a new version of yourself. We asked her about what she thinks now, things she wants to do, and her aspirations for the future.

Certainly for the Keyakizaka46 fans until now and also for the new fans of Sakurazaka46, now is the time to watch us members begin from square one. That's why, I’d be happy if the group itself and each one of you all could help create and advance towards a good future together whilst having fun.

After thinking carefully for a long time when asked again what Keyakizaka46's existence meant to Morita Hikaru, she gave this answer.

Hm… Keyakizaka46 feels like something I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. Even if it’s something I’d like to do all over again, I can’t. Taking into account how precious of an experience Keyakizaka46 was, I want to be a person who can contribute something to Sakurazaka46.

Being Center of debut single, her feelings are also filled to the brim with a strong determination. 

Being the first center for Sakurazaka46 means that I feel the expectations of a lot of people. Of course, in order to not betray those expectations, I need to become a person with charm, and I think it would be great if I could be someone who makes people feel glad to be in Sakurazaka46.

She analyzes herself properly and expresses her words clearly, she is already a woman who does not need to rely on anyone and gives off a strong aura. Exactly what kind of female image does she look up to personally at the moment?  When asked that, Morita avoided giving a clear answer.

By no means is this with any ill-intent, but I’d rather not talk about my ideals. Of course, I do have an ideal image. It’s just that ideals are something that change as the years go by. They’re not going to be completely different, but they’ll become greater. Let’s say that I achieve the ideals that I have right now, well then I’d just have a new ideal image be formed after I achieve my previous one. That’s why, right now, I think that talks about ideals are pointless. Besides, no matter how many years pass, once I reach what I think is my ideal female image, it will mean that I’ve reached the limits of living my life, which I don’t think is possible.

Strength, dignity and to not waver, you must stick to yourself. In her time participating in Sakurazaka46, what kind existence would she like for Sakurazaka46 to be to everyone in order to be happy?

For the fans, I’d be really happy if they remember Sakurazaka46 at the right time so that it becomes a strong point in their life, even if it doesn’t go as far as to act as a saving grace, I hope that Sakurazaka46 can become a close part of someone’s life. Ultimately, I’d just be happy if they’d know about us.

She says that since she herself was saved by Keyakizaka46’s songs.

Keyakizaka46’s songs were always there for me before and after I entered Keyakizaka, along with all of the troubled and enjoyable times I’ve had in my life. For example, if the first day of the Last Live, “THE KEYAKIZAKA46'' had occurred before I entered Keyakizaka46, then many of the songs would be similar to those that I used to sing before. In particular “Eccentric,” “Getsuyoubi no Asa Skirt wo Kirareta,” and “Hiraishin'' are songs that especially meant a lot to me at that time.

There’s the power of a message within the lyrics. At the time, I was strongly attracted to these three songs. At the same time, the admiration I had for the group became stronger. After actually joining the group, new feelings towards those songs had budded once again. I feel that it’s a sensation that members who have been in Keyakizaka46 since the beginning can’t experience. So since I’m a 2nd generation member, there’s both good and bad things that I can experience, which overall I think is a really good thing.

She tells us how since she’s a 2nd generation member, she’s bound to think about whether or not she’s really fitting into the group, or if she’s fit to be a member. The moment when she was able to get rid of those thoughts was when she was able to perform at a live. That’s when she finally felt like she became a Keyakizaka46 member.

When I saw all of the fans’ faces during the live, I finally felt like I could be recognized as a member. After that, I felt like I wanted to have my feelings reach all of those fans. By the way, the release of the song “10 Gatsu no Pool ni Tobikonda” after I joined Keyakizaka46 is a really important song to me personally. It really resonated within my heart. The theme of “If we can do it, then let’s give it a shot” is something I’d really like to cherish.


Furthermore, it’s said that this song has 2 themes. 

The protagonist “Boku” in songs like “Silent Majority” and “Fukyouwaon” has two emotions, which you can feel appears in this song. Once you think about that, I think this song becomes a really personal song towards the listener, which makes me feel deeply moved. It may be hard to sing this song again after becoming Sakurazaka46, so I’d like to have a song that I can sing even in Sakurazaka46 that's personal to the listener.

With her feelings already sorted out, right now she’s just looking straight forward towards the future. That strength of hers is very dependable. As she’s said before, she thinks has firm ideals in place right now that she needs to confront. With each time she grows as a person, her ideal image will once again become greater, and in order to get closer to those ideals, she must further grow as a person. From here on out, you can’t help but be excited to see how Sakurazaka46 will blossom.


Translation: Lele

QC: puppet

Raw: Kiryu


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