Sakurazaka Love Letters 2021 From Official Website

 Please read this while seeing the actual handwritten letters displayed in the special page!

Translated by: toomuchidea, Cirrus, Keishi, SatoneShichi, karl_k46, Kiryu_00, pupp3t, sunsetrider


Uemura Rina to Ozeki Rika

“Dear Oze,

Thanks for always making me laugh so much! Of all the people I’ve ever met, you’ve shown me the real you the most, and I’m glad we have that kind of relationship! Keep being who you are Oze ♡

From Rina”


Ozeki Rika to Ozono Rei

“Dear Zono

Ever since Zono first joined [the group], you have reached out to me a lot, and before I realize it you would already be by my side. You are very cute, and are a little sister-like presence!! You always brighten the people around you no matter what the situation is. I think that everyone is saved by your enveloping atmosphere. When we shared a room on the ship for the MV filming, seeing Zono practice dancing the whole time also got me motivated. From now on continue to walk forward in your own way, without overdoing it, okay? Thank you as always.

Ozeki Rika”


Koike Minami to Kobayashi Yui

“Dear Yui-chan
It’s a bit embarrassing to write this as a letter…
But everyday, I feel thankful to Yui-chan.
You think about the group and the members sincerely, you’re greedy in a good way, and you also have a cool attitude towards work and inspire me in lots of different ways.
I feel like I’ve met a truly wonderful person.
I have my flaws and I may not be able to do much, but I hope that I can be of some help to you, and that I can be a place where you can be spoiled.
Thanks a lot as always! Let’s get along from now on too 💗
From Mii"


Kobayashi Yui to Yamasaki Ten

“Dear Ten-chan
Happy Valentine ♡
I was always doting on Ten-chan but before I knew it I had the feeling that you were playing with me, it’s weird (lol)
I wonder if it’s because you’re kind and you go along with me for lots of different things~
From now on let’s talk a lot, okay!!
Please laugh in a Ten-chan-like way :)
From Kobayashi Yui”


Saito Fuyuka to Endo Hikari

"Dear Hikari-chan,
Thank you for always talking to me!
I love Hikari-chan’s politeness and beautiful dancing :)
Let’s talk about dance again~ ❤️
Let’s get along from now on too!
From Fuyuka"


Sugai Yuuka to Moriya Akane

“Dear Akane,
Happy Valentine’s! Thank you as always ♡
Akane is a well-informed person who teaches me various things, so talking to you is fun. :) :)
I ordered the cookie you told me about before and it was delicious ✨
The foundation you gave me on my birthday is also to my liking!
Let me hear more of your stories!
Since it’s been so long, it would be nice to have to have a meal together 🎶
Let’s have fun in an Akane-like way from now on too


Habu Mizuho to Seki Yumiko

“Dear Yumiko

Thank you as always.
Yumiko is someone who, when we first met, I felt a spark between us. At first you were even shyer, but now every time we meet, you would call out to me like “Habu-san, Habu-san” and it makes me very happy. Once things calm down, I’ll take you to as many tasty restaurants as you like, so please look forward to it. When that time comes, be sure to prepare your belly~~~
Habu will protect Yumiko no matter what happens!!!
From now on too, please treat me well.

Habu Mizuho”


Harada Aoi to Inoue Rina

“Dear Inorin
Thank you always~!
You’re honest, straightforward and a scatterbrain,
But I love the Inorin who’s also reliable ♡
Also you’re one of the few born in the same year as me,
So let’s get along from now on as well♡ Let’s have a coming-of-age party!
I’m jealous of your neck that’s long like a giraffe!
I love you~!!♡
From Aoi”


Moriya Akane to Watanabe Rika

“Dear Pe-chan ❤️,
My beloved, beloved Pe-chan. 
I trust that you are the kindest when thinking about the feelings of her friends
I feel really at ease when I am with Pe-chan ❤️
I love you.


Watanabe Rika to Matsudaira Riko

“Dear Rikopi,
Thank you for always getting along with me!
It’s fun to talk with Rikopi~
Let’s hang out a lot from now on too!
Let’s go eat matcha parfait again!
Watanabe Rika”


Watanabe Risa to Harada Aoi

“[To] Aoi-chan
Ya-ho it’s Risa
Thank you for always talking with me
I’m always being helped by you in one way or another
and I’ve been saved lots of times!!
Let’s spend every day smiling comfortably from now on as well❤️
I’ll play with you again❤️


Inoue Rina to Koike Minami

“Dear Mii-san

Thank you for always being kind to me!! Mii-san is like an older sister, I always rely on you!! I’d be happy if there could come a day where we could go out together again, like to an amusement park :)
From now on too, please continue to treat me well!
I love you

Inoue Rina”


Endo Hikari to Saito Fuyuka

“[To] Fuyuka-san

Thank you for always calling out to me and making me laugh with your fun topics when our eyes meet or when I’m on my own!
I’m always saved by Fuyuka-san’s kind consideration.
When we were shooting the MV for Buddies, it was the first time for me to do anything like this, so when I was confused, it was very reassuring that you suggested “Let’s try the next dance like this!”.
I think it’s really wonderful how Fuyuka-san is always so humble! I have a lot to learn from you from now on too! 
I’ll be in your care☺  

Endo Hikari”


Ozono Rei to Habu Mizuho

“Dear Habu-san

Thank you for always reaching out to me.
I remember very clearly when you invited me to eat together at the dinner on the night of the MV filming day. I was happy that I could think that it’s okay for me to be here
I always listen to you while thinking that I will never forget the wise sayings from Habu-san. I like the one you muttered when we were walking down the corridor, “It’s what’s inside that counts in the end”, the most.
From now on I’d like to continue to talk a lot with the cheerful Habu-san with a wonderful smile (Although a smile is not the only thing wonderful from you).
In other words, I love you… Souiu koto desu [That is how it is]

From Ozono Rei”


Onuma Akiho to Masumoto Kira

“Dear Kirazou

Thank you for always making it an enjoyable time.
[It makes me] So Happy to be a good friend of Kira-chan.
You are funny. I’d like us to continue to make each other laugh. I also would like to retort you a lot. This is the first time I met someone so eccentric. The kind of person who takes eccentric pictures. But I also love that side of you.
This is also the first time I met someone with such a sharp tongue.
But I also know a lot of Kira-chan’s good side[s].
I also love this gap of yours.
Let’s have a relationship where we eat karaage together and create ballad dance.
Let’s continue to do our best together!!
I will continue to love you, no matter what.

PS It’s about time that you stop calling me Onuma-san

From Akiho within the swamp”


Kousaka Marino to Uemura Rina

“Dear Uemura-san,

Thank you so much for always being kind to me and treating me so well❤️ I fell in love with you at first sight when we first introduced ourselves, and I fell in love with you even more when I saw you singing and dancing so hard during the rehearsals! Uemura-san who is gentle and cute as a doll completely heals me. The goofy stories that come out when we talk are interesting, and I’d like to talk more about them. I love Uemura-san who watches out for her juniors like a big sister. Please continue to take care of me. ❤️🙂”


Seki Yumiko to Takemoto Yui

"Dear Yui-chan,

Thank you always :) 
It's so much fun whenever I am with Yui-chan.
Let's hang out together again! 
From here on too, I'll be in your care :)

From Yumiko"


Takemoto Yui to Moriya Rena

“Dear Moriya Rena-chan,

To tell you the truth, you’re my oshimen :)
I absolutely love your cute smile, it always thrills my heart when I see it.
I’ve been nervous and I haven’t been able to talk to you a lot, but I really want to get along with you.
I really hope that we can talk together a lot during 2021 ❤️
Thank you as always. I’ll be in your care.

From Takemoto Yui”


Tamura Hono to Morita Hikaru

“Dear Hii-chan
Again, it’s my first time doing this kind of handwritten letter so I’m nervous, but I’d be happy if my feelings can get across! 
Hii-chan can talk about a lot of things, so it’s always fun when we’re together. 
We’d talk about hobbies and work until the morning, get pumped up in the middle of the night at times and break into dance, after that the two of us would laugh while looking at the stars, and we’d also eat kaisendon after music lessons.
There are a lot of memories, but all of them are precious and I don’t want to forget them.
Hii-chan is reliable, and the way you carry yourself is so cool.
But, like always I’ll hug you from behind and spoil you.
Let’s make our dreams come true together.
I love you.
Tamura Hono”


Fujiyoshi Karin to Tamura Hono

“Dear Pooh

Thank you for always supporting me.
Do your best to aim [to become] Pooh again this year

From Karin”


Masumoto Kira to Onuma Akiho

“Dear Onuma-san,

I’m grateful to the fact that you’re so kindly willing to lend me an ear at all times.
You always act cheerfully, sometimes strictly, towards me.
It’s reassuring to have you around and helps me continue on with life.
I know it’s a lot to ask from someone like me, but will you continue being with me from here on out?

From Masumoto Kira”


Matsuda Rina to Sugai Yuuka

“Dear Sugai-san,
Thank you very much for always guiding the group!
I’m really glad that Sugai-san is the captain!
I’ll do my best even more from now on so I, too, can become the group’s and Sugai-san’s strength! I’d like to do my best while talking and cooperating more with you!
I love Sugai-san! 
Let’s get along from now on too!
Matsuda Rina”


Matsudaira Riko to Fujiyoshi Karin

“Dear Karin

Rikopi’s last chocolate is for Karin.
Thank you as always.
Although we thought that there is still time for us to talk even more… The two of us often went to the same store together. Let’s go again. See ya~

From Rikopi”


Morita Hikaru to Matsuda Rina

“Dear Marina

Thank you as always!
I’m always encouraged by your kindness.
I love your smile.
From here on out, let’s continue to laugh a lot together.
Let’s go out together sometime soon :)



Moriya Rena to Kosaka Marino

“Dear Marinon ❤️

Marinon, I love it when you act just a tiny bit cool and that you’re level-headed even though you’re younger ❤️ Also, I love it when you act like a tsukkomi [straight man], so be sure to do it to me next time lol lol
From here on out, I want to know even more about you and I hope we can make a ton of memories together!! Let’s go out for a meal together sometime soon! Also, whenever you’re feeling down, don’t fret to contact me ❤️❤️ I’m looking forward to continue getting along with you ❤️

From Rena”


Yamasaki Ten to Watanabe Risa

“Dear Risa-san

Thank you as always.
There are times where I am surprised by how observant you are to your surroundings. You’re kind and think about the members. I love and respect the big sister who casually cares for us.
I’d be happy if you could continue to be my big sister

Yamasaki Ten”


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