Shoji Umeka (Keyakake - Sokosaku Narrator) interview (BRODY April 2021)

This is the first time our magazine is featuring Sakurazaka46 since their renaming, and as we want to include their namesake program that has also changed from the time of Keyakizaka46, we would like to talk with Shoji-san who has been the narrator ever since the time of “Keyaki tte Kakenai?”

Shoji: Up until now I’ve been involved in various programs, but I couldn’t imagine being interviewed like this as a narrator when it comes to other shows. Even if there are times where I get interviewed for acting out characters in animations and games, I feel that I have almost no interviews as a narrator. I think it’s unusual for people to recognize narration or narrators. I think that in other shows, people just simply watch. And then later they might be like, “Oh, I feel like I've heard this person before.” I think it’s very special for my name to be recognized (laughs)

It certainly might be a peculiar phenomenon when it comes to idol shows. Shoji-san, you often talk about the show on Twitter from time to time, I think that is what makes you feel familiar to fans of Sakurazaka46.

Shoji: That’s right. I had decided to do that since the first episode, during the start of “Keyaki tte Kakenai?”. Now the official account has started to promote it as well, but I felt that it would be great if everyone could work hard together to create excitement about the show and help out these girls that no one knew about and who hadn’t made their debut yet, to become bigger. Ever since the first episode I haven’t been able to stop doing it, and even now I still continue to do so (laughs).

You promote the show every episode, and there are times when you do a bit of commentary in real time as well, right?

Shoji: Other than when I have work or when I can’t make it home in time, I usually watch it in real time. Don’t you think that the one and a half hours of (the 3 Sakamichi shows) are broadcasted in a good time slot? It’s a good time for people who are working and just happen to be watching television. I thought it would be fun to get excited about it together, and just like everyone else, I just write what I think about. Everyone always warmly welcomes me, and that makes me very happy.

I feel that Shoji-san’s presence is more emphasized due to being sandwiched by the other two shows where the narrators are men.

Shoji: I’m glad. I think it was groundbreaking for a woman to be narrating a female idol show. That’s why during the first episode of “Keyaki tte Kakenai?” Nagao-san (the producer) instructed me, “Rather than reading it from the perspective of watching them together with audience, I want you to read it like an older sister who watches over them”. That is how it started.

When the show was renewed, were there any requests from the production team?

Shoji: Personally, I was very nervous. It was going to be brand new, and there was the impression that it might be better to start afresh without any color, so I wonder if it would be better if I left with Keyakizaka46. There was a time where I wondered a lot about things like whether they would be better off if I left. But the show asked me to continue, so I decided to do my best. I was very particular about the opening of the first Sokosaku episode, how the opening begins in a cool way like ‘bam!’ I was like, “What about if I do it like this?” or “Maybe this way is better?” I recorded many different takes while consulting on how I should do it.

After all, it was the first shot, so you were motivated for it.

Shoji: My manager also said, “You were really into reading it.’ It was a one time chance, so there was an extraordinary feeling.

How much difference was there in the usual number of takes and the time it took?

Shoji: I think it took twice as long as usual. It depends on the production situation at the time, but when recording narration, basically (the video) is already done, just lacking my voice. So rather than having an elaborate meeting, it’s more like drawing from what the director or sound effect person wants, and most of the work is just going with the flow. “Let’s read it like this here” or “Let’s read it that way”, these are often said during special occasions like documentaries, close coverage, senbatsu announcements, or hit prayer campaigns. During those times, we’ll talk about how it should go, but for other normal variety episodes they leave it up to me, so they are more flexible than any other show. It might be the show with the most freedom on how you’re allowed to narrate.

The 2nd generation are a catalyst

You have been in charge of the same program for more than 5 years, so I think that you have a strong love for the members. Is there any difference from narrating other shows?

Shoji: When I read for these girls, I think I am overwhelmingly more subjective than other show (laughs). It’s not like I’m working in the same studio as them, and it’s not like I know anything deeper than the viewers. However, as I’ve been watching various things for a long time, I feel more strongly about them compared to other people like other entertainers and actors, like  “What kind of feelings do they mean when they say this word?”. When I read something during a documentary segment, if I’m not very careful, my emotions tend to come out more and it would feel too heavy, so I have to control my emotions more than other shows.

To control your emotions while embracing them.

Shoji: If I become too subjective it would be annoying, and people still need to enjoy the show. But I always think about how I can make the girl in focust shine with my words. If the story is developing in an interesting way, I try to read it in a way that makes it look as interesting as possible. I always try to convey the best parts of them to you, so that people could learn about them more, and come to like them more.

Listening to what Shoji-san said, I can feel your deep love for the members.

Shoji: That’s right. I can’t watch with a peace of mind (laughs)

Well then, are there any scenes where you laughed out loud without realising while watching the show?

Shouji: There sure is a lot… But I laughed at Onuma (Akiho)’s forward lean. That was funny. There are some quirky girls in the new 2nd generation, and I wonder if they have become a trigger for the show. Other than that, the scene where Morita (Hikaru), as the top batter, shows up wearing a blonde wig.

From the episode “Nobody’s Fault Joint Responsibility Game” during the“One-line impersonation” punishment game, right? [Episode 10]

Shoji: Oh, that’s right, that’s right. Morita looks great with it, I also laughed a lot at Ozono (Rei)’s grandmother 's look, but in the end Sugai (Yuuka) swept it all away (laughs). Then, the recent episode about word sense is also quite funny, isn’t it?

It’s an episode that gives even members who are not good at being active the spotlight, isn’t it?

Shoji: That’s right. Everyone’s choice of words are excellent. Those who watch the show surely know about the members, so I think they will definitely be like “Oh~”. I think that they enjoyed it quite a lot. 1st generation too, I think there is no end to their improvement.

As I thought, you do have something akin to a special feeling towards the 1st generation

Shoji: I feel this way about everyone, but the 1st generation members have seen a lot of things from the very beginning, so now I feel that as long as everyone is smiling and happy, that’s fine(laughs). Even now I might cry when I remember it, but I cried watching Kouhaku. Seeing Saito (Fuyuka) running in made me go cry out loud. Seeing the sight of everyone dancing together, I feel deeply moved.

It’s true that in Keyakizaka46 there was the system of an all-member senbatsu, but in Sakurazaka46 they are split into 3 different teams, and have only performed together in Kouhaku.

Shoji: That’s right, that’s right. To see them performing for us like that, I can only give applause. I think that the fans are probably also thinking the same thing, like, “This is what I wanted to see!”

If Shoji-san thinks that way, I think the fans do too.

Shoji: (laughs)

Speech bubble on my name

Have you ever felt like crying while narrating the show?

Shoji: I feel like I have~ There’s too many things that have happened (laughs). But I felt that it was very difficult for them because they had to perform songs that require a lot of mental strength. I’m not an idol, so I can only imagine it, but compared to fun and bright songs, it feels like they have to dig deep within themselves. In my work too, when I have to play a heavy role, there are times when I have to go through hardships from putting too much effort in; when I have to do that, it takes a lot of power and strength. When I see those girls pushing themselves to the limit, and seeing them having to stand up even when they’re hurt, there are moments where I want to say to them, “That’s enough”.

So there are times where you feel worried about them. But that emotion comes from Shoji-san’s feeling of love. Then, how did you feel when you heard that Keyakizaka46 was going to end their activities?

Shoji: I met the girls as Keyakizaka46, and we shared a lot of memories, so at first there was a great sadness. But when I think about the girls, this is the best option, so I wondered if it was the right decision. It was sad, but the girls are the ones who said that they still wanted to do it, and so I felt that there was no choice but to support them. We are in the position where we listen to their songs and support them, but they themselves are the ones who existed deeply as Keyakizaka46, and so I think that they are the ones who have gone through great hardships. I also think that they are the ones who have been through the most pain, and who love Keyakizaka46 the most. So since they are looking forward and saying that they will be having a positive farewell, I felt that we shouldn’t drag them down.

Seeing the current bright atmosphere, I’m sure you’re glad that you continued.

Shoji: When Sugai did her speech, I thought that it might end right there and then. And if that happened, it wouldn’t be strange at all. But amidst the situation where it would be very difficult to start afresh and move on beyond that, I am grateful that they made the decision to allow us to watch over them more.

I think that the fans who learned that Shoji-san would continue as narrator even after the program had been renewed were pleased, because you have so much love for the group and members.

Shoji: Truly thank you very much. As a narrator, this show is not like any other program. My name was included in a caption with a speech bubble once (laughs). In the first episode there was a speech bubble [coming from my name] saying “Continuing” wasn’t there I laughed at that. Like, “This is the first time I’ve seen something like this” (laughs). The staff told me, “We put it in~”, and it makes me think that the staff also have lots of love for this show


Translation: toomuchidea
QC: shin
Raw: kiryu


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