Sugai Yuuka interview in B.L.T May 2021

At the time of Keyakizaka46’s second single, it was a turbulent time when all members shot a drama together, but with what kind of feeling do you spend your days this time?

Yuuka: That’s right… We, 1st generation members, have experienced this once. I think that we want to enjoy the unique atmosphere and the flow of time while carefully cherishing our daily lives. However, for 2nd generation members, it is filled with nothing but new experiences, so I would like us to support them. But since we became Sakurazaka, overall, that moody phase has faded away.

During Keyaki time, I was told that the feeling of danger and explosiveness is appealing, but the team has become more balanced with having three centers. When I watched the live performance video from TGC the other day, I felt that a stable feeling was shown.”

You can see that each 2nd generation members has accumulated good experiences

Yuuka: It is said that experience is the best teacher, but watching them from the side I feel that the three Centers in particular have grown rapidly. And… From the 2nd generation members, I feel that during Keyaki time they are holding back, or rather they were playing safe. If I were in the same position, I think I would be behaving the same way. By building up releases one after another like this, I’d like to invigorate the group even more.

In this 2nd single, including the title song “BAN”, is three-way with 3 Centers. How well did it work?

Yuuka: I love all three songs and the MV as well. Of course, I also have a strong feeling on the songs of the first single, but I think that the range for the 3 songs this time is wider to listen to. I wish we could use this as an opportunity to appeal towards and get more people to know more about Sakurazaka46.”

It seems that Fujiyoshi Karin-san centered “Guuzen no Kotae” will be emphasized, is it not?

Yuuka: When it comes to lyrics about love, it’s a continuation from the first single, but it has a different melody from NazeKoi [“Naze Koi wo Shitekonakattan darou?”], and I thought that the MV was a very challenging one. Also, [Yamasaki] Ten-chan centered song have the impression of being a song that will liven up live performances. I like it from the first time I listened to the song. The melody, of course, but the lyrics are very good. While having friendships like “Buddies”, I feel as if it’s the worldline where the “Boku” from “Futari Sezon” has grown up, recently I would cry listening to it…

It’s a song that strikes a chord, so to say. But it’s nice to be able to talk about the new songs like this, isn’t it?

Yuuka: I truly think so. In the midst of many things, I thoroughly enjoy the joy of releasing a new single like this. I’d be happy if the people who has been supporting us since Keyaki is happy as well, and I think that there are people who will know Sakurazaka for the first time in “BAN”, so I would like to do my best so that as may people as possible could come to know and like the group. Little by little, we are getting more opportunities to be invited to appear in outside shows, so it would be great if each member could grow their strengths and connect to the next opportunity. It became a similar comment as Habu-chan (laughs), but I’d like to treasure every chance that I get and leave some results behind so that it could firmly connect to the next one.

I look forward to it. By the way, this time 4 1st generation members are shot together, but I guess after all there is sympathy that is unique to genmates. In a good way, of course.

Yuuka: I could feel that. As I mentioned earlier, we have the desire to support the 2nd generation members… The 1st generation members understand each other as we have spent the same time and overcome many things together, after all there are deeper feelings. Personally, I have this dream of wanting to see a 1st generation member to stand as the Center of Sakurazaka.

The fact that you have been working and devoting your youth together for the past 5 years plays a big part, is it?

Yuuka: That’s why I was happy to be able to take a new step forward together with them, and I hope that I could continue to be with the 1st generation members for as long as possible. But aside from that love for genmates, the 2nd generation are so very cute… I could feel how my motherly senses are getting bigger and bigger within me. When I saw the performance footage, on the scene where [Morita] Hikaru-chan, [Harada] Aoi-chan, and I lined up, I thought that it looked as if I was on a class visit (laughs).

According to Yamasaki Ten-san, it seems that “Sugai-san is a mother” (laughs). Did you unknowingly deepen your broad-mindedness?

Yuuka: I wonder…!? Before, when I said what I was thinking, I would feel indecisive thinking about what others would think, but now I think that I have become quite able to be outspoken. It is a fact that the 2nd generation members’ inclusion has given us the awareness that we should be a role model. I talked about it together with 1st generation members, “Let’s not be a bad example, but properly be a role model.”

Did you talk about it with Rika-san as well?

Yuuka: With Pe-chan [Rika] it’s mostly heartwarming conversation (laughs). But on “BAN”, she really worked hard for the dance… This is just what I’d say, but when I see the video, I was drawn to Pe-chan’s performance, and I thought that I should work harder. Pe-chan’s eyes changed when she’s completely switched, so I’m secretly hoping to see a ‘taken-over’ appearance like back during TokuDare [“Tokuyama Daigoro wo Dare ga Koroshita ka?”]~

I’d like to see that as well! Well then, please tell us your enthusiasm for the 2nd single.

Yuuka: It’s a mundane comment, but the songs on the 2nd single are also very varied, I think that we can show even an even more new ‘us’. Sakurazaka have a special feeling for Spring, so I hope to be able to have a fun time with you.


translation: toomuchidea
QC: mentos
Raw: kiryu


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