Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka? staff interview in BRODY April 2021

A forward leaning attitude toward the show

“Keyaki tte, Kakenai?” has been renewed to “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?”, but was there any consensus among the production staff to change something?

Nagao (producer): Since the time of Keyakake, we have been thinking about “How do we make the members shine?”, “How can we make it easier for everyone to actively move?”, so there wasn’t any thought to change it after becoming Sokosaku. However, I felt that the girls changed starting from the latter half of Keyakake.

Abe (scriptwriter): I think that the 2nd generation, including the 6 additional members, plays a big part in it. The 1st generation was sparked by the 2nd generation, and the group as a whole began to show the atmosphere of wanting to change.

Anai (scriptwriter): Scriptwriters don’t have the opportunity to talk with the members, but when I read the questionnaire from the latter half of Keyakake, their aspirations in “I want to do something like this” has greatly become variety-leaning, and I could feel that the atmosphere is changing. I want to respond to that feeling, and I started thinking about planning where members could demonstrate their strength.

Shirano (director): The group’s name and the program’s name changed at that time, so I thought that it has become a good opportunity for them to turn over a new leaf.

Abe: For example, we could’ve made the final episode of Keyakake a shocking one, with a prank of changing the MC, but since there is already a good flow I thought that it would be better to continue seamlessly from Keyakake. While expressing the intention to continue the program with these members, I proposed that the final episode should talk about the future.

Nagao: So there is nothing like “since the group is changing, let’s make a complete do over and do something completely different”, it’s just that the members’ awareness has already changed. What we are trying to do is not to distinguish between the 1st generation and 2nd generation members. There is nothing like “They don’t speak so let’s give it to a 2nd generation” or “Let’s establish the 1st generation here”, but we are trying to establish the members of the group. I think that the girls are also aware that it’s better for them to record without minding they’re from a different generation..

Shirano: The 2nd generation served as a catalyst to the 1st generation’s enthusiasm to work harder. Furthermore, with the arrival of additional members, the synergistic effect created is Sokosaku.

Speaking of the union between 1st generation and 2nd generation, there was a match between 1st gen - 2nd gen mixed team [Sokosaku episode 5 and 6, 15 and 22th November 2020 broadcast].

Anai: The aim was to blend 1st generation and 2nd generation together.

Nagao: To divide them horizontally instead of vertically.

Abe: I think it was good that the captains of each team are from the 2nd generation.

Nagao: The Centers of Sakurazaka46’s debut single, Morita (Hikaru)-san, Fujiyoshi (Karin)-san, and Yamasaki (Ten)-san are given the responsibility to lead their team. That time we properly talked to them about the aim of the production, and started the recording after getting them to understand.

So the director talked to Morita-san, Fujiyoshi-san, and Yamasaki-san?

Shirano: At the time of rehearsal, I told everyone, “This time you can get ‘Friendship Points’, so please make an appeal of the good friendship within the team. I want each team to think about what kind of appeal that you will make”. I think that the discussions between the teams are reflected in the episode.

As a result, the team did Habu (Mizuho)-san’s “Soiu koto desu [That is how it is]” together

Shirano: That’s right, that’s right. It was more than we expected.

Abe: That kind of group performance was led by the members, wasn’t it?

Anai: We just thought about the system that “the unity of the team will be added as points”. Even if it’s clumsy, it’s better for them to do what they think of.

Shirano: Even at the site, we don’t give any specific instructions. We answer their questions when they seek advice like “We want to do something like this, what do you think?”, but we do not force our opinions onto them. Rather than doing what these old men are thinking, it’s more exciting for them to do something they initiated.

Nagao: These old men have old ideas (laughs). When a member’s action strayed off course, if I said “Maybe it would be better this way”, they would reflect on it like “That’s right, I’ll do better next time” and make use of it for next time. That kind of atmosphere began to appear in the latter half of Keyakake.

Abe: But on the latter half of Keyakake, when we realize how strong Matsuda (Rina)-san, Inoue (Rina)-san, and Takemoto (Yui)-san’s variety skills are, while feeling happy that the show is changing, we’re also concerned that if we are betting too much on them, there might be girls who cannot keep up. However, in the 3-way battle, because Morita-san, Fujiyoshi-san, and Yamasaki-san who are not that aggressive are selected as captains, I wonder if the feelings of wanting to show everyone appeared

When Takemoto-san was talking about Shiga, Harada (Aoi)-san looked sleepy, and seeing how everyone jumped on board the flow made me feel the unity of Sakurazaka46 [Sokosaku episode 11, 27th December 2020 broadcast].

Abe: I felt that Matsuda-san, Inoue-san, and Takemoto-san’s presence are very important. The flow of multiplying Crayon Shinchan (Keyakake episode 250, 20th September 2020 broadcast) was also an idea from the members, and the atmosphere of “let’s do a group performance” soak in the group as a whole.

I wondered if with the good atmosphere that flows, it might make it easier for the MCs, Tsuchida-san and Sawabe-san.

Shirano: From the perspective of the two MCs, it might be easier to do if the members interact with each other when they ask them a question. When we did the Tsuchida King Championship birthday planning (Keyakake episode 250, 20th September 2020 broadcast), I think that a good atmosphere was born from where the members are messing around with Tsuchida-san.

Nagao: By feeling the current atmosphere, I think that they are conscious that even if they are unable to bring laughter, they can make one by leading the conversation toward the members. Although originally the balancer, Sawabe-san, was devoted to Ozeki (Rika)-san for a while (laughs). But now that each other’s position has been established, I think that they are leading while calculating which member to make use of.

So to make a punchline with the members instead of between the two MCs.

Nagao: Isn’t it not good if the MCs stood out too much in an Idol show? Since we became Sokosaku, I think that the charm of each member has been utilized in the group work between the MCs and members.

Matsu no Gaya ga Sumimasen! [= A joke on Uchi no Gaya ga Sumimasen! / Sorry for my background chatter!]

Speaking of Matsuda-san, whose name was mentioned earlier, there was a time where I personally felt that she might be overdoing her background chatter, but then I realized that it helped settling her into a good condition, and as I thought she has a high variety skill.

Abe: That is exactly what it is. But I think that it’s okay for her to be overdoing it. That way we can do an investigation planning like, “The suspicion that Matsuda is overdoing her background chatter” (laughs). There is meaning in making a hook.

Nagao: It’s better to say your chatter than not. Even if she wonders if “I guess it’s not right here” or “I wonder if I said too much”, there is no problem because it’s their own show. It’s good as long as they understand that it won’t work in an outside program. I want them to make a good use of the environment where they can practice their skills.

Abe: There will always be a time where someone can do it well and will end up overdoing it… That is what happens when they put their awareness first. As for Matsuda-san, it’s good that she’s creating an atmosphere that encourages the others to speak out instead of doing it to make herself stand out.

Nagao: Matsuda has a strong desire of wanting to liven up the group and has a sense of balance, so I think that she is perfect for the Vice captain position. Right now, she might have a running joke going on where she constantly gets cut, but when she is skilled enough so she doesn’t get cut in the future, there will be no end to her role as a foil for others, and Matsuda-san’s skills herself will be evaluated. I think that she is capable of it, so I have expectations for her.

I think that the remote recording due to the influence of the coronavirus pandemic in the latter half of Keyakake also had a positive effect. The screen is divided into 7 parts so everyone is always shot, and the conversation is led to each person, so that especially for the new 2nd generation members, their characters have become clearer.

Shirano: It can’t be helped that it was a situation where everyone couldn’t be together, but if the 26 members are grouped together there might also have been a feeling of “I don’t have to do anything”. By doing a remote recording with 7 members each time, it makes it easier for the MCs to lead the conversation, and their awareness might have changed because their faces are always shot.

Abe: Ozono (Rei)-san’s memo character was also born during the remote recording period.

I could feel how high Ozono-san’s sense is from her memo.

Abe: The first blog that Ozono-san updated was really interesting, I realized that she has a sense. I wondered about how we can bring out her shining sense, but I’m happy that she found it earlier through the form of a memo.

Nagao: There are girls that we found during the remote period like Ozono-san, and there is Onuma (Akiho)-san who moves at maximum strength showing off her charm in studies, and Masumoto (Kisa)-san is… we have no idea how she will develop from now on (laughs). In addition, although it has not been aired yet at the time of this interview, Kousaka-san will distinguish herself.

Is that so!? When I’m interviewing the new 2nd generation members, I often hear them say how Kousaka-san is actually an interesting person.

Nagao: When we do a hidden camera shot of the new 2nd generation members’ dressing room during Keyakake era (Episode 251, 27th September 2020 broadcast), it seems that Kousaka-san wasn’t feeling well that time (laughs). We heard that Masumoto-san and Kousaka-san are always fooling around, but it turned into a situation where Masumoto-san was fooling around by herself and everyone ignored her. After that, in a magic show with Masumoto-san (Sokosaku episode 14, 24th January 2021 broadcast), you can see a glimpse of Kousaka-san’s interestingness. Who thought about that bridge?

Shirano: “Let’s put in the bridge” might have been a suggestion from the director, but I think that pose and facial expressions are from their decision. It’s something that can be put out because it was the two of them.

Abe: It’s good that they do that expression without saying anything. You can’t tell what they are thinking. The simple pose also made that expression stand out.

Masumoto-san’s natural viewpoint is also nice, isn’t it? Like, how different she is at looking at things.

Anai: It’s interesting how such a suspicious person could pass through a fierce battlefield that is the audition.

Onuma-san who is funny just because what she is learning forward is also a unique character.

Shirano: Something completely unexpected happened (laughs)

Nagao: That forward leaning became even more interesting as we used it a lot during the show.

Using such a long screen time that the scene to decide Matsuda-san’s nickname got completely cut off. (laughs)

Nagao: It’s good that the forward leaning was done unconsciously. I wonder what she is up to? I think that Onuma-san’s Numarhythm has a high sense.

Have you decided on how to show the Numarhythm in the show?

Shirano: When I asked Onuma-san if there is anything that she’d like to show during the New Year’s party, she said that she was making a video for the fans, and I was shocked when I saw the video. She created a new work in order to be shown for the recording.

Abe: How wonderful. I think that Sakurazaka46 has gotten a “treasure”. I was so impressed by Numarhythm that I asked Onuma-sensei to pen a new song for the Sense Queen Championship (Sokosaku Episode 15,  31st January 2021 broadcast), and she drew suitable drawings for it as well. Such planning was born.

Shirano: As Abe-san said before, “It’s the return of PPAP” (laughs)

Anai: It was the same for Nogizaka46 and Keyakizaka46, but personally I think that the rough feeling of the early days, when the members do crazy things without minding how others will think is interesting. I hope that I could show that rough feeling looks attractive.

Abe: I think that it is best if the girls, not only limited to Onuma-san, can naturally harmonize with the group and become loved by the fans. So I want to prepare scenarios where the members could do it without having any weird thoughts in mind.

Speaking of the “rough feeling from the early days”, there are cases where people calmed down because they are aware of how the people around them think. I can understand that feeling, so I think that it must be difficult for them.

Anai: I also have the feeling of wanting them to stay playful, but I think that we should be able to respond when they change.

Shirano: There is such a side in Idol shows. Despite being so cheerful at the start of the show, they are so worried about the fans’ opinion that they tend to calm down as the show is aired.

Abe: It seems that they might be confused when the responses are greater than they expected. Like, when it’s all being said to them in handshake events.

Nagao: That is how it’s like with (Watanabe) Rika-san’s “Revolution!”

Anai: As for recently, it’s in meet & greet, but it seems that (Watanabe) Risa-san got a lot of “Kotsu Kotsu” requests from fans (laughs).

Speaking of Risa-san, it seems that she’s acting differently ever since it changed to Sokosaku

Shirano: Risa-san was originally a person with a sense of variety, but since she started being more able to show it in Sokosaku, it was helpful. How she feel slightly embarrassed after doing something is also nice

Nagao: Risa-san and Kobayashi (Yui)-san were more of a cool people, but within the flow they do their best in variety. I think that (Watanabe) Rika-san is also doing her best these days.

Abe: Rika-san updated her blog once every two weeks from October to December, didn’t she? Her attitude of wanting to change herself was conveyed.

Nagao: I think that 2nd generation members also play a big part in making Rika-san take action. The group has truly built a good atmosphere.

The relationship between Yamasaki-san and Risa-san is also good, isn’t it?

Nagao: Because Yamasaki-san calls her with “Onee-chan” “Onee-chan”. [= Big sis]

Shirano: In the future, I think the members will show us more interesting things when more chemistry between the 1st generation and 2nd generation happens

Turning individualities into planning.

Are you thinking of differentiating the show from “Nogizaka Kojichuu” and “Hinatazaka de Aimashou”?

Nagao: Every group has members who are good at variety and those who are not. People say that “Hinatazaka de Aimashou” is “specializing in variety”, but “Nogizaka Kojichuu” also has episodes with strong variety atmosphere, don’t they? Before, we thought of differentiating them, but I think that not planning is born from the flow of each program. For Sokosaku, we think of a scenario that matches the group.

Abe: I think about the planning while looking at the list of members on the official website, displayed on the screen of my laptop, and I could feel myself switching from other groups. If I think of something like “This program would be more lively if it’s done in HinaAi”, it will be a minus for both show, so I try to be aware not to do so.

Rather than thinking about the atmosphere as a variety program, you are making the program that suits the groups. The interestingness of the current Sokosaku is growing, and I feel that there is room for future growth.

Anai: There are still many members that we want to make use of. I think it’s our job to channel the girls’ goodness into the planning.

Shirano: For example, don’t you want to draw out Endo (Hikari)-san and Moriya Rena-san’s personality? They surely have something to show.

Nagao: The questionnaires written by Endo-san are always interesting, so I think that the problem is the way she speaks.

Anai: I think it might be overwhelming for her right now.

Abe: If she lets it loose once and gains confidence, she might be more relaxed.

Nagao: Tamura (Hono)-san has good reactions and she’s always smiling, but she’s not fully utilized yet in the show.

Abe: The atmosphere feels better when she’s here, isn’t it?

Nagao: Yes, that’s right. I want to do a project that focuses on Tamura-san. When we did the CEO Yumiko planning in Keyakake before, I wanted her [Seki] to jump on it more. Perhaps it was difficult for her because she was a true “CEO” (laughs). I hope that we can try it again once we can go out for a location episode. Like doing a shopping showdown with Sugai (Yuuka)-san.

Shirano: Like going to an apparel store, and say “You can only do this much to this much” (laughs).

Nagao: That’s right (laughs). But I think the fact that Matsuda-san and Inoue-san could read the intention of the planning and even humbly said “Commoners like us....” while enjoying it could lead toward something else.

Finally, please tell us how you see and aim for Sokosaku in the future.

Nagao: Sokosaku is just a “show for the members”, and there is nothing that we aim further than that. We always create it while thinking that it will be useful for the members’ idol activities, or their entertainment activities after graduation. I’d like us to continue to utilize the individuality of the members from now on, including CEO Yumiko (laughs).


Translation: toomuchidea
QC: rosie
Raw: kiryu


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