#1 Watanabe Risa’s “First” is… (Nonno series "Risa is...")

The first thing that comes to mind when speaking of the word “first”, is my first photoshoot with Nonno.

It’s like a dream to be able to appear in a magazine that I loved to read, so I was just so nervous about the photoshoot!

I also have good memories of how the staff helped me relax on the set and how much I enjoyed the challenge.

I always feel the love of the staff and how truly warm they are on the set!

Every year on my birthday, I receive a handwritten letter from the editorial staff, and they also give me loving advice like, "Since you were able to do this, for the next time you can keep these things in mind.”

And I try my best while keeping those things in mind.

As the number of things I could do increased, I became proud of myself as a model and gradually gained confidence.

Recently the number of junior models have increased, and now that I’ve become more of a senior, I’ve also been feeling more “firsts”.

By initiating the conversation with junior models and people I've never met before and creating opportunities for myself, my world has expanded.

Instead of just waiting passively as I had been doing, I thought I should go and do it myself (laughs).

The reason why I started thinking that way was perhaps also influenced greatly by how the group was renamed last year.

I want the 2nd gen members to be able to enjoy their activities freely in a good environment.

When I think about what I can do to make that happen, I think it is important to create an environment that the whole group can enjoy.

I thought it would be great if I could care for the 2nd gens who also play the role of Center, so that they could concentrate on expressing themselves to the fullest.

Since we made a new start as “Sakurazaka46”, I'm hoping that this year will also be a year for me as an individual to take on new "firsts".

I want to be greedy in challenging myself in new fields of work in order to grow as a person!

First of all, this serialization.

I've been secretly hoping to be able to do it someday, so I'm really, really happy!

I hope that readers will get to know my private life and the true side of me that I haven't shown until now.

Please let me know if there’s a particular aspect of me that you would like to know more about.

The readers, the staff, and myself.

I’m hoping that this will be a series we can all make together ♡.

This month’s Risa is...


Being Ri “size”, this is a corner where we measure various sizes related to Risa.

The first one is to express “the first article”, and we measured the length of Risa's index finger on her right hand.

"Eh///…. Is this what you mean? Are you going to measure here?" said Risa who was a little confused. ♡



Translation: tmi

QC: Cirrus


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