#2 Watanabe Risa’s “Cherish” is… (Nonno series "Risa is...")

What is important for me in my daily life. I guess it’s “the attitude when interacting with people”.

I’ve always had in mind to cherish the people who cherish me. Family and friends, staff, the fans who support me.

What I also try to do in my relationships with people is to accept them. If you want people to understand you, first understand them without forcing your opinion on them.

This thinking was born through group activities and was established over the course of five to six years.

When I think back, at the beginning I was very childish, and there was a time when I thought, "If they don't understand me, then that’s it”.

At one point, I changed the way I was feeling, and the environment became more comfortable.

Now, even if I hear a different opinion, I say, "I see, I see. That's one way to think about it," and draw close to them.

There are a lot of people, and not all of them have the same ideas, and there is no need to unify them. It is important to have a variety of opinions and to respect each other.

Since I started thinking that way, I’ve felt surprisingly more at ease. It was a very pleasant change.

Perhaps cherishing the people around you leads to cherishing yourself.

The other thing I think of when I hear the word "cherish" is the time I spend with my friends and family. I'm still very close to my friends from my hometown and school days.

There are people I keep in touch with every day, and the time we spend together chatting and getting excited over trivial things is very important to me.

I talk more with my family now than when I was a student.

These days, I also probably talk more with my brother, who is eight years older than me.

My brother says things that I would not have noticed normally to me frankly, objectively and to the point.

I don't communicate with him often, but I do call him when I need to take something to my parents' house, or when I want to go to Costco. When I think I need a car today, I would call my brother first.

Huh? When I put it into words like this, I only see him when I need to carry heavy things (laughs). It's not that I’m using him!

…. Anyway, “Cherish the people who cherish you”. These are the words I want to always remember and keep in my heart.

This month’s Risa is...


*The numbers are height x width x depth.

Being Ri “size”, this is the second edition of the corner where we measure various sizes of Risa! This time, we'll show you Risa's dimensions when she's compacted.

We asked her to express with her whole body "the important things I want to cherish"!

The way Risa tried throughout the measurements, saying, "I can still go further”, and her cute expressions are a must-see (laughs).


Translation: tmi
QC: Cirrus


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