Moriya Akane and Watanabe Rika's interview in BLT January 2022 edition


Q : Frankly speaking, what did you have in mind when the two of you were told that you would have this gravure photoshoot?

Moriya: Hmmm, I think it was during our first year in Keyaki… Yone (Yonetani Nanami who was a Keyakizaka 1st generation member) and the others were having a gravure photoshoot at a stylish cafe with a slightly mellow atmosphere. They said it was such a fun project, right? Pe-chan (Watanabe) and I were talking about how great it would be if we had one with such an atmosphere too.. 

Watanabe: Yeah~. 

Q : If so, then the direction (for the photoshoot) this time totally went a different way (laughs).

Moriya: Yes, it was an emotional one.

Q : On our end, we did plan to have Shinto Takeshi-san take pictures of you two at the Shibuya river, the location for Keyakizaka46’s debut single Silent Majority’s CD cover. Unexpectedly, the idea to have a location shooting at “the place where it all began” was in line with what Shinto-san had in mind.

Moriya: I was glad. I never thought that we would have our pictures taken by Shinto-san once again at that place~. When I think about it, there haven’t been many opportunities for Shinto-san to take photos of us. So, it was such a wonderful memory to be able to meet him again in this way at the end of our group activities.

Watanabe: Thank you very much.

Q : Ever since it was announced that the two of you would be graduating at the same time, you've been appearing together on Sakurazaka’s radio program "Kochira Yurakucho Hoshizora Hoso Kyou" and you've been doing more things together. However, if we think about it in total, Moriya-san and Rika-san have not worked together that often.

Moriya: That’s right. I rarely worked only with Pe-chan. Although, I guess there were some occasions where there were one or two other members with us. 

Watanabe: Yeah, there weren't many occasions. Actually, don’t you think we’ve never had one with just the two of us?

Moriya: None, I think~. However, me and Pe-chan have always been like this from the start, right?

Watanabe: Yeah, we haven’t changed at all, fufufu (laughs)

Q : Was it a coincidence that the timing for the graduation of the two of you coincided? Or did you share your thoughts with each other…?

Moriya: It was a coincidence that the timing of our graduations are the same. For me, around the time when we changed our name from Keyaki to Sakura a year ago, when I thought about my future and such, I was gradually able to perceive something realistic. The very first trigger point was when the group's activities stopped due to COVID-19. 

I had some time for myself, and in a good way it was right at the period where I could rethink about my future when it was decided that Keyaki will change its name… I had the option of graduating at that time, but the people I was consulting with told me that by starting over again, my situation and state of mind might change, and that I wouldn't know until I try it. So, I decided to give it my best shot for a little longer.

Then, we made our debut as Sakurazaka, and at the beginning of the year when we were working on the second single, I thought to myself, "Perhaps, after a short while, this won’t be the place where I belong anymore", and then I decided to graduate. Hence, some fans may think that I made a sudden decision, but I had been thinking about it little by little for a while. I hadn't told anyone about it at the time, but I’ve been working on each and every activity since then with the thoughts that "I'm definitely going to end my time as an idol in a beautiful way.” I did that so that no matter whichever one is my last, I will be prepared and won’t have any regrets. 

However, the other day, when we (Watanabe and I) finished the recording of "Kochi Hoshi" and received flowers, the realization that I am really going to graduate occured for the first time. I'm sure there will be many moments when I'll be feeling that way from now on, but I'm also still a bit vague about it, so I won't know what it actually feels like until I really graduate. It's a little scary to think that after a while of being away from the group, I might get lonely straightaway (laughs). 

Q : It's true that the feeling of loss comes late. ... On the other hand, Rika-san, when did you start to think about your graduation? 

Watanabe: Eh~, I also... started thinking about it about a year and a half ago.

Q : So it was around the time when the COVID-19 self-restraint period began. 

Watanabe: Yes, that’s right. 


Q : You must be thinking about your future and other things.

Moriya: But I thought that if all the members knew that I had decided to graduate, they would be concerned about me. I didn't want that. In particular, I wanted to tell the first generation members properly, but I held it back before a specific time was decided. However, Pe-chan and I knew about each other’s situation somehow, and we started sharing at some point, so just between the two of us we had a mutual understanding.

Watanabe: But the fact that the timing (of thinking about graduating) is the same was really a coincidence, right?

Moriya: You know, we’ve been working together for 6 years and have overcome so many things that we would notice when any changes happened. Pe-chan was one of the members I had talked a lot of things with since the beginning, so when I told her “I was actually thinking about graduating…”

Watanabe: It was like "Eh~ Me too~ Eh~, Akanen too?!" (laughs)

Moriya : Yes, yes, it was really like that (laughs). But I thought that deciding on the timing is really difficult. It's been barely a year since the group debuted and we're just getting started.

Q : As for Rika-san, after becoming a member of the title song with the second single and a member of Sakura Eight with the third single, I had the idea that you are graduating because you felt that you have done it all, but what was the actual reason?

Watanabe: Well… I've always wanted to give something back to the fans, so I was happy to be able to do that with the third single. Also, since I was also able to meet the fans directly at the live venues…

Q : There's still the "Sakurazaka46 1st ANNIVERSARY LIVE" scheduled for December 9th and 10th at the Nippon Budokan, so you’ll be able to say goodbye in person. 

Moriya: Including the time with Keyaki, this is the first time we will be doing a live concert where we will be sent off by the members right before our graduation, so I've conveyed a lot of things I had in mind to the staff. I also told them that I wanted to give something back to the fans, so I'm sure that it will be a concert that they will enjoy.

Q : We’re looking forward to it. Going back a bit, what did Watanabe Risa-san say to Rika-san when she heard about your graduation? 

Watanabe: She said,  “You did great~”.

Moriya: Something really hits you when someone tells you, “You did great”.

Q : A lot has happened within the six years since you joined the group, but in between those what would you instantly recall?

Moriya: I wonder… I guess we were really blessed with the songs, but there are so many memories that I really can't narrow it down.

Q : Ever since the Keyakizaka46 era, there have been a lot of interviews with B.L.T., such as the on-site interview during the MV shooting of "Wareta Sumaho" for the unit "Aozora to MARRY", in which Moriya-san and Rika-san also participated. Surely, you remember it well?

Watanabe: Oh~, WareSuma. How nostalgic~.

Moriya: Wasn't it a very windy day? 

Watanabe: Yes, it was! I recalled it now. 

Moriya: We had the shooting until very late at night. Then, since on the next day we were having a handshake event in a particular region, we brought so much luggage,remember?

Watanabe: Oh~, I don't remember at all. How come you remember it that well (laughs). 

Moriya: Because the first year after our debut was hectic (laughs). That's what makes it so memorable.

Watanabe: I remember how tough it was (laughs). 

Moriya: That's why the first generation of Keyaki naturally developed their mental strength (laughs). We really went through a lot and overcame them all.

Watanabe: I'm even amazed that I managed to do it (laughs).

Moriya: So, I think I have grown well mentally over the past six years. It became somewhat natural that something unexpected would happen, that I developed the ability to handle it. It was tough and hard back then, and there were times when I thought, "What are we even doing?”. But in the end,I was able to look forward, and also I think the present me can exist because I found the will to give my best... Thinking about it,  I am grateful for everything that happened.

Q : So you gradually understood that there are meanings that you can find from what you’ve experienced as a whole. Speaking of which, Rika-san, you said in the first year of your debut that you are going to be an idol until you turn 30. That will of yours kept getting confirmed again and again,, so I wonder if you were actually getting tired of it midway… (laughs).

Watanabe: Oh, it's okay (laughs). But I really thought so in the beginning. 

Moriya: Over the past few years, I have felt physically challenged at times. That’s why recently, I have been worryingly watching over Pe-chan. The dances are too intense (laughs).

Watanabe: The dances were really tough. I thought they were physically extreme.

Q : That makes me  rethink how hard it must have been for the "BACKS LIVE!!" ever since the preparation…

Moriya: At that time, I thought, “Maybe this is the last time I'm going to do this,” so there are things that I might have achieved because of it. Pe-chan and I were talking about that too, right?

Watanabe: I think that the preparation was the most extreme. I thought that we certainly would not make it in time.

Moriya: It wasn't just us, it was like that for everyone. But I think it raised the value of the group considerably. I think that the concert united the feelings of the members and made it clear that although we were all working hard in different areas, our ultimate goal was the same. It's been a long time since I've experienced that sense of unity. Maybe that's why so many staff said that the “BACKS LIVE!!” was great.

Q : This is something that the second generation member Masumoto Kira-san said, which is that Rika-san had memorized all the choreographies perfectly at such a fast pace.

Watanabe: Eh~! But Kira-chan was also doing her best. 

Moriya: It’s because she's such a hard worker, really.

Q : At some point, she and Moriya-san became a pairing, and even felt like sisters. 

Moriya: Kira is the only girl who comes at me so vigorously like that (laughs). That’s why, I only talked with Kira-chan a bit while ago that I had the intention to graduate. So, when we were put into different groups for the third single [Moriya was a member of Watanabe Risa’s centered song and Masumoto was a member of Morita Hikaru’s centered song], she cried so hard that it was a big mess. I've never seen someone around the age of 20 crying like that, to the point of bawling. However, the staff around us didn't know what was going on and they just wondered "What made Masumoto so upset that she cried this much?”.

At the time of the announcement of the formation, the waiting room was separated for the first and second generation, but the manager came to call me and said, "Can you come here for a minute?” I was wondering what was going on. Then I was told that Kira-chan was throwing a fit, insisting on performing in the same song as me. It's true that to the people around us, it just looked like selfishness, but I knew the real reason... 

Watanabe: Oh, so Kira-chan already knew about it since then? 

Moriya: Yeah, and she cried so much because she wanted to be with me at the end. 

Watanabe: So that's why… She really cried a lot. 

Moriya: She was like breaking apart while crying~. However, when I thought about how she liked me that much... I was grateful. Everyone was puzzled but I knew the reason, so I thought, "Oh, Kira-chan you’re really hopeless, but that’s really cute of you”. Somehow, I’m loving her even more (laughs). However, the manager was angry with her. While she was crying, she said "I’d rather be with Akane-san“. The manager replied, saying “Hey, that's rude to the members other than Akane-san who will be with you next time!”.  Only I, who knew everything, found the chaotic situation kind of amusing… 

Watanabe: Oh, she got scolded? I feel sorry for Kira-chan…

Moriya: But it was really only Pe-chan, Kira-chan, Risa and (second generation’s Moriya) Rena-chan who I had talked to about it.

Q : Rika-san, did you tell anyone about your graduation?

Watanabe: I told Risa-chan... (Sugai) Yuuka-chan and Habu (Mizuho)-chan, but I didn't tell the second generation members. 

Q : So, surely the members were surprised when you told them about your graduation.

Moriya: Oh, I contacted them via LINE, since there was the COVID-19 pandemic too.

Watanabe: But the timing of informing everyone was also sudden, so I’m sure they were surprised.

Moriya: I imagined that I would have to tell everyone face to face, so I thought, "I should at least tell the first generation in my own words.” So, I called each of them and said, "I'm sorry, it's so sudden. It must’ve surprised you?” I asked them to take care of me a little longer.

Watanabe: Wow, that's amazing. I didn't do anything…

Moriya: But then, a few days later, before the meguri (online meet and greet), I announced it again in front of everyone.

Q : By the way, when you personally told Rena-san about your graduation, what was her reaction?

Moriya: She was like (Imitating Rena’s voice) "Wait, wait, wait… I couldn’t keep up my thoughts.” Moreover, since I told her about it over the phone, the pause was very long (laughs). It was like, "I'm sorry, I was so surprised, I don't know what to say!” Rena-chan was so cute. 

Q : By the way, did you not talk to Saito Fuyuka-san about it?

Moriya: No, I didn’t tell either (Saito) Fuu-chan or Yuuka.

Q : Rika-san, you told Sugai-san, right? Did it make her cry?

Watanabe: Oh, she didn’t cry (laughs). 

Moriya: Surprisingly, no one reacted by crying. However, on the tour final (the last day of the 1st TOUR 2021), TAKAHIRO-sensei had a speech before we did the group yell, and afterwards, the dancers who have been supporting us since the beginning of the Keyaki era will always give us some advice. But on that day, they came to me crying, and said, "Don’t take the fact that you can perform in a concert with these members for granted, and please go out there and perform in a way such that you won’t have any regrets.” It was actually quite a long speech, but in summary, they said something like that. 

Q : That was a real tear-jerker, wasn't it? 

Moriya : I was like, “Oh no, I'm going to cry.”

Watanabe: Yes, it made us teary-eyed.

Q : Also, the encore song was "Sakurazaka no Uta", right? Everyone was crying, weren’t they?

Moriya: I was talking to Fuu-chan afterwards, and when I told her that I felt like I finally understood the goodness of "Sakurazaka no Uta" in the truest meaning, she said, "I understand, I feel the same way.” When I sing the part “The ordinary days we took for granted // were not a given at all...” while remembering all the things that happened to me... I get all teary-eyed. 

Watanabe:  I got that feeling~.

Moriya: But when I called Fuu-chan and told her about my graduation over the phone, she said, "Well, I didn't know, so I was surprised… but I've always had fun with Akane, so… it's okay”. That made me really happy. When I met (Uemura) Rina-chan in person later, she pushed me about whether there are other girls who knew about it way before her. She was like, “Does Kira-chan, or maybe do the others know?” Then, I was like  “Ye-, yeah”. Then, she was like “Hmm~” (laughs). But after I told her, “Ah, but I haven’t told most of them because I’ve decided to talk about it once the timing is decided,” she replied, "Yeah, that just sounds like you, Akane.” And she said, "Even if you’ve graduated, that won’t change our relationship.”

Q : I think it will definitely last a lifetime. Can you tell us about your vision after graduation, as much as you can?

Moriya: I will continue in the entertainment industry. 

Watanabe: For me… Hmm… I wonder…

Q : Are you going to be a baker or a curry maker?

Watanabe: I like to eat them, but I have no plans to become a baker (laughs). I haven't had time to think about it, so I want to think about it a little bit more. Ha ha ha. 

Q : It's a little late to ask this, but if you had been accepted by even one of the 50 companies you applied to during your job hunting, what kind of job would you have been doing?

Watanabe: Hmm, an office worker?

Moriya: But you only passed the audition for Keyaki. That's also amazing (laughs).

Watanabe: But (the time to work as an idol) is almost up…

Moriya: For the past few months, no matter what I do, me and Pe-chan kept saying “This might be our last, so yeah,” and we’ve done our best. 

Watanabe: We don’t have any unfinished business, do we?

Moriya: Yes, I think we’ve done all that we can do. The only thing left to do is to give it our all at the Budokan live, I guess? And the two of us were even featured in B.L.T.'s magazine like this... I'm really happy that you’ve been covering us since before our debut, and that you featured us even at the point of our graduation. However, in the interview I had with Fuu-chan for the second single, it was actually hard for me to cover up my true feelings and rephrase them in a positive way. I felt the same way in the interview that was played during “BACKS LIVE!!”. That being said, I was able to let myself free in the performance, and it felt really good.

Q : That concert definitely changed the group, didn't it? The sense of unity seems to be greater after that.

Moriya: That’s why I'll do my best to perform even more powerfully at the Budokan live, which will be the last for Pe-chan and me.

Q : The conversation is jumping all over the place, but do you remember when you first recognized each other?

Moriya: When was it? The third stage of the audition?

Watanabe: Oh, wasn't it the final (audition)?

Moriya: When did we start to get along?

Watanabe: I wonder when? But we went to Disney before our debut, right? We were in our school uniforms (laughs). 

Moriya: Yes! The two of us went to Disney in school uniforms. Pe can still wear school uniforms just fine, can’t she? Your appearance really hasn’t changed from six years ago.

Watanabe: No, no, no, impossible, impossible, impossible…

Moriya: You haven't changed, you know? On the inside too, in a good way. When I first talked to you, I was struck by the gap. I thought you were definitely a cool older sister from your appearance, but it was totally different (laughs). I was surprised that there is such a kind person with a gentle atmosphere in this world. Even more, you’ve always been as kind as ever. I hope that Pe-chan will continue to be a person with such a beautiful heart. But actually, I think you probably are actually someone with a strong heart. That's why you won't change.

Watanabe: Eh, you are praising me too much (laughs).

Q : Rika-san, do you remember your impression of Moriya-san when you met her for the first time?

Watanabe: I wonder what. “Such beautiful skin~,” I think (laughs). And your hair was shiny, too, all the time. What did we talk about at first?

Moriya: There’s no way I would remember that much, but I do remember well that we talked about the first few months in Tokyo before our debut felt like a school trip every day.

Watanabe: We did. Each and every day was so enjoyable. 

Moriya: Everything before debut was so much fun, right? (laughs).

Watanabe: We were always with one of the members every day.

Moriya: The last day of work for the year before our debut was very early, on December 20 or so, and it was like, "Hey, why don't we go to Disney tomorrow?” And she was like, "Sounds good, I'll go!” It was amazing how as young people we can decide on things without hesitation. We were so energetic, back then (laughs).

Watanabe: We went! We really had a lot of energy. 

Q : Just how many times have you gone to Disney? (laughs)

Moriya: I wouldn't have gone now. I’d rather rest at home.

Watanabe: I understand. I would definitely do that (laughs).

Q : Unexpectedly, we had a lot of fun talking about memories before your debut (laughs).

Moriya: I remember such trivial things better, and my impressions and memories of our debut year were too strong (laughs).

Watanabe: That's true, because the first year was so intense.

Moriya: Don't your memories become fuzzy after about the third year?

Watanabe:  Yeah, I don't think I remember much.

Moriya: No, I think I remember them surprisingly well. I can recall when we had shooting for music videos and such.

Q : I believe there's so much more to talk about, but regrettably I need to wrap things up... Can I ask you to leave a word for the members through the pages of B.L.T.? 

Moriya: Please take good care of yourselves.

Watanabe: That's important!

Moriya: However, I think the first generation members have already been able to do that because of their experience. In that sense, I'm worried about the second generation. I also was pushing myself too hard in the first few years after I joined Keyaki… Of course, there are things that should be prioritized for the group, but I want them to take good care of themselves. This job is like a marathon, not a sprint, so I think it's better to aim to finish the race even if it takes time, instead of trying to reach the goal you've set quickly. 

I think the first generation will also face new challenges and obstacles, but since they have been working hard for the group for a long time, I would like to tell them to take care of themselves and make time for themselves. When I was in Keyaki, there were many times when I didn't understand the point of me being in the group and thought of quitting, but in those times, one of the members always noticed the change and shared their worries with me, which is why I can now graduate with a bright feeling... I really can't thank you enough. I would like to thank everyone who has been my emotional support, and I would like to continue this relationship with them as friends whom I continue to respect (laughs).

Q : The first generation members have the image that when someone is down, someone will be there for them. This is just an outsider’s point of view, though.

Moriya: All of them are really kind people.

Watanabe: I wonder how they can be so kind.

Moriya: They’re so kind that it makes you worry.

Q : Again this is according to Masumoto-san's information, but when Rika-san sees a member who is feeling down, she always goes near them and asks, "Are you okay?”

Watanabe: Eh~... thank you... That is because I want someone to be there for me too when I’m feeling down.

Moriya: There were so many times where having her just being near me made me feel lighter. That's why it's so important to have someone by your side. Sometimes I'm happier when someone is just there for me rather than having them say something to me. 

Q : It’s like… there is something youthful about Keyaki and Sakura, isn’t there?

Moriya: Recently, I had a talk with a staff member who has been following us since the beginning for the close up videos, and they said, "This may be the last time we'll be doing this interview. We are working behind the scenes, but we will do our best to send Akane-san and Rika-san off in a good way, so please carry that feeling with you on the stage and shine…” I broke into tears. It was before the show, but I was already crying so much.

Watanabe: That sure would make you cry!

Moriya: A lot of memories with the staff  came flooding back to me. That's why I thought that the next Budokan would be the last time I would see the members, fans, and staff. After the concert, I think I would cry so much that my eyes would swell… (laughs)".

Watanabe: That's true. I'm scared~.

Moriya: During the tour, Kira-chan was crying so hard before we appeared that I asked her if she was okay (laughs). Like, "It hasn't even started yet.” Fuu-chan said, "I'm trying not to think about anything,", like… They are so adorable. It makes me sad to think that the time where I can be with such kind members is coming to an end…

Q : It sure does make you feel sad. With that, I would like to ask you to give a few words to your fans.

Watanabe: Honestly… I really wanted to have an event at the end where I could meet my fans close by… but it was difficult because of the times we are living in now. However… I will be able to meet the people who come to the Budokan concert, so I will give my very best. Thank you very much for your support.

Moriya: But as you said, these six years have really been my youth. Even after I was no longer a student, I was able to be so passionate because I could meet you all through Keyakizaka46 and Sakurazaka46. We were really happy about it!!


Translation: keishizaka
QC: tmi, inno
Raw: kiryu


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