Changes that occurred in the seventh year (Uemura Rina, ExTaishu May-June 2022)


What I strongly feel now that I became a member of the title song

Since the formation of Sakurazaka46, she had sometimes expressed her “frustrations” in words. However, with this 4th single, she has achieved her goal of becoming a title song member, and something within her is about to begin to move. Now she talks about herself, the group, the members, and the future. We asked Uemura Rina about her current position.

The time during Keyakizaka46 was so intense, my memory is slipping away

What did you feel when you got chosen as a member of the title song of the 4th single, “Samidare yo”?

I was surprised because I didn’t think I'd get chosen as a title song member. After that, the surprise turned into happiness.

I heard that you talked to Seki Yumiko, who was also chosen as a title song member for the first time since Sakurazaka46 started.

After the formation had been announced, we took photos for each song. At that time, I talked to her since she was beside me, but her reaction was rather weak (laughs). Seki-chan also seemed to be still flustered.

Have you had a desire to be a title song member, Uemura-san?

Yes. When we became Sakurazaka46, I watched the title song members singing “Nobody’s fault” on a music show for the first time. I wondered “how do the other members (those who were not selected) feel,” and I had complicated feelings myself. In other shows, all the members were present, but sometimes only the title song members performed the song. There were times when we all watched on a big monitor, and somehow there were indescribable emotions.

So something like that happened.

Fans have also told me in the online meet and greet, and talk app letters that “it was difficult to watch music shows without Rina-chan”. From the start, I told my parents to “not mention work” so they hadn’t mentioned anything yet. 

But, they do worry about you, right?

As Keyakizaka46, when an appearance in a music program is decided, my parents would ask, “what time will you appear?” every time, but since Sakurazaka46 started, they didn’t ask anymore. My friends also contacted me this time.

I think there are people who have been supporting Uemura-san ever since the start of the group.

Recently there are many people who grew apart at the end of Keyakizaka46 but now are returning, it made me happy. When I met them at the meet and greet, I would say to them, “Eh~! How have you been!?” and we reminisced together.

What did you think when you heard the title song, “Samidare yo”?

I thought that the song had a mood I liked.

The dance has a lot of hand movements, but what was it like when you were dancing it?

Well, it was difficult. Our hands cross 8 times, but there are small differences in the similar movements, so I end up wondering, “Which was it again?”. If I have to do a version with a microphone, I will lose track again (laughs).

Compared to all the choreography up until now, is this the most difficult? 

All the songs are difficult for me (laughs).

Every single hand gesture has a meaning.

Yes. I am trying to express myself while thinking about that as well. In addition, I also pay attention to my line of sight during the first and second chorus as we’re supposed to be looking downwards. I am also conscious of aligning myself with everyone.

How was it filming the MV?

Since we shot the MV on film, we only had one shot to get an OK. If we made a mistake, the shot would go out as it is.

The floating effect is not CG, but is the result of a variety of creative efforts, right?

That’s right. It was fun to shoot while feeling like I’m about to flip over (laughs).

I think “Samidare yo” is a song about love, but it can be taken in a wide range of ways. What were you thinking when you sang it?

There is a part about encountering people and parting with them so I am inevitably aware of the graduation of members.

Harada Aoi-san and Watanabe Risa-san will graduate with the 4th single. The coupling song “Boku no Dilemma” will feature Risa-san as the center.

I think “Boku no Dilemma” represents graduation not only in the lyrics but also in the choreography. Each member gets entangled with Risa. Near the end, the first-generation members gathered in a tight hug, and at the end, we sent Risa off… It made me sad, and so does the music video. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a production featuring graduation like this before.

Did you cry while filming the MV?

No, I don’t think I cried.

How was it for the other members?

I wonder… It was very cold, and everyone’s faces were red so I don’t know whether the others were crying or not (laughs).

If there was an event to send both of them, you might be overwhelmed with emotion…

With Akanen (Moriya Akane) and Pe-chan (Watanabe Rika), I got a real sense of their graduation when I saw them wearing dresses at the end of the concert. I wonder what will happen with Aoi-chan and Risa. It still hasn't hit me yet.

You and Risa-san have had a sleepover together, right?

Did we?* I remember going to Disney Sea though. I don’t remember because the time during Keyakizaka46 was very intense (laughs). We recently talked about our memories while going home together, but a lot of that was from the beginning when we first started the group. My memories of the middle part of the group have faded away.

*T/N: They did

What kind of person is Risa-san?

People often ask me that, but it’s difficult. She’s younger than me, but it is as if we were the same age… Risa is a reliable person, so I could rely on her.

What kind of person is Harada-san?

It feels like she’s “forever in middle school”. The conversation stays young all the time (laughs).

Do you match your conversation to Harada-san?

No, we share the same “love for idols,” so when we talk it starts with saying “have you seen this?” and we also talk about (Saito) Asuka-san. It’s all very natural.

Before, I heard that Uemura-san and Harada-san used to “send each other pictures of cute girls”.

We still send them to each other occasionally. I would send her a picture of younger cute girls, and Aoi would say that she’s acquainted with the girl, and I would think “as expected of an active university student”

When Harada-san graduates, there will be no one to send cute girl pictures to.

That’s not true (laughs). I think I will still send them after graduation. It is the same with other graduated members, our relationship hasn’t changed. Maybe that’s why her graduation hasn’t sunk in yet.

After the graduation of Harada-san and Watanabe-san, the number of first-generation members will become 7. Do you feel how small you become when you gather, with a fewer number of people? 

There is. In Keyakizaka46 we had a formation of 3 rows of 7-7-7 each, but in “Boku no Dilemma,” the first generation members became 3-3-3. Everyone laughed at each other saying, “We got fewer~”. During COVID, sometimes the dressing rooms were separated for first and second-generation members, so the rooms seemed wider. During such times, we laugh and talk about “how spacious~” the dressing room is. Instead of being gloomy by sadness, we handle it with an upbeat feeling.

In that small number of people, maybe you’re talking to first-generation members more.

Not really. Even during Keyakizaka46, all 21 members talked together.

Is that so?

Thankfully there was a lot of time when all 21 of us worked together, so we would form a circle and play games in the dressing room. Some games are more interesting when there are more players, so after COVID settles down, I would like to play games with everyone, including the second-generation members.

So that’s the kind of relationship that “the 21-person Keyakizaka46” had.

At that time, there were moments when it was hard, but looking back at it now, everything is a happy memory.

I guess that it was youth…

I feel that way. Because the intense events were condensed into 2 or 3 years.

Do you feel that the first-generation members have settled down?

The dressing room may be less noisy. I’m the type of person who wants to hang out with someone (laughs).

As the environment around you changes, do you feel that “I have changed as well”?

I think I changed a lot. I was cheerful at first, but there was a time when I lost confidence when I realized that the people around me were amazing. But over time, my way of thinking has changed, and I’m back to being cheerful again.

In a good way, I guess there are parts of Uemura-san that did not change.

Didn’t you tell me something like this before? (laughs)

Did I (laughs)? Sorry!

People often tell me, “you haven’t changed”, but I’m not really happy to hear that (laughs). It's as if I want to be cute, but I’m being told I’m not cute instead (laughs).

No, it’s not like that. It’s like your pureness doesn’t change and it doesn’t rub off

Hmmm. The members sometimes tell me, “Your values haven’t changed.” The feeling is still the same as it was before I joined.

I think that feeling is important.

It's not like I consciously do that. I just don’t think that anything good will come from acting flashy, so I try to live a serious life.

Do you have an ideal image of an idol?

There are many people I like and they all have long hair. I sometimes copy their hairstyles to be closer to them. However, I strayed away from my ideal image when I couldn’t play the trumpet well at the beginning of “Keyakitte, Kakenai? (TV Tokyo)” (laughs). 

No, don't be like that (laughs). I have high expectations for Uemura-san from now on as well.

Since becoming Sakurazaka46, my goal has been to become one of the title song members, and now that I have achieved it, I will try my best to find a new goal.


Translation: sunsetrider
QC: tmi
Raw: sunsetrider


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