The unique expressive power that open up a new era (Yamasaki Ten interview from BUBKA January 2023)


To reach the world


-How did you feel when you first heard that you would be going to Tokyo Dome?

Yamazaki: I felt that it might have been too soon for Sakurazaka46 to stand on Tokyo Dome's stage. While I felt happy for Sugai (Yuuka)-san's graduation and that we'd be going to Tokyo Dome, I didn't feel like we'd done enough to be there. Only around 3 days before the performance did my feelings change. In the middle of all the Tokyo Dome rehearsals, I was reprimanded countlessly by TAKAHIRO-sensei and the production staff. It really made me fire up, so to say, it made me want to work harder. I think the other members also changed their mindsets.

-What did you feel was lacking?

Yamazaki: The tour this time has the major theme of “world class concert”. We put a lot of details into the production, sounds, and lighting, and we created the stage while synchronising with the staff members. However I felt like we, the members, were lacking the spirit of wanting to do our best to reach a 'world class' standard. When we were asked, "Where do you want to go?", I realized that these were words that I needed to hear.

-Have you spoken to the other members who also heard those words?

Yamazaki: I spoke individually to some of them, including Sugai-san. Talking to them individually really raised my spirits. It wasn't just me though, I think we all got motivated.

-When I saw the Hiroshima performance (5th - 6th October), I felt that I witnessed something really amazing. Seeing everyone's focus on such a high-level performance, I believed that there would be even more convincing performances in the tour.

Yamazaki: Since it'll be the last performances with our current lineup, we talked about how we should treasure each and every performance. With Uemura-san suffering a fracture, all the members thought that performing with all members is not something given. I think we all individually found growth and improvements through the performances we did around the countryside. The experience from those performances added up and we were able to perform while thinking about other details like how to act or what to show in accordance with the camerawork. I think that each of us was able to dominate a wide range of expressions.

When it came down to Tokyo Dome, our team had to be even more united or else we absolutely won't be able to put on a good show. The scale of it was around 4-5 times larger than the other shows we've done on tour. The venue was so large that depending on your seat, it's likely that you'd barely see us so a lot of people would be watching via the screens and monitors. If we went with what we've been doing with the shows in the countryside, we wouldn't be able to deliver the performance to the people on the far seats. All the camerawork, lighting and acoustics throughout the tour, we got all the best parts, added them all up and brought it all for Tokyo Dome. We even upped the sound for the opening dance track and left no room for doubts. 

Up until the very start of the show, people kept pouring in the venue so we felt compelled to deliver. Compared to the Keyakizaka46 Tokyo Dome performance 3 years ago, I felt that we had done more to prepare. With that it made me feel more at ease about the challenge we had to face.

-Compared to 3 years ago, your position in the group has changed, hasn't it?

Yamazaki: Right. Well 3 years ago, I wasn't really nervous at all. It really didn't occur to me that we were standing on the Tokyo Dome stage, I don’t remember much about it, I can’t even remember the songs that I performed. This time around however, I got nervous because I actually wanted it now and I was set on this objective. When the day actually came though, I didn't feel nervous at all (laughs). I felt bothered that I wasn't worrying about it to the point where I consulted with the other dancers.

-Were the other members around you nervous?

Yamazaki: They were, especially the 2nd generation members who haven't been to Tokyo Dome before. It was really cute seeing (Moriya) Rena saying "What should I do?" while her hands were shaking (laughs). For the「Jouken Hansha de Nakute Kuru」on the second day however, I got extremely nervous. I got anxious while dancing. The makeup artist kept asking me if I was ok after I threw up. 

-Speaking of 「Jouken Hansha」, you played the piano and go a bit crazy on the walkway.

Yamazaki: That part made me feel uneasy when I first heard about it. But then I thought of how cool it would be if I could look good playing the piano like Fujii Kaze-san.

-It did give off a Fujii Kaze-san vibe. However I thought that your expressions were different on the first and on the second day.

Yamazaki: Initially I had already decided on how I should go about it. I kept thinking "Let's do it like this" and "It's got to be perfect". But when I made even the slightest mistakes or I couldn't do it as I wanted, it really made me feel dejected. So in order to avoid getting too hung up on it, I just decided to leave it to whatever I felt like doing when the time came. I was able to enjoy performing that part because in my mind I thought "I probably won't be able to do something like this again, let's just play the piano and go wild with it" (laughs). Since I received a lot of support from the camera crew and the other staff, I think I was able to make it look good.

-Your dancing has gradually evolved over the years. It's not of a style or genre that we usually see, at least regarding the Sakamichi groups. It's like we can’t even begin to imagine the “example” you are using.

Yamazaki: Right. I probably don't even have an “example” to follow (laughs). TAKAHIRO-sensei once told me that only I alone can pull off the expressions that I do. I really like watching the footage from the monitor. After shows, I would check our recordings and footage even after coming home late at night. Then I'll take note of the camerawork and I'll naturally be thinking "I should do it like this or like that". From these, I've been able to pull a lot of expressions from myself. I've also done modelling activities and I believe these have also played a big part in how I express myself when dancing.

The representative “Masatsukeisu”

-For the first 5 songs, you all performed while all of the fan's penlights were turned off.

Yamazaki: We wanted to put together these stages with the cooperation of the fans. With the penlights turned off, it helped to give focus to the parts of the production that we wanted to show off. There were probably people who got confused as to how this would have livened things up, but it was all to help people focus and concentrate on the things we prepared. Even through my in-ear mic, I was able to hear everyone's cheering and that made me really happy.

-You were in a unit with Takemoto Yui, Morita Hikaru, and Moriya Rena for 「Seifuku no Ningyou」. That was an interesting song, wasn't it?

Yamazaki: For Sakurazaka46 that have gone through Keyakizaka46, as a group we have challenged all sorts of songs and I think that 「Seifuku no Ningyou」 is another song for us to broaden our range with. The production was made with the image of the four of us in aquariums and when we saw the footage, it really did seem like it. We used bubbles for the performance and whenever the bubbles came near my face, I had to resist the urge to pop them while I was dancing (laughs). For the song 「I'm In」, we used party poppers as part of the performance. I kept thinking about how nice it was when I saw it.

-I really liked the part in 「Seifuku no Ningyou」 when you and Takemoto-san lined up together for the dance.

Yamazaki: Thank you so much. I'm glad you liked it! There's this part around midway through the song where I have to lock eyes with (Takemoto) Yui-chan. Her expression is just so cool that it makes me fall for her every time. Throughout the tour, the four of us motivated each other and we were able to polish up our performance.

-For the 「Samidare yo」 performance , I felt that the scale of it grew even larger than usual.

Yamazaki: We took our time in putting together the production of 「Samidare yo」 this time and I really love it. The song feels good to sing and when I see the looks on people's faces when they get absorbed in the song, it really makes me happy.

-Do you like the sound of your own voice?

Yamazaki: I don't really like it nor hate it (laughs). I can't really change how my voice is so I just try my best to make the most out of it. It makes me happy when I hear from all sorts of people on how stable my singing has gotten.

-From the initial line "Samidare yo", it really draws one in.

Yamazaki: Recently I've been told how consistent it is with the original recording. It was pretty tricky at first, I had no idea how many times I had sing that  "Samidare yo~ ♪" over and over again. So I wondered if this is a song where changes are really apparent. After adding up all the experience I have with the song, I was able to sing it more naturally when Tokyo Dome came around. Sakurazaka46 has been known for our high energy dances but I'd still like to show, to the best of my ability, our singing as well.

-The compilation of previous songs compressed into a dance track in the second half was also good too.

Yamazaki: It was pretty cool, right? I think it was all revised with the aim of showing off all of the known particulars of each track. I was in charge of the 「BAN」 part. The soundtrack was created by the production staff, but during the rehearsal we heard the soundtrack that was still in the middle of production, and the members talked about how it’s going to raise the excitement.

-Ah, so the soundtrack for the dance track was made by the production staff.

Yamazaki: For the opening english announcements too but as the tour went on, I memorized them all  (laughs). When me and Morita would face each other when we moved around via railcar while hidden, we would copy each other and say it to each other.

-The last parts of the main show had 「Koi ga Zetsumetsu Suru Hi」 and 「Masatsukeisu」.

Yamazaki: These songs really drain out one's stamina. For the encore on the performances in the countryside, we paraded around the stage and I was barely able to sing. For Tokyo Dome, we also had Keyakizaka46 era songs prepared so I wasn't sure if I was going to be okay. However, from 「Jouken Hansha」 I performed with the mindset of giving it my all, so I thought to enjoy the performances with my adrenaline running high.

For 「Koi ga Zetsumetsu Suru Hi」, there was this moment that I really liked when Yui-chan and I had to fist bump. She told me that she was able to pull through because of that fist bump. For 「Masatsukeisu」, Morita would be next to me. She'd just be so cool and seeing her like that every time motivated me. We were able to get through the climax because we supported each other.

-I feel that 「Masatsukeisu」 is the culmination of everything that the current Sakurazaka46 has to offer.

Yamazaki: It would be great if we could make it into our signature song or if it could be synonymous to the name of Sakurazaka46. The MV also showed an atmosphere that only Sakurazaka46 can do, so I believe that it helped solidify our image. This song could very well be Sakurazaka46's starting line.

To convey reality

-And then for the encore, Keyakizaka46 era songs were revealed. What did you think of the 「10 gatsu no Pool ni Tobikonda」 on the first day?

Yamazaki: I wasn't able to participate in the song back in the Keyakizaka46 era but I've always liked the song and I'm glad that I was able to perform it this time. I'm sure the other members also had similar feelings. I think that it's a different take on 「10 gatsu no Pool」, since the 2nd generation members who joined the group midway joined in.

-I heard a bit of crying during the performance.

Yamazaki: During the Keyakizaka46 era, we've always treasured the idea of being able to deliver reality in our performances and I believe that it's things like this that manifest that idea. It was really a performance that only Sakurazaka46 can do. When I saw Yuuka-san, I just thought of how grand her presence was, as one would expect. She really has a big presence.

-For the encore on the second day, it started from 「Fukyouwaon」.

Yamazaki: I really love Yuuka-san centered 「Fukyouwaon」. She usually has this calm and reserved image about her but in 「Fukyouwaon」 she showed us this explosive performance and it got all the members excited. I thought she looked so unbeatable. I'm sure that the members each have their own feelings about everything but we were united by the thought of delivering 「Fukyouwaon」. Performing 「Fukyouwaon」 as Sakurazaka46 on the Tokyo Dome stage holds a meaning to us.

-It seemed to me that it was a very taxing performance, both physically and mentally.

Yamazaki: I just kept thinking that I had to pull through without collapsing. After all, it's important for us to be able to see things through till the end. Tamura (Hono) and I talked about how if ever Yuuka-san falls over, we should back her up and support her. I thought that I have grown stronger with the support of everyone, including Tamura who supported me as well. I think that in this sense, you'd be able to view 「Fukyouwaon」 under a different light.

-I thought that the 「Sajin」 performance was very Sakurazaka46.

Yamazaki: Our feeling of wanting to enjoy the song might have been stronger than actually wanting all the Buddies to see the performance (laughs). Yuuka-san flying through the air was also pretty. I think that her core is really firm. Performing 「Sajin」 right after 「Fukyouwaon」 was a bit much in my opinion… (laughs), but at the same time, pulling it off is something only Sakurazaka46 can do and I am proud of it.

-On the first day of the graduation ceremony, Sugai-san left a message for the members. On the second day, the members were the ones who left a message for Sugai-san.

Yamazaki: That actually took me by surprise on the first day. I was stunned because they told us that a song will be playing when Sugai-san gives a message to the fans. I was like, "For each member?!". It was the kind of surprise that only a captain, who sees each and every member as individuals, can give. It was a very special moment, I really felt the love and that she really was looking out for me. As for me, I wrote her a letter. There was so much I wanted to tell her that I had trouble summarizing it because I couldn't fit it all in a single piece of paper.

-What was Sugai-san to you?

Yamazaki: Ever since I joined the group, my impression of her hasn't changed. I don't think that there is anyone more sincere than her. As my senior and as a person, I have nothing but respect for her. Everyday whenever I see her, I keep thinking about how wonderful she is and how glad I am to have had her as my captain.

-Do you want to be more like her?

Yamazaki: I don't think I'll be able to, even if I aim for it. But I'd like to at least follow in her examples.

-From 「Best Hit Kayousai」onwards, it will be a Sakurazaka46 without Sugai-san.

Yamazaki: I'm not worried since our reliable Matsuda (Rina)-san will be leading us as the new captain. She has appearances to make for 「Recomen!」 (Bunka Housou) and 「THE TIME'」(TBS) so she'll be running on a pretty tight schedule, but I'll support her when I can. I tell her to go get some sleep whenever I see her (laughs). There's this hardworking and earnest side to Matsuda that she doesn't really show to fans, I really respect that about her. I think our group will be even brighter than ever before.

-Do you want to protect Sakurazaka46?

Yamazaki: I'd like to learn more from the 1st generation members while they're still around. Once the 3rd generation members come in, I think it'll be like a breath of fresh air. Things might be a bit tense early on for them and it would likely be apparent to us. For the 2nd generation members especially, since it will be our first time having juniors, I think each of us will grow more. For the first time, girls who love Sakurazaka46 will join in and we wouldn't want to betray their expectations. I'm looking forward to seeing the chemistry that happens with the new members coming into the mix, while we protect what Yuuka-san and the other 1st generation members have built up.


Translation: reiscar
QC: tmi
Raw: keishi


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