Endo Riko interview from BUBKA June 2023 edition


Q: What kind of kid were you back then?

I was an active kid that likes to play outside, like playing tags and hide and seek with my friends, but even so I basically was a shy kid (laughs).

Q: You’ve said that you used to be a kid that doesn’t smile, is that so?

It may be sounds misleading if you put it to be “a kid that doesn’t smile.” I do smile normally in front of my family and in front of someone that I’m close with, but since I’m a shy kid, my classmates used to think that I’m a quiet kid, and the image of me that doesn’t smile just follows.

Q: Did you ever took any kind of lessons? 

During kindergarten I have tried piano, English conversation class, basketball, Kumon, and also swimming class, which I also stopped them soon after (laughs).

Q: Did you learned piano because you want to?

It’s because my big brother and sister learned it, and then I asked my parent because I wanted to do it too. Back then I would always just imitating my big sister.

Q: Is your big sister someone you look up to?

Yes, though it’s embarrassing right? (laughs)

Q: What part from your big sister that you like?

I love how she is a hard worker. She can also play piano and guitar, her singing is also great, even more she studied really hard in high school.

Q: Have you ever thought that you hate being compared with your big sister?

I have never thought of that. Unlike me, my big sister is not a shy person, I probably just think that it must be nice being her.

Q: Did you overcome your shyness in middle school?

Though it’s not like I managed to overcome it, I managed to become more cheerful and talks more than when I was in elementary school.

Q: Please tell us what made you manage to talk more!

It’s because I started to have interest on idols when I was in 1st year of middle school. When I started to watch idols due to the influence of my brother, everyone is really shining, and they became someone I looked up to. Because I thought that I also want to be like that, I managed to talk more.

Q: Did you also talk about idol to your classmates?

Since there aren’t many kids that liked them back then, I’d just keep it to myself.

Q: Who did you like back then?

I like Nogizaka46, I especially liked Saito Asuka-san. It’s not only because of her obvious graceful dancing, but also how she doesn’t get easily swayed by others, and I admire how she has her own principle.

Q: Are you the type that would get swayed by others?

I’d always get swayed by others (laughs). I want to be someone like Asuka-san that wouldn’t get swayed by others.

Q: Please tell us how you knew about Sakurazaka46 or Keyakizaka46!

It’s because of Nogizaka46 that I know about Sakamichi series. And then I naturally I got attracted to Sakurazaka46’s performance.

Q: Please tell us the reason you take the audition!

When I watch their documentary, how they can give courage and cheer someone up through their performance even in such a harsh situation, it made me yearn to be like them too. Even though I’m sure if it were me, it’d be really difficult, I thought to myself that isn’t it an amazing thing to be able to give a positive feeling to other people.

Q: Did your mom agree with you becoming an idol?

Since my mom also admires the entertainment world, she accepted it willingly. But my father said “Entertainment world is a steep road for you…” and disapprove with it. Seems like he wanted me to pursue a stable profession.

Q: So you’re the type that talks more with your mother?

No, rather than I don’t talk to him, it’s more like I don’t want to talk with him.

Q: Are you in your rebellious phase?

Well, probably (laughs). Though in the first place I’m also not the type that does deep talk with others, I have also fought with him because we don’t talk much... It’s embarrassing to talk about this (laughs).

Q: I’m sorry to make you have to talk about this (laughs). How did you feel when you stood in front of the fans on “Omotenashikai”?

Before the performance we formed a circle together and shouted in a low voice, and then I was shocked because of the sound of cheering from the audience seat. When the concert started, the scenery of the sea of penlights that I saw from the stage was really beautiful, and that made me happy because there’s this many people that welcomed us.

Q: Please tell us what song that left an impression on you on the “Omotenashikai” performance.

“BAN” left an impression on me. Since it was the song from our training camp, we also worked hard to have our own understanding of the meaning of the lyrics, and “BAN” was also the song I put most of my thoughts to it. Though in the training camp we practiced for the sake of getting an MV, in “Omotenashikai” we performed it in front of everyone for the first time, and then I realized that “So this is how it is to be able to perform a song”.

Q: What kind of idol do you want to be?

Since it’s because of me looking up to idols that my personality become more cheerful and managed to change myself, I also want to be someone that others looked up to and become a charming person. I also have changed ever since I entered Sakurazaka46. I was the type that would mind how others see me, so I’m scared of being hated by others. But now I can express more of my feelings. It’s all thanks to the kind members.


Raw: anon
Translation: tenkames
QC: reiscar & tmi


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