Mukai Itoha interview from BUBKA June 2023 edition

Q: How was your childhood?

A: I was so shy of a kid that I would stand at the entrance of my kindergarten until someone came to talk to me. It was no fun at the kindergarten, so I didn't want to go. There was a time where I pretended to be asleep so that I could stay home with my beloved mom. When I was home, I bounced around dancing to my favorite group AKB48.

Q: Was it the same in elementary school?

A: I only talked to a few friends, so few that even my besties would tell me "You don't really have any friends, do you?". However, since I liked being alone and the fact that I have 3 other siblings, thoughts like "I want to make friends" never crossed my mind.

Q: For someone who had never taken the elevator by themselves until recently, you must have been very clingy to your mother, right?

A: I really love my mom and have grown up being pampered by her. When I was in kindergarten, mom gave birth to my younger brother and sister. In third grade I decided I had to act like a big sis and stop fawning on my mother. But by the time I got into high school I've reached my limit and couldn't resist anymore... Since then, I've been spoiled by her (laughs)

Q: Did you get into the hobby of papercutting during secondary school?

A: Yes. I didn't want to stand out so instead of sports clubs, I chose to enter the art club which had more calm activities. It was also the time when I've come to like chatting so finding someone to talk to was also part of the reason I joined.

Q: Could you tell me how you got into Sakurazaka46/Keyakizaka46 and what song(s) influenced you?

A: There was footage of Silent Majority by Keyakizaka46 in the morning news program and I was shocked at how cool looking Hirate's dance was despite her being the youngest. I couldn't explain my feeling at the time, but I was charmed by it. Then I started to dance along to their MVs and watch their appearances on music shows and magazines. I did like other groups as well, but it was Keyakizaka46's unique charm that appealed to me the most.

Q: Why did you take the audition for Sakurazaka46?

A: There was a time when we discussed our future in the class and the thought of becoming an idol came to my mind. When Sakurazaka announced their audition for the 3rd generation, somehow, I thought to myself "This is my last chance". I decided that if I failed here, I would give up my hope of becoming an idol and select another career path. I did have another dream.

Q: Could you tell what that other dream was, if I may ask?

A: I've thought about being a vet since I adore animals and I thought it would be wonderful to have a career involving them. It's a job that not only saves the pet's life but also the owner's soul, don't you think? I wanted to be someone who could help others.

Q: Did you get your mother’s approval on your idea of becoming an idol?

A: She wholeheartedly supports it! It seems her childhood dream was also to be an entertainer, but she was prohibited by her parents. Therefore, she raised me with the mindset that she would allow whatever I wanted to do. That's why when I was told that she would put me in cram school, I replied with "You can sign me up for one, but I won't go" (laughs). Because music was the only thing I could get lost in, when I told her I wanted to take the audition she rejoiced for me, when I got accepted, she was happy for me. Now when she watches me dance, she would give me advice like "Wouldn't it look better if you do this?" (laughs)

Q: She must be worried now that her daughter, who has always been with her, has become independent...

A: That's true... (starts crying) Ughh~ She being a worrier would reach out to me every day. I in return send her messages with pictures attached every day as well. Mom seems to cry a lot at home, but she tries to hide those tears from me and with a smile she tells me to keep working hard. She knows if she cries, I will cry too.

Q: Did you send your picture-attached message to your mom today?

A: I've already sent one while traveling this morning (smiles)

Q: You did it already huh (laughs) How did you feel when standing in front of fans at the Omotenashikai?

A: The venue was big, so all of us 3rd generation members got really nervous. I was about to cry backstage but seeing the seats getting filled by lots of fans, my face naturally turned smiley. The thought that they've come here to see us made me really happy. I was amazed at how I could see their faces from the stage.

Q: Among the songs you performed, was there any song that left an impression on you?

A: Yes, there were "Natsu no Chikamichi" and "BAN". About "Natsu no Chikamichi", I had a long discussion with other members on how I should express the song. I was filled with worries back then but I got help from everyone and that created a strong emotional bond between me and the song. It is fun dancing with other members. During Meet & Greet event, a lot of fans praised me on how cool my part in "Natsu no Chikamichi" looked. In terms of "BAN", I was reminded of the mission to perform the full version of it. Since I wasn’t able to attend the training camp, there were parts of the choreo that I didn't understand, but I was put in the front row through a lottery. My head went blank, but it was a valuable experience for me to create something with other members for the first time. At the end of "BAN", when I saw the penlights had dyed the venue red, my tears couldn't stop flowing.

Q: What kind of idol do you want to be?

A: I want to become an idol that feels close to someone, close enough that you would want to take advice from. I hope that when someone looks at me, they could think "Let’s do our best again tomorrow!" and cheered up. I want to be someone who is helpful to other people. 


Raw: anon
Translation: jitensha
QC: reiscar & tmi


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