Sakurazaka46’s Koike Minami convey her thoughts on the five 1st generation members’ “purpose for staying (in group)”, her juniors and the group’s evolution <”Star over!” interview with Modelpress> (2023.06.28)


Sakurazaka46 released their 6th single, “Start over!” on June 28th. This single, 2nd generation member Fujiyoshi Karin has been chosen as the center for the first time, with the MV garnering a lot of attention as it received more than 3 million views in just two weeks after its release. Modelpress have interviewed 1st generation member Koike Minami (24) about her thoughts on the song, the evolving relationship between the members and the secrets of making your dreams come true.

Koike Minami, “Start over!” is “full of Sakurazaka46”

I: First of all, what were your impressions when you first heard the song?

Koike: Up until now, Sakurazaka46 has challenged various types of songs, but among them, I felt that “Start over!” in particular is a powerful song with a message [in it]. We received a lot of feedback from fans through our message app (Sakurazaka46 Message) and letters, and after reading the feedback, I think this song is filled with the “Sakurazaka46’s Image” that everyone has in mind. Personally, rather than having just “Sakurazaka46 charms”, I think that “Start over!” is filled with “all our charms” including from Keyakizaka46 era!

I: With 2nd generation member Fujiyoshi-san serving as the center for this single, did you say anything or talk to her during the filming of the MV?

Koike: When filming the MV, I often ponder over "what should I say to the center," but with Karin-chan, I opted for casual conversations, saying things like “these sweets are delicious, aren’t they?”

However, I have the impression that Karin-chan doesn't really show any anxiety during MV filming, instead she’ll always have a grin in between takes. Her genmate, Ten-chan is constantly by her side. Recently, Ten-chan has been into playing a “narcissist person” and Karin-chan would just go along with it, so it was a fun filming from start to end (laughs). I was honestly happy to see a side of my juniors that I don't usually see.

I: I can tell that the filming was very peaceful (laughs). Do 1st generation members usually give advice to 2nd generation members directly or do they tend to watch over them gently?

Koike: Yes, that's right. The front members for this single are “all 2nd generation members with prior experience being the center of a title song” so it provides a sense of reassurance, but more than that, I strongly hope they cherish their " 2nd generation-ness". Of course we 1st generation members will be there to support them from the side, but I don't think there’s much else we need to do beyond that.

Koike Minami, how did she shorten the distance with 3rd generation members?

I: In January 2023, 3rd generation members joined the group as new members. You were on a nationwide tour together until the beginning of June, did you get closer to the 3rd generation members during the tour?

Koike: I believe we did! I’m particularly close with Endo Riko-chan, when in front of everyone Riko-chan often acts a bit spoiled but when we are alone, she shows a slightly sulky/pouty side. It makes me happy, thinking "maybe she's comfortable enough to show her true self" (laughs).

I: Seems like you have rapidly grown closer in the last six months since they have joined.

Koike: At first, us first generation members were a bit shy, and the 3rd generation members often told us “we love you” so we felt the need to "be someone they could admire", however thanks to 3rd generation members proactively starting conversations, we were able to shorten the distance between us.

When I observe the 3rd generation members, I’m amazed at the speed of their growth, thinking “How are you able to do that in such a short amount of time!?” but because of that I wish to create “a space where the 3rd generation members can be spoiled”. Right now, both 1st generation and 2nd generation members are full of desire to spoil them!

Sakurazaka46, changes in relationship between 1st generation members

I: At the end of 2022, 1st generation member who served as the captain, Sugai Yuuka-san graduated, and now the 1st generation members are left with five people. Have there been any changes in your relationship between each other?

Koike: Lately, the five of us would spend more and more time together, in between breaks casually toasting with water bottles, sharing cakes, and gathering over trivial things. Despite each of us having completely different personalities, it's truly astonishing how we seem to understand each other so well, to the point where we often wonder, "How can we get along so well?" In the last 1-2 years I felt that we have rapidly gotten closer, that it even feels natural for us to go out together during our private time.

I: That’s a really wonderful relationship. As genmates, do you also have occasions where you discuss topics like about the group and how to interact with your juniors?

Koike: We feel that “the things we have gone through up until now, the 2nd generation members are currently experiencing it," so we often discuss similarities like "It's like that moment back then," among ourselves. We 1st generation members don’t have any seniors within the group, and sometimes we think, "I wish I had heard these words at that time." Therefore, we want to share those knowledge with our juniors.

Both the 2nd and 3rd generation members genuinely possess good qualities, and their performances have grown to a level where they face little to no trouble. So rather than giving advice, I'd like to utter words like "It's okay to be more confident."

I: Koike-san, did you also have moments that gave you confidence in yourself?

Koike: While I say things like this to my juniors, the truth is, I myself have always lacked self-confidence... (laughs). However, precisely because of this, I have a strong confidence in the group. Being able to say, "Sakurazaka46 is such an incredible group!" has probably helped me think, “Let’s do my best in what I can do."

Among my genmates, Kobayashi Yui shares a similar sentiment. Up until now she has undoubtedly carried various burdens, but I feel that the timing of her hiatus and subsequent return had a positive effect on her. On top of that, she had also powered up when she returned, that has become a huge motivation for me. I believe that Kobayashi Yui's change had an immense effect on me personally. 

How Koike Minami overcome her sorrows

I: Among Modelpress readers, there are readers that are currently facing various anxieties. Could Koike-san suggest some methods that you have applied in your life “to overcome those sorrows” for these readers.

Koike: I was originally someone who got anxious easily, but after hearing Ichiro-senshu’s words, “You can keep reaching higher if you don't set a limit”, I stopped overthinking things. By no longer feeling rushed to achieve my goals like "Ahhh I have to do this” or “I have to do that", I feel I have been able to overcome various challenges.

T/N: Senshu typically refers to an athlete or a sports player. Suzuki Ichiro, more commonly known as Ichiro, is a Japanese former professional baseball outfielder who played professionally in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) and Major League Baseball (MLB) for a total of 28 seasons.

I: Where did you learn of Ichiro-senshu’s words?

Koike: Since becoming an idol, I have had a lot of opportunities to read "collections of famous quotes" and digest the different ways of thinking. Among them, Ichiro-san's words resonated deeply with me, and I have stuck by them ever since.

Koike Minami’s secrets in making her dream comes true

I: There are many Modelpress readers that are currently chasing their dreams. Could Koike-san share “the secrets of fulfilling your dreams” that you currently believe in for these readers.

Koike: If you have something or dream you are passionate about, I think it’s important to express those feelings. Even if it's something small, if you put it into words and steadily work towards it will often lead to your dreams, as I have seen through the members. 

For me personally, I think that the continuous efforts I have been making since Keyakizaka46 have led me to where I am now, so rather than making big jumps, I think it's more important to work towards it slowly and steadily.

I: Finally, could Koike-san share your goals and dreams for the future.

Koike: The “desire to keep expanding the circle of Sakurazaka46" is overwhelmingly strong. I think that the time we have to engage in activities with the current members is limited, so I believe that the role of us 1st generation members is to ensure that our juniors can keep performing confidently as Sakurazaka46 without worries.

I: As 1st generation members, you have seen and sent off both your genmates and juniors alike, but did you (1st generation members) have opportunities to discuss your own futures?

Koike: We talk about things like “In the past 2 years, somehow our numbers have been reduced to half” however rather than a serious conversation, the topic often comes up casually in our conversations. The five of us truly love Sakurazaka46 and I believe there’s a meaning that we are still in the group as members, so I hope we can all convey as many things as we can to others.

I: Thank you very much for the wonderful conversation.

Interview Side Notes

<Side note 1/ Please tell us your recent beauty hack!>

Wash your pillowcase often and use a silk material! Since pillowcases come into direct contact with the skin, it is essential to ensure its cleanliness and pay attention to the choice of material.

<Side note 2/ What is your current hair care routine?>

I have undergone a great amount of bleaching treatments and the upkeep is difficult but what I found useful is having a towel just for your hair!  The key point is to not vigorously scrub the hair when drying.


Translation: miyno
QC: tmi


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