Inoue Rina in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

Q : Since the Tokyo Dome Concert on June 15th & 16h is just around the corner, let us look back to the period in between the last Tokyo Dome concert up until now. First of all, did you feel that this past year and a half has been a long one? Or perhaps it felt short?

Inoue: Eehh~, well…… Each and every day was always quite intense since there are a lot of things that I need to do, but given that it is already a year and a half since then, I think it went by quite fast.

Q : It sure was, wasn’t it? Within that period the group have released 4 singles and the 3rd-gens have also joined. Even Sugai Yuuka-san’s graduation now feels like something of the past.

Inoue: Ehh, wasn’t Sugai-san’s graduation held back during the 2nd tour? I see, my memory is all jumbled up (laughs). Sugai-san's graduation was a big thing for the members. She had been protecting Keyakizaka and Sakurazaka until then, so at that time we really wanted her to stay in the group. Since then, the seniors have been graduating one after another, and now the 2nd-gens need to take their positions, not to mention that the 3rd-gens have joined as well. But we have always been conscious to continue what the seniors have passed on. There may have been some fans who left because the seniors were gone, but I feel that we have to make sure that those who supported the seniors still want to see the future Sakurazaka.

Q : I went to see the 4th Tour in Kanagawa the other day, and it felt like the absence of Kobayashi Yui-san who graduated back in February was quite prominent, perhaps because she graduated quite recently. That being said, at the same time I felt that each member shows their strength more than ever before. It really feels like Sakurazaka has evolved again through this tour.

Inoue: Indeed, the fact that the people who built the foundation have gone would make the viewers anxious and uncomfortable, among other things. But I believe that the graduated members left with the thought that "We can entrust the group to the juniors now". So, rather than feeling anxious, I believe that they want people to see the new Sakurazaka. The presence of the 3rd-gens is also encouraging. They truly are a great force within our arsenal. We are now in a very positive state, and always try to make each and every one of our concerts into something great.

Q : When we interviewed Tamura Hono-san on “BLT Graph vol. 101”, the captain Matsuda Rina-san said that she wants to make the goals of each member to be the goals of the group. I think I now understand why Sakurazaka is having such a spirit and a very good atmosphere within the group.


Inoue: Before having that talk, she was so uneasy about whether to gather the members or not. It’s not that she consulted me or anything, but she told me in advance, like "I'm thinking of saying it like this…" so I thought, "Good luck!". I told her to pay more attention to herself sometimes, but she really is someone who puts her thoughts and actions for the group. She told me that when she appeared on Prof. Hayashi Osamu's program ("Nichiyoubi no Hatsu Mimi Gaku"), she learned about something like leadership theory, which emphasized that it is good to ensure that everyone has the same perspective. By listening to the goals of the other members, it makes you want to challenge the same thing as well. It makes me happy to be able to work in a group where even though each member serves their own role within a different environment, everyone is always aiming for the better, and that motivates me to continue on improving.

Q : We might be going a little bit back and forth about the timing, but during the period of 7th and 8th singles, Inoue-san experienced both being part of the BACKS member and Senbatsu. From your perspective, how does the atmosphere of the group feel?

Inoue: There's no doubt that everyone is giving their very best, whether they are in BACKS or Senbatsu. However, when it comes to Senbatsu, they have more opportunities to appear on music shows, carrying the name of "Sakurazaka46" in front of the public. That brings the gap to what each member may experience. However, I think that even if a BACKS member gets into Senbatsu, they would approach the performance with that same pride and enthusiasm, so I don't think there is a difference in their way of thinking.

Q : Do you feel that something has changed in you through the experience between that period?

Inoue: I've become a little bit more positive. Ever since I was chosen as a BACKS member back during the 7th single, I've been receiving more kind words from fans than ever before, and that energy and enthusiasm is giving me the strength to carry on. When I was asked to be the leading member for the "7th Single BACKS LIVE!!", I had negative thoughts, like "Why did they choose someone like me?". But then, I started to think that if there are that many people who are supporting me, I should enjoy the process as well. When I appeared in a music show before, I had the tendency to focus on my weaknesses and get discouraged if my dancing wasn't good. But now, I think the fans are very happy to see me on camera, even for just a split second, so I've gotten used to thinking about everything in a positive way.

Q : As someone who can sense the growth within the group and also within yourself, could you tell us your thoughts about the upcoming second performance of Sakurazaka in Tokyo Dome?

Inoue: Back in the Keyakizaka era, we performed at Tokyo Dome for the first time soon after I joined, so the memory about it is a bit hazy. It was so big that I was like “Wow~” (laughs). I just remember being so frantic about it. The second one was after we became Sakurazaka and it also coincided with Sugai-san's graduation. I was happy that we could send her off at such a wonderful place like Tokyo Dome that everyone admires, but it was questionable whether we deserve to perform as Sakurazaka or not… Of course, our intention to entertain the audience remains the same no matter where the venue is, but to me it is still a special place, and I was questioning myself whether we deserved to perform there or not. There were cases where we cannot get audiences to fill the seats, and of course if we are doing it then we want to make sure that all seats were taken, and even now I’m still wondering whether we really should have performed there at the time. This will be our third time, and I really feel that the fans' excitement has really grown since last year. Back then, we were being timid by saying that “We are given the chance to perform in Tokyo Dome… “, but I think we can perform there with a positive attitude like, “Let’s do it!”. We've enjoyed all our concerts thus far for sure, but I am definitely more worried about this one compared to the others. Even so, I hope we can enjoy ourselves to the fullest at Tokyo Dome this time!


Raw: kiryu

Translation; inno

QC: tmi


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