3rd Generation Members Interview in B.L.T November 2023


How Each of Them Will Come into Bloom

It has been a year since the Sakurazaka46 3rd generation members passed their auditions. The blossoming individuality of the eleven members is bringing new life to the group. The sensational girls are forging their own trajectory of growth.

— It’s been a year since the eleven of you first met each other as members of Sakurazaka46’s 3rd generation. Now, I’d like you to talk about the future while looking back at the past and also the present. First of all, shall we start with talking about which members have changed from their initial impression or shown you a new side of theirs while spending time together?

Mukai: I wonder… Surprisingly, we still have the same vibes from when we first met, so I think there are only a few members who have changed their impressions by a lot.

Yamashita: That’s right… Everyone already showed their true colors from the beginning, so I feel like we’ve barely changed.

Murai: It’s just that we were divided into two groups for our lessons, the Kanto group and the countryside group, so it took me some time to start talking to everyone. However, I’ve become close with everyone now and I think that’s really great~.

Mukai: Oh right, that happened, we were divided into east and west groups. Back then, the people in my group already showed their true nature, so my impressions of the countryside members didn’t really change. But, for the Kanto members, rather than saying their impressions changed, I think it’s more like I discovered a lot of their new sides. For example, (Ishimori) Rika has a warm and soothing image, but she actually has strong conviction, and she can engage in deep conversations really well. At first, we didn’t have a lot of those conversations, but gradually we were able to talk more about the3rd generation, the group, and ourselves.

Ishimori: To be honest, I’ve only recently felt that I was finally able to open up to everyone. At first, there was a part of me that built a wall between me and the other members, but as we spent everyday together while preparing for the “Omotenashikai” (The first 3rd gen event, held on March 3rd and 4th), and as we got closer through the 3rd TOUR period, I started wanting to get closer to everyone more and more. I think that change of mind played a big part for me as well.

Nakashima: Huh, didn’t we say that we’re the strongest tag team back then? Huh, why are you giving me a faint smile!? (laughs)

— There is an image of Ishimori-san and Nakashima-san being the “older sisters” of the 3rd gens, right?

Nakashima: Each time the two of us have a deep conversation, we’d say “We are the best, after all!” at the end. I don’t know why, though (laughs). But, if we went to the same school, we probably wouldn’t be really close, since we are basically different types of people… How do I put it? We often say that Rika is the mom and I’m the dad…

Kojima: I realllly get that!

Nakashima: It’s not like we’re complete opposites either, but I think I’m more the wild type and Rika has all the qualities of a cute girl. I keep thinking like that whenever I go to her place. Everything at her place was cute, and she can cook too… Although our characters and way of thinking are different, I feel like we understand and respect each other. We can have a conversation like “This is what I think” “Ah, it’s kind of different, but here’s how I think about that” and come to an understanding, so that’s what made me think that we are the best.

Ishimori: I think our values, like what we think are right or wrong, are quite similar. You’re right that our personalities aren’t similar, though (laughs). I could empathize with her opinions like “That’s good” or “You should think about that more”, so that’s why… I think we’re the best tag team.

— I’m a little curious about this, when Ishimori-san built a wall between herself and the other members, did everyone else notice it?

Kojima: I feel like we’ve gotten over that by now, but there was definitely a time when I felt that way.

Odakura: I think she had a vibe that made it hard to approach her during the time after our training camp until before the “BAN” full chorus performance.

Ishimori: That’s exactly it, when we were practicing “BAN”, I couldn’t even consult anyone. I didn’t want to put a burden on them, and I also hadn't figured out how to treat each of them, so it didn’t feel right to ask them about the dance moves and stuff, that was how I felt. Since everyone must have been busy with their own problems…

Nakashima: At times, she would just disappear, and I’d think “Huh, where is Rika?” Then, I’d find her sitting quietly under a desk.

Ishimori: I’m the type of person who’s fine with spending my time alone, so I was still like that back then. However, now… Whether it’s during breaktime or our day off, I want to be with everyone, and I feel happy about that change within me.

Kojima: I’m also really happy about that. During the “3rd TOUR”, I had a chance to have a conversation with Rika and Reina, and we had fun talking about various topics. When Rika said “I used to build a wall between us, but I feel glad that we’ve become close now,” I exclaimed “Waa~, I’m really happy too!~” (laughs). For real, I was really happy.

Ishimori: I also think that our conversation back then was really meaningful~.

Endo: There was a time when I wondered if I should leave her by herself because I felt like she prefers to be alone.

Ishimori: During our trainee period, I often talked with Riko on the train ride home. Because of that, she might have figured out my personality and ended up being careful around me. With the Kanto members, we only had limited time to talk during our way home, so I feel like we became closer quite slowly. However, the countryside group had to go home by plane or shinkansen, and they roomed together in the hotel too, so they got closer more quickly. I think there was a gap between the Kanto and the countryside group because of that.

— I see, there is certainly a gap in that area. How about Matono-san? Is there a member who you think has changed from their first impression, or anyone who showed you a new side of them?

Matono: Hmm… I don’t think there are any members who changed that much. If anything, I'd say it was more like we were able to show our true selves as we got to know each other.

Mukai: It certainly feels like Mio hasn’t changed at all since the beginning.

Yamashita: She’s actually funnier than I expected though (laughs).

Murai: I couldn’t really talk to Mio at first, since she has a cool image. To tell you the truth, we barely talked during the training camp. But, as I got to know her true personality, I realized that she’s such a cute and funny girl (laughs).

Endo: I also didn’t really have the chance to talk to Mio during the training camp. I wonder… My impression of her is that she’s a tall and cool person, but…

Nakashima: Everyone can guess what you’ll say after that “but” (laughs).

Endo: The more I got to know her, the more funny I think she is (laughs).

Nakashima: She also has a clingy side to her.

Odakura: Right, she’s unexpectedly clingy (laughs).

Endo: I thought that was unexpected too.

Murayama: Mio is really funny, isn’t she?

Matono: Wait, wait, I’m not the one who’s funny, you all are the funny ones instead.

Mukai: I think the first time I got to talk properly to Mio was during our first lesson in Tokyo. We slept in the same hotel room, and when I talked to her… she was so funny, I thought “Huh, is Mio actually this kind of girl!?” She was always silent during our lessons, so the gap was really huge~. She’s still quiet during lessons, but she’s really funny during our break time or when she’s with everyone.

Matono: Ah, is that so? How nostalgic (laughs).

— Then, what about you, Murayama-san?

Murayama: Rather than my impressions of them changing, it’s more like… Now I think that we have many skillful members.

Mukai: It’s actually the opposite for me, I realized that everyone has their own weaknesses. People call Yu an “all-rounder”, but she’s not perfect, in a good way… However, I feel like everyone in the 3rd gen don’t see our weaknesses in a negative light. I guess that might make people think that we are skillful.

— What do you think about Mukai-san’s opinion, Murayama-san?

Murayama: That’s right, what she said complemented what I wanted to say. I’m thankful.

Mukai: Actually, I like Miu’s way with words, I think her words are really beautiful. But, whenever I say that, she looks at me with suspicion (laughs).

Murayama: Eh~ I mean, I don’t really believe you (laughs).

Mukai: It’s the truth~! She can wrap things nicely when needed, and she can put what she wants to convey in words. The way she picks her words is also wonderful.

Murayama: (Shyly) I think Itoha is talking too much about me.

Mukai: Ahaha, you might be right~ (laughs).

— I’d like you to take this as a compliment, but Mukai-san’s innocence and carefreeness makes her have a younger-sister-like vibe to her. Is that really the case?

Murai: Even though she has moments where she behaves like the youngest, there are moments when she behaves like an older sister too. Itoha is one of the youngest, but she’s actually quite reliable.

— I see. Among the 3rd gen members, is it only Yamashita-san who’s an only child?

Yamashita: Huh, ah~ I guess so…? I’ve never realized that before. (To Murai) I forgot, do you have any siblings?

Murai: Yeah, I have a younger sister. Huh, I thought I told you before (laughs).

Yamashita: Maybe you did (laughs). I’ve never really wanted siblings before. I don’t really mind spending my time alone. I have my dolls with me.

Mukai: That’s right, the dolls are like siblings to Shii (Yamashita).

Taniguchi: She often speaks to them (laughs).

Yamashita: Only childs are unexpectedly like that. Probably (laughs).

Mukai: But, isn’t Shii like the “middle child” among us all?

Murai: Doesn’t she feel like she’s slightly older than “middle”? She has a mature way of thinking and a reliable side too.

Mukai: You’re right, her way of thinking is mature.

Murai: I admire that she has her own principles. (To Matono) What do you think?

Matono: Yeah, her way of thinking is mature.

Mukai: That’s exactly the same as what I said (laughs).

Yamashita: You guys don't mean that, right? (laughs)

Matono: No, no, as I was listening to you talk, I kept agreeing with you in my mind (laughs).

— It’s okay, we get you. Well then… Endo-san, do you have any stories about the members? Sorry for changing the topics so abruptly…

Endo: Huh~, I wonder? I think… I spent a lot of time together with Shii during the “3rd TOUR” period. Because being with Shii makes me feel calm…

Kojima: Now that you mention it, I remember thinking that the two of you were always together during the tour.

Endo: Shii can get close to people naturally, so to speak. During the training camp, she was always next to me when I cried. I think that’s why I feel calm around her, because I don’t need to say something.

Kojima: Looking from the outside, they seem to support each other a lot, Shii and Riko.

Mukai: I personally think that Riko is strong. She has a “never give up” mindset, and even though she says “I can’t do this”, you can feel that she has no intention to give up. I think her feeling of wanting to work even harder is more apparent now than when she first joined the group, that’s what I felt whenever I did self-practice together with her.

Matono: Even though she’s often called a “baby”, she’s not like a baby at all on the inside.

Endo: Really? Thanks (laughs).

— The pairing of Endo-san and Taniguchi-san is called “AiRiko”, isn’t it?

Taniguchi: Ah, yes (laughs). We also made plans to go out together.

Odakura: Where did you guys go?

Endo: We’re still in the middle of planning (laughs). But, I should strike up more conversations with everyone… I need to be more… (※ gets overwhelmed with emotions and starts crying)

Taniguchi: Huh, what happened… You don’t need to think like that, Riko~.

Odakura: Riko actually invited me to go to the sea together the other day. That made me happy.

Nakashima: (While patting Endo’s back) Uhh, shall we talk about “YuuzuAiri” (Taniguchi and Nakashima)? Is there no demand for that? (laughs)

Taniguchi: But, actually, I feel like my impression of Yuzu (Nakashima) has changed the most. When I first met her during the auditions, even though she has a soft aura about her, she also seemed firm, so I thought “Aah, she’s so mature.” That’s why I spoke to her in formal language during our trainee period.

Nakashima: Right! Airi always used formal language with me. It’s hard to believe now (laughs).

Airi: Yeah (laughs). I was saying things like, “Would you like me to warm this up with a microwave?”

Nakashima: She talked to me like how she’d talk to the staff. She’d ask me in formal language, “What time shall we wake up tomorrow?”

Airi: Even though she told me it’s okay to not use formal language, I couldn’t get used to it at first. I would switch up my words all the time, it was so awkward. But, I wonder when was it? There were some moments when I could see Yuzu’s “true colors”, and I started thinking that she’s kinda cute, so my impression of her has changed.

Nakashima: Airi was younger-sister-like at first, and she would talk to me all formal like “Yuzuki-chan”, but as we spent more and more time together, Airi became more like the older one between us. She’d look up how many minutes we need to warm up the food in the microwave, she’d do various stuff for me, so in the end I’m the one who’s relying on Airi… (laughs).

Odakura: I heard about that during the training camp. Airi folded the futon in the B group’s (Endo, Taniguchi, Nakashima) room very neatly.

Nakashima: I thought that I’d just fold the futon in half, but when I was preparing for the lessons, Airi already folded her futon neatly, so that made me think that I have to do the same. Since she’s so reliable like that, our dynamics were reversed and I became the pampered one (laughs).

Kojima: But, for me, since I was able to talk at length with Yuzu on our first meeting, my impression of her didn’t change that much. I’m also the youngest at home, so I felt that we were quite similar in some places. Of course I rely on her too, but… How to say this, it’s hard to put into words. Do you get it?

— Yes, we got the nuance of what you wanted to say. Are there more stories about the unexpected sides of the members?

Ishimori: For me… I think my impression of Yu changed the most. We took a group photo after passing the audition, and they also took individual photos of us, and when I passed by Yu-chan then, I thought “Wow, this girl is really pretty!”, like you can feel her aura at first glance. I thought that she has a cool vibe because of how she looks, but when I talked to her, she actually has a warm and soft vibe, so she’s someone who was quite different from who I thought she was.

Odakura: For me… I think it was Miu. She often talked in front of everyone, and she would go around the audition venue with Shii, so I thought that she’s a girl who likes to hype things up cheerfully at first. But after spending time with her, I realized that she has her own world and that she’s a cool person who has a unique aura. So, I guess Miu has changed completely.

Mukai: Right, right, I couldn’t speak to anyone when we were waiting for the audition to begin, I was just looking at the ground. It was Miu who struck up a conversation with me, and I thought that she was such a nice and bright person. When we started doing activities with the group, she behaved more coolly… But, she also fools around from time to time, so she has various sides to her.

Murayama: I think the training period was the brightest I’ve been. But, it wasn’t like I was forcing myself, I was just in that mode at the time. Of course, I’m still being my true self right now, I’m just behaving in a way that feels most comfortable to me.

Nakashima: Even now, there are days when she speaks a lot, just sometimes though (laughs).

Odakura: Yeah, it depends on the day (laughs).

Kojima: Miu also unexpectedly has a cute side to her. If I talk about it in detail, she will get mad at me, so I’ll keep it under wraps (laughs).

— Okay then, I’ll refrain from digging deeper about that for now (laughs). So, after you were introduced as the 3rd generation members, was there a turning point or a moment when there was a change in your attitude?

Murayama: For me, when we started learning the choreo for “Seijaku no Bouryoku”, I think my attitude changed. Before that, I didn’t think about things that deeply. For “Natsu no Chikamichi”, I was just having fun… Actually, I don’t remember much from that time already. It was this year, but it felt like a long time ago.

Matono: Personally, when I first met the other ten 3rd generation members during the final round of the auditions, I thought that they were all so mature, that I even thought that they gathered people who can think deeply on purpose. Everyone was reliable, so it’s not like we changed at some point, but since the beginning, all of us were serious about this. I also started to ponder about a lot of things after meeting the members. Now, I really think that I lived without any thoughts before entering Sakurazaka, so it’s thanks to the members that I’ve changed now.

— I see, that’s deep. What do you think, Yamashita-san?

Yamashita: I think I became more aware when my face and name were revealed, like “I’m an idol now, so I have to behave.” Before, I just lived my life as I pleased, but like Miu and Mio, I started to think more deeply after that. Having said that, I’m still doing my activities while staying true to myself (laughs). Before I was revealed, I didn’t really feel like I was a member of the 3rd generation, so to say. But after seeing photos and videos of me in costume, I could see myself from a viewer’s standpoint, and I realized how each and every activity we do is important.

— So, you said that being revealed at the same time as the Omotenashikai changed your perspective. Still, it’s surprising to know that you are able to see yourself from the viewer’s standpoint objectively.

Yamashita: Not only myself, I pay close attention to all the 3rd gen members. Actually, I don’t really want to watch videos of myself (laughs), but I can’t get better if I don’t, so… I watch the videos from a bird-eye’s view.

Mukai: I’m the type of person who thinks deeply about a lot of things from the beginning, so I don’t think that part of me has changed, but… I realized that it’s important to face yourself properly. During the “3rd TOUR” where the 3rd gens first performed throughout the country together with our seniors, I felt that even more. Since then, I spent more time reflecting on myself and I also set goals for myself, I think I became more serious in that aspect. The atmosphere between the 3rd gens also completely changed during the tour, because we got the chance to perform with the seniors for real, we started to discuss things with the eleven of us more. While watching our performance videos, we would point out things like “Isn’t it better if we do it like this instead?” or “Isn’t the choreo here more like this?”, so I felt like the atmosphere between us has changed.

— Doesn't it take a lot of courage to face yourself?

Murai: That’s right… But, I started being able to do that too. I think I can only grow and move forward if I do that, so I try to take my time just looking at myself. I’d find a lot of shortcomings and things I could improve on, and sometimes it’s hard to accept that, but I feel like the only thing I can do is to grow my confidence little by little after working on those things earnestly. Nevertheless, I still can’t turn it into confidence even now…

— I think the hard part about improving your performance and expression is that there’s no correct answer that’s easily understood.

Murai: That’s why, whenever the fans tell me things like “I liked this performance” during meet & greets, I try to take it positively and gain confidence from that.

Matono: I often find myself thinking and worrying about trivial things by myself… I feel like I'm constantly asking myself, "What should I do?" I don’t really talk about it with other people because I don’t want to be judged like “Why are you worrying about that?” and I think it’s also a part of facing myself, but honestly, I still don’t really understand.

— Certainly, if you share even your personal worries with the other members, it might actually make you feel suffocated. In that case, is there anything that you make sure to share with all the other members?

Murai: For me, I always make sure to point out things regarding our performance, such as, “Maybe we should do it more this way.”

Mukai: Certainly, because people come to see Sakurazaka’s performance, we want to show them something that lives up to the name of the group, so we always make sure to share our opinions on our performance.

— I feel that shared awareness has helped to improve the quality of the 3rd generation song, “Seijaku no Bouryoku”, which has received such a great response.

Yamashita: That’s right… Before the MV shooting, we also worked hard on our singing. Since “Natsu no Chikamichi” was our first MV, we focused more on the choreography, but for “Seijaku”, we practiced while singing in unison, even for parts that aren’t our own, which was memorable. Each of us also got asked “What kind of feeling is loneliness?”, and it was so difficult to answer. I’ve never really thought about it before, so I realized that I’ve been living my life without being aware of it… That’s why, I felt impressed while listening to everyone’s answers and thoughts, and I kept thinking “That’s right…” Where, when, and what made them feel lonely, it was different for everyone. For “Natsu no Chikamichi”, we focused on syncing the angles of our dance moves. Of course we also synchronized our moves for “Seijaku no Bouryoku”, but for me… Well, this is just my personal interpretation, but even if each of us danced in our own way, it would still fit the song. Even if our moves aren’t perfectly synced, I think that’s okay. We’ll have to ask TAKAHIRO-sensei what he thinks about that, though.

Mukai: One thing he said is that our breathing is important. There’s a part in “Seijaku no Bouryoku” where we have to take a deep breath, and you can hear everyone’s breathing.

Murai: I was a dance club member, but I’ve never really paid attention to my breathing. So, “Seijaku” was a song that helped me realize that.

Murayama: After paying attention to my breathing… The song felt “alive” to me. Also… I’ve personally asked TAKAHIRO-sensei about the choreographies, and he said, for “Seijaku no Bouryoku”, you don’t have to think that it’s a choreography you have to copy perfectly. The dancers who taught us were just showing us the way, and we can dance according to our own thoughts and feelings. That’s why, every time I perform the song, I just focus on my breathing and try to honestly express the feelings welling up inside of me.

Matono: Still, even though the theme of the song is each of our interpretations of loneliness, we share the same feeling of wanting to make this song a really great one, so that’s what made our moves and breathings appear to be synced.

— I see, I think I understand the background of the song more now. And, what’s amazing about that is… The 3rd generation members have only been active for a little over half a year, and at the timing of the release of the 6th single, you only had a career of three months, yet you managed to make a song that deep into your own. What did you think when you first came across the song?

Kojima: “Natsu no Chikamichi” is a bright and cheerful song, but the choreo is quite tough, so it feels like “The Sakurazaka song”. That’s why, I already had a feeling that our second song’s choreo will probably not be easy, that they will further increase the difficulty. And, when I watched the choreography video, it was just as I thought (laughs).

Taniguchi: My first impression of the song, when I first heard the piano in the intro, was “Ah, I like this.” Since “Natsu no Chikamichi” is a bright song, I had to think about how to express the worries and conflicts I have inside, but for “Seijaku”, I can just express the lyrics honestly. In that aspect, it was easier to perform and convey my emotions.

Nakashima: If I had to be honest, because of my lack of experience in life, I couldn’t fully understand the feelings of the song’s protagonist. Furthermore, I’m the type of person who can energetically perform “Natsu no Chikamichi” whether in the morning, at night, when it’s sunny or even when it rains, so I was worried if I could even convey “Seijaku no Bouryoku” at first. However, with each performance, I started to be able to be immersed in the song. In terms of formation, the members were positioned very close together at the beginning of the song, so maybe that also created a sense of unity within us. What I’m sure of is, the atmosphere of the lessons were very different from “Natsu no Chikamichi”’s lessons, and the venue would be darkened for the intro of the song, so I was able to immerse myself in the song’s worldview, and I feel like my range of expressions has broadened.

Odakura: Each of us has a different personality, some full of girlishness, and some more like older sisters... However, I think somewhere inside we all share the same essential characteristics. I think that characteristic of us is something similar to loneliness, so that is precisely why we can come together and exude a sense of unity when we perform “Seijaku no Bouryoku”.

— In that way, when you try to face a song thoroughly, you will naturally turn to focus on yourself as well. As was mentioned earlier, you have no choice but to face yourself.

Kojima: I think that’s true. I realized how much I had been blessed with the kindness of the people around me up until now, and how little I had been independent… Also, because I’ve been able to experience so many happy, fun, and joyful things while doing my activities, I can’t help but see my own weaknesses and negative aspects, and sometimes I get depressed too. But, at times like those, I also find myself wondering if this is how I can get closer to the ideal image of idols that I’ve always admired. The time I spent reassessing my view of idols is lonely and not fun at all. After all, as much as I admired them, I have to face my own shortcomings in turn, and it’s tough. Because of that, I realized the greatness of not only our seniors, but also all the idols who have made great strides and defined their eras. By learning about the aspects of this world that I didn’t see when I was a fan, I feel that my respect and admiration for idols have grown even stronger.

Ishimori: As Nagi-chan said, not all of our activities are visible, and we can’t show them to everyone too, so we have to be careful about even the smallest things. That’s why I want to take each and every chance and experience I’m given as an idol without any regrets, and I don’t want to be discouraged by anything. I don’t usually tell other people about my worries, so I’ve never discussed my personal problems with the members, but rather than wanting to share that, I want to cherish the fun times I spend with them even more. As Riko said previously, I preferred to be alone, and I’ve never really spent my time having fun in a group setting. But when I’m with everyone, when I see them having fun, it makes me happy too. Now, I feel like I can relax when I’m with everyone, and they also stabilize me mentally.

— So, you’re saying that your encounter with the 3rd generation members is something truly invaluable.

Ishimori: That’s really true. I hope… It will be my lifelong treasure.

Kojima: We will make that a sure thing (laughs)!

Endo: I’ve always been bad at expressing my own feelings, but it’s a necessary skill for dancing and performing, so I’m in the process of facing myself now. Because I’ve been living without letting my true self out… Ah, my tear ducts are acting up today… Sorry, I can’t seem to stop whenever I start crying…

Nakashima: (While holding Endo’s hand) We understand, it’s not like you want to cry, right? It’s totally okay.

Kojima: Umm… I don’t mean this in a condescending way, but I think Riko has gotten even cuter lately. She said she was worried about not being good at expressing herself, but I think she’s only becoming more attractive both inside and out, so there’s no need to worry… That’s what I wanted to say.

Endo: Thanks… Even at school, I could only open up to a few friends, and I can’t seem to speak about my feelings honestly, but to express myself when I dance… And in order to get better at performing, I feel like I have to let my true self out…

Kojima: But, from my point of view, you’re already doing that. Really… I felt the change within you, in a good way.

Endo: (※ Overcome with emotions and shedding tears)

Ishimori: On SokoSaku (Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?) VR (Spin-off of the show), Riko-chan spoke a lot, and I thought that was really amazing. For real.

Endo: But, I need to be able to properly express my opinions, and I still can’t do that…

Odakura: (Patting her back) That’s not true at all, you can do that perfectly well.

Kojima: I think those tears came out because you are facing yourself seriously.

Taniguchi: Everyone understands that about you, Riko.

— Watching your interactions just now, I can’t help but think that you are such a good group.

Kojima: Yes, we’re really good friends (laughs).

Nakashima: Nagi (Kojima) really cares about the members. There was a time when I was at a loss for words before [during an MC], and she immediately followed me up saying “But, Yuzu is really this and that~.” Of course, it’s not just Nagi, Rika too, everyone too… They all helped and supported me, we really are a group full of passionate girls~.

Kojima: Since I know everyone’s strengths, whenever they’re in trouble, I want to help them. People might think I’m overly enthusiastic because of that though (laughs).

Taniguchi: But, I started to realize how little I cared about the people around me after I met the 3rd gen members. This is the first time I’ve ever had friends that I felt this much love for, and there were so many moments that made me feel fuzzy inside, I could feel humans’ warmth through them.

Mukai: Right now, I believe that the 3rd generation wouldn’t be able to function if it weren’t for these 11 members. Reina had to take a break from performing before, and it felt really lonely to be performing with just 10 members… When I couldn’t see Reina from the back, even though we’re usually positioned close to each other, it felt like something was missing. I think that because each of us has our own color, when the 11 of us are together, it’s even more vivid. So, I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if even one of us hadn’t been there.

Yamashita: It’s completely different now since we can perform it with full members, but during the “Natsu no Chikamichi” MV shooting, I couldn’t participate fully, so it didn’t really feel like it was “our” song, to be honest. But, after I was revealed, and after I started performing the song, it took some time, but I can finally feel that the song is ours now.

Murai: I also felt like that, and at first I felt like the other 3rd gen members went somewhere far away… I couldn’t participate in the dance lessons and didn’t have any singing parts, so I felt conflicted during the MV shooting, but I don’t feel like that at all now.

— By the way, is it true that Murai-san and Yamashita-san change the choreo of the dance that you do in the “Natsu no Chikamichi” performance slightly each time?

Yamashita: I’m bad at choreographing, so I put all my heart and soul, until it felt like smoke was coming out of my head, into creating that choreo. Moreover, once I learn a choreo, I can’t adjust it. But, Yu always adds a new move for each performance, and I think that’s really cool.

Murai: But, it’s not like it’s an ad-libbed move, I come up with it each time like “Guess I’ll try this move for today,” so it’s not that amazing or anything… (blushes)

— Speaking of which, Murayama-san told me in another interview that she performs based on the real emotions she feels at that moment.

Murayama: I don’t have as much experience as the two of them, so even if I try to come up with something beforehand, I couldn’t. The only way I can perform is by being true to my feelings.

Matono: Personally, I really like Miu’s performance, and rather than being envious of it, I just honestly think it’s amazing. Although she appears to act on her intuitions, she’s actually really thoughtful, so I think she must have thought deeply about her performance. As for me… I’m not good at showing my emotions or putting them into words, and I still have to brush up my performance skills. But, hearing the words “I like the 3rd gens’ performance” made me really happy, so that became my motivation, and I want to become someone who can express the emotions I feel at that particular moment, so that fans won’t get tired of performances of the same song.

Kojima: Yuzu talked about my overly enthusiastic side earlier, but Miu is also enthusiastic. It’s just that she won’t speak up herself, she would whisper to me saying “Hey, say it” (laughs). And Reina would say “It’s okay, it’s okay, you definitely can do it!” while giving me a thumbs up. When I think about it, for the “3rd TOUR”, we were the most hyped right before the show. Of course we were hyped during the performance as well, but we were having so much fun preparing on the stairs [leading to the stage], and I think that was when I really felt glad to be able to share that moment with the 3rd gen members. Hmm… Is it only me who feels that way?

Nakashima: No, no, I agree. Thanks to Nagi leading the way, I was really enthusiastic too. I think Nagi’s voice and her tone while speaking have something to them that can lift up people’s emotions. So, when she says something to us before the performance, it gets us really motivated.

Odakura: Since Nagi can judge things calmly, it’s easy for us to follow her lead. And yet, she’s also enthusiastic, so she also inspires us to be like that. She’s also the one to call us up to do a huddle before the performance.

Kojima: So, you mean I’m someone who starts up both the huddle (T/N: enjin in Japanese) and the engine~?

Odakura: Uh, I didn’t mean that, but I guess it is a pun (laughs).

— As expected of Odakura-san who birthed the famous saying “Ue ni We~i” (laughs). I didn’t mean to pick up on that, but I think the 3rd gen members went up (T/N: Ue = up) a level when you performed the special version of “BAN” with the 1st and 2nd gen members during the last three shows of the “3rd TOUR”. What do you think about that?

Murai: Up until that point, we only stood on the same stage as the seniors for “Buddies” and “Sakurazaka no Uta”, so “BAN” was the first one with proper choreo and formation. Moreover, it was the song that we learned since the training camp, and we have a special attachment to it, so when I first heard about the joint performance, I felt really happy. Up until the first chorus, we performed with only the 3rd gens, and when the seniors appeared after that, there was a sense of security, I felt really reassured, like “The seniors are here!” At that moment… I heard the loud cheers and I had goosebumps.

Mukai: But, we were really nervous, as expected. Probably, as the center, Rika must be the most nervous, though. Before the intro, she stood up on stage alone while having the spotlight shone upon her, so the pressure must’ve been really huge. But for us, it was the first time we had been able to feel the “divinity” of our seniors so closely, so it made us feel like we have to work harder, that we have to hang on even more desperately to catch up to them.

Yamashita: When we got the message that said the 3rd gen will start performing “BAN” with the seniors from the 3rd day of the Kanagawa leg, I was actually together with some of the 3rd gen members, and we were honestly so surprised. We haven’t had the chance to perform “BAN” again since “Omotenashikai”, so we started dancing to try to remember the choreo… But I was also worried about the pressure on Rika. She herself also practiced a lot, but if we follow the original performance of the song, Rika would be appearing on stage the same way Morita (Hikaru)-san did, and if it was me, I wouldn’t even be able to stand out of nervousness. But, on the actual performance, Rika’s back that I saw from behind looked so ready and dependable, she looked really cool.

Matono: When we first heard of it, some of us actually discussed whether there will be negative reactions to the 3rd gen performing together with the seniors. We were also worried because we didn’t want to destroy what the seniors had built, but when we watched the video of the performance, we simply thought “Ah… We look cool” (laughs). I’m glad that we were able to give our best together with the seniors.

Murayama: We danced together with them starting from the second verse, and we were positioned at the back, so we could see them from behind. At that time, it’s not like it’s something I could see for real, but something like a passionate energy was coming out of them, and that has remained within my memories all this time. The sight of them from behind made me think “Ah… I want to keep seeing this forever.”

— I got to watch it during the 3rd day of the Kanagawa leg, and I’m not exaggerating, but I thought, “Wow, they showed us something really amazing.”

Nakashima: Thank you very much. We don’t get a lot of chances to receive feedback from non-fans, so that was encouraging to hear.

— I’m looking forward to the future when you will show us something even more amazing. Well then, I’ve asked you about a lot of things, now I’d like to close this by asking you to talk about your passionate feelings towards “Sakurazaka46’s 3rd generation” as its own thing. Who shall I ask first? Just now, our eyes met… Mukai-san, what do you think?

Mukai: Huhh~, no, please, no! I get emotional easily, so I’d rather another member go first (laughs).

Ishimori: Then, I’ll go first. Right, after talking with the members one by one, they made me think “So they have this side too” or “So they think this way,” and that was interesting. I think it’s really amazing that eleven people with a lot of individuality who love Sakurazaka46 so much have gathered from all around Japan.

Kojima: For real, it’s the best~!

— Next, how about we go in a counterclockwise direction from where Ishimori-san is sitting? So, we’ll start from Mukai-san, and then the person beside her. Go ahead.

Mukai: Whoa, my turn has come (laughs). Umm… I don’t often talk about my own feelings in front of everyone, so, umm, uh, oh no~ (tears welling up in her eyes). When I look back at our memories, the tears just come out… Everyone has their own strengths and roles within the 3rd gen, so… I think that we all have strengths and weaknesses, but, ah… I don’t want to cry anymore… But, as you can see, I feel comfortable enough with them that I can shed tears like this, and I’m sure we’ll have to face a lot of things in the future, but I think everything will be okay since I have everyone. As we keep on trying various things, we might stumble upon a big wall to climb, but it’s precisely at that moment that we have to support each other… I hope we can work even harder from now on!

Kojima: I really love this side of Itoha, it’s truly wonderful.

Nakashima: Same, I love it too.

Mukai: The fact that I’m surrounded by these wonderful people… I’m really thankful for that. For real.

— I think it’s really beautiful. Well then, let’s go to the next person.

Murai: It’s only been a year since I met everyone, but I feel like our relationship is deeper than that, and I think our strengths came from the intense times we have spent together up until now. How to say this… We’re a group of people who have a lot of ambitions, who work hard because we want to grow even better, and I hope people can see that as our charm. I want to help each and every one of our personalities shine even more, so that everyone who supports us will think “Wow, the 3rd gen really is great.”

Kojima: Everyone is really ambitious, and we all hate to lose, in a good way. That’s why we continue to inspire and become a good influence to each other, and even if one of us gets stumped, we won’t let anyone get left behind. I think there might be fans who wanted to support us because they could sense that. That’s how I feel… For me, the 3rd gen members are a passionate bunch of people (laughs), so I feel like we have to rev up our engine even more now, and I’d be happy if what the eleven of us has created could stir an emotional response from everyone.

Murayama: If we talk realistically, the 3rd gen members still lack adaptability. Sometimes, our choreo would get changed on the day of the performance, and we couldn’t help but look at the bamiri (position markers on the stage) while moving, but when I watched performance videos of our seniors, they never looked at it. I’m sure experience also matters, but it’s something that we need to be aware of. We were fortunate enough to meet through this wonderful opportunity, so I look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.

Odakura: She seems like a blunt person, but she’s actually a kind person who likes to takes pictures of the members and such.

Murayama: I’m not… (blushes).

Endo: But… Like when I cried earlier, everyone always cares about others more than themselves… (gets overwhelmed with emotions and teared up. But, she immediately stopped). All of them always put others first. As I listened to everyone talk, their warm personalities made me keep thinking “Why do you care about other people so much?”, but I can’t do anything for them… So I want to become someone who can give back.

Odakura: That’s true… I’ve met a lot of people up until now, but only the ten 3rd gen members had made me feel so warm inside. Moreover, because we each have our own ambitions, I think we can complement each other's shortcomings, and I love this atmosphere between us where we can honestly say “Let’s do our best with everyone!”

Yamashita: Our age and birthplace are all different, but I couldn’t feel that at all while doing activities with everyone… Or rather, we’re all just genmates as equals, and that feels really comfortable. I’ve only interacted with people who’s close to my age in school, so after becoming a 3rd gen member of Sakurazaka, I was surprised that the members younger than me have such mature mindsets, and I also got to hear thoughts and opinions from the older members that I've never thought of before. On the other hand, there are also times when I listened sympathetically to the older members, which I find to be really interesting. It does feel a little strange to be here with all these people that I would never have met if I hadn't become a member… But I’m glad things turned out this way.

Matono: For real, to think they… could gather all these nice people from all over the country… I think it’s wonderful how everyone is so kind, considerate, and cares about other people more than themselves. Since all eleven got in the group because they love Sakurazaka, this might be a given, but I really like the fact that we all put all of our energy into making sure everything we do turns out great, and that we are able to unite our hearts and minds as one.

Nakashima: For me… What should I say!? I can’t gather my thoughts at alllll

Kojima: It’s fine, it’s fine, we’ll be there to support you!

Nakashima: Ah, just like what Nagi did just now, whenever someone is in trouble, they’ll always help and support you. For example, when I talk about my problems, I feel like their advice always hits the spot. Their words may seem harsh when you hear them, but they give you the motivation to work hard to change yourself… They are people who possess both kindness and strength. There is not a single member who only cares about themselves, so I trust everyone from the bottom of my heart… Ah, please write what I said just now in bold (laughs).

Everyone: Ahahahahaha!

— Nakashima-san sure is something else (laughs). But, saying something like that just means that you trust them that deeply, right?

Nakashima: Yes. It’s been a year since we met, and only around half a year since our activities started, but what we learned in these six months has been really significant for us. As much as we were given opportunities, there were also times when we felt down, but when that happened, we lent each other our strength, and the trust between us grew deeper and deeper.

Kojima: Are you not asking what you said to be written in bold again? (laughs)

Nakashima: Actually, I want all the passionate stuff we said to be in bold (laughs).

— I’ll consider it (laughs). Well then, the last one up is Taniguchi-san… Are you ready?

Taniguchi: For times like this, we usually end it with Nagi and Yuzu’s passionate words though (laughs). Right… Before joining Sakurazaka, my social life was only centered around my school activities, so I wouldn’t have met people with various personalities like the members, and I think the reason why every day feels so interesting now is because we’re able to share different ways of thinking and perceiving things, and things that we wouldn't have noticed on our own. I can't really say anything witty, but... Each member is really considerate of others, and they are always trying to find new sides to themselves, and at the same time, they are always trying to get to know the other members' new sides, so it may sound cliché, but I'm really glad I met them, from the bottom of my heart. Hmm… Was I able to convey that well…?

— It was wonderfully conveyed. Well then, what kind of horizons will the 3rd gen aim for in the future?

Ishimori: Now… We have a lot of opportunities to do things with the eleven of us together, like this photoshoot, but we might have less of that in the future. But I want us to keep caring for each other and supporting each members’ achievements even if it’s not about ourselves. If that could happen, I think the atmosphere between us would be even better. With Habu (Mizuho)-san’s graduation, Sakurazaka46 is heading towards a new stage, and I wonder if the 3rd gen could bring something good to the table through our hard work. I want us to cherish these days more than ever before, without forgetting to be considerate and to pay attention to our surroundings.

Kojima: Amazing… Perfect score!

(※ Everyone starts clapping)

Mukai: Just like what Rika-nee (Ishimori) said, Habu-san will be graduating in ZOZO Marine Stadium (the venue for their “3rd ANNIVERSARY LIVE”), and I think that we need to inherit what the seniors have built and left behind for us. While keeping that in mind, never forgetting our original intentions, and staying humble and thankful for the blessed environment we’re in, I’d like for us to continue doing our best in the future.

— By the way, if you were to put into words what it means to be a 3rd generation member right now, what would you say?

Kojima: We don’t even know what that means clearly… When I was just an idol fan, I was able to see Sakurazaka from that lens, but now that I’ve become a member, I can't do that anymore. Maybe… We’re still searching for what it means. Of course, in order to inherit the traditions of Sakurazaka and the things that our seniors have created and protected, and to bring out the individuality of the eleven 3rd gen members, it is necessary for us to be connected at the core, rather than simply working together. That’s what I really feel after going through “Omotenashikai”, “3rd TOUR”, and the songs production process during these past six months, so by “returning to the basics”, I hope that the 3rd gen members will continue to cooperate with each other with sincerity and do their best.

Nakashima: Please write the “returning to the basics” part from what Nagi said just now in bold!

Everyone: Ahahahahaha!

— That was certainly a wonderful thought. Well then, shall we close this by having you huddle up and do an oath together?

Nakashima: Well, Nagi, will you lead us like usual?

Kojima: Then… Here I go! (Raising her voice) 3rd gen members, let’s do our best in our 2nd year as well~!

Everyone: Oohhh~~~!


Raw: anon
Translator; meg
QC: tmi


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