Habu Mizuho and the members' message to each other ["Destination" photobook] Pt 1


Question for members:

  1. In all this time you worked with Habu, which moment left you the most impression?
  2. What kind of presence is Habu for the group?
  3. What part of Habu makes you go “I love this side of hers” or “This side of hers is so lovely”?
  4. Please tell us “A secret about Habu only I know about.”
  5. Please give a message to Habu, who is moving toward the next stage of her life.


Habu comment on 1st gen members:

The 1st generation member with whom I have spent eight years with. The presence of my “genmates” always reassures me at any given moment. They have saved me countless times. I’d like to convey my gratitude and “thank you” for the four of them who would understand and accept me no matter who I am, and for giving me the push I needed to set out for the future.

Uemura Rina

Habu comment:

A kind person who, in a good way, never changed in the past eight years. She would lend her ears and comfort people with an approachable atmosphere. She feels like “an eternal Idol” not just for her fans, but for me as well, a fellow member. She always laughs hearing what I say, so I have the confidence that I could make Rina smile better than anyone else. We are often together these days, and she would listen to what I have to say. First of all, I’d like to fulfill our promise of going to “Bikkuri Donkey [T/N: a chain restaurant]” together. I hope that she can always keep going at her own pace. She can text me at any time and I’m always waiting for her video call.

Uemura’s answer:

  1. We’ve been working together for so long, so I can’t decide, but what pops in my mind right now are the moments when we laugh together.
  2. She is someone who usually would say funny things and make the staff and members smile. In terms of performance, she is someone who– in a good way– has no one who can share a symmetrical position with [because no one can stand up to her unique style].
  3. How she’s always funny. How her outfit and rehearsal wear is always so stylish. How she always has good sense for everything. How she’s so good at drawing the result always looks like mascots. How she always changes her hairstyle and looks good in all of it. How beautiful she looks when she’s dancing, down to the tip of her fingers. How good she is at singing. How lovely she wrote her graduation blog.
  4. This might not only be known to me, but I think she could be the member with the most delicate feeling. I think it’s amazing how she doesn’t really show it to the fans.
  5. Thank you for working hard together with me until now, for more than eight years. Thank you so much for your hard work. I’ll miss you, but I look forward to Habu-chan’s future activities. Let’s have a FIVE CARDS reunion~.

Koike Minami

Habu’s comment:

Someone who, before I realized it, would often be by my side already. There were also a lot of people who liked to see both of us together. Even though our appearances are the opposite, our feelings were often similar. We have a lot of similarities, such as how both of us are only childs, so our pace of conversation is also similar. I think that might have been what created the comfortable atmosphere of “HabuMii”. I felt that it was our daily routine to buy juices at our workplace and then have a toast together. I really like how she cherishes each moment that we spend together as memories. How these days that I took for granted will become distant memories, more than anything, makes me feel so lonely.

Koike’s answer:

  1. I vividly remember when we both became front row members in “Garasu wo ware!” during Keyaki days, and we both shared the same feelings and encouraged each other to work hard. I think that since “Garasu wo ware!”, we’d stick together more often whenever we film an MV.
  2. There was a time when the atmosphere within the group became heavier, and Habu-chan brightened it up nonchalantly with a single word. She is someone overflowing with a sense of humor that makes everyone smile, but she is also someone who paid attention to everyone and properly faced each member.
  3. How bold she is. Even when others are a bit hesitant, she would boldly step forward. She’s such a cool person.
  4. How much she loves soda. We would often go to a vending machine, buy each other a soda drink and then do a toast.
  5. I was truly so happy to have been able to work together with you for about eight years and share each other’s feelings. I don’t have anything that I want to convey to you, but I’d like to say that Habu-chan’s presence is very important for me. I will continue to cheer for the path Habu-chan has selected and will walk on, and no matter what happens I will always be your ally, so please have fun and do your best in a Habu-chan-like way! And please live with much happiness! I love you.

Kobayashi Yui

Habu’s comment:

If you say “Kobayashi-like”, then that means “an intriguing woman”. Even though we are genmates, for some reason she always makes me nervous. So much so that even though we are genmates, it makes me want to speak to her in a formal way. But she usually acts spoiled and has a younger-sister-like side, and I am always surprised at how many hidden switches she has inside her. I think that she has always been a large pillar-like existence that has carried the group since the early days. She never misses congratulating me on my birthday every year. One year, she gave me a towel as a gift. Her kindness has helped me greatly. I think that she has many things that she kept hidden within her, and there is a tremendous amount of hard work going on behind the scenes that she never shows in public.

Yuipon’s answer:

  1. We had so many conversations over the past eight years, and how we had both casual, trivial conversations and serious discussion about the group has left an impression within me.
  2. How she embodies the group motto’s “[blooming in a] sweet and bold [way]” both physically and mentally.
  3. How positive and strong she is. I am always saved by her strength that allows her to always smile and throw in jokes no matter how serious the conversation becomes.
  4. I got the impression that she has high communication skills, but then I heard how she befriended her driving school instructor and was able to chat with them while taking lessons, and got shocked at how truly high it is.
  5. I hope that you can live your life freely in a Habu-chan-like way. I’m cheering for you~!

Saito Fuyuka

Habu’s comment:

I’m reminded once again of how much fun it is to be with her. She would always retort me with, “Heck ya doing?” Day by day, I made a fool of myself even more, waiting for Fuyuka to say, “Heck ya doing?” at me. And in that timing, I will be graduating. I’ll miss it. I think that she is someone who thinks about the members and helped to create the atmosphere of the group, so I truly feel grateful to her. She is also the first person I’d like to share funny things with. Recently, we have become each other’s official photographer and took pictures of each other. In any case, we just can’t wait to go on a trip together, so I hope that she can contact me about it.

Fuuchan’s answer:

  1. She is someone who, after a performance, would be the quickest to look at the performance video and check her performance. When everyone is still taking a breather, she would already be watching it with a phone at hand. I think Habu-chan’s current way of showing her charm and performing is a result of that inquisitive mind.
  2. Personally, I don’t really like making an analogy of Habu-chan in a masculine manner (laughs), however I think that the best word to describe her would be “a prince”. She not only notices the changes from the members and praises them for it, she is also someone who went above and beyond to say things to make someone happy. She is also a very caring person.
  3. How she would never reject someone. She doesn’t say negative things about others, so I never feel down when I speak to her and she would praise me instead, which raises my self-esteem (laughs). Even when I say something negative, I love how Habu-chan would turn it into something positive and give me words that make me feel confident!
  4. If I am not a “Habu no Onna (Habu’s Woman)”, then I’d like to be “Habu ga Onna (Habu is a Woman). While I am not a “Habu no Onna”, it is because I know that Habu-chan is a very cute woman. I have always loved the cute Habu-chan, from the moment we first met each other to now!
  5. Habu-chan, congratulations on your graduation! The days when we laughed together have been very fun! I hope that from now on you can make effective use of your free time, but once in a while please make time to relax and praise yourself lots~ I’m really glad to have been able to work with you in Sakurazaka46 as well! Thank you.


Habu’s comment on 2nd gen:

The 2nd generation is a generation where each member is different from the other, and they’re rich in individuality. I cannot count the number of times they have helped me. Truly, thank you very much for entering the group. I am cheering for the future of Sakurazaka46, which can be dyed in many colors, more than anyone else, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they would express themselves.

Inoue Rina

Habu’s comment:

After a certain point in time, her expression became much brighter. She’s a hard worker, and the attractiveness that comes flowing out from her efforts is wonderful to see. I found myself unconsciously grinning every time Inoue made a comment. Maybe I have fallen for her. No, I already have. I don’t have the same talent. So much so that it makes me jealous. I think she has a unique charm that I have never encountered before. “There is no one like Inoue,” so I thought. I am very much looking forward to her future activities and I hope that she can go through it with no worries. I am sure that there are people out there who are definitely watching and noticing Inoue’s charms.

Inoue’s answer:

  1. When I feel down, or even when nothing is happening, she would reach out to me with a word like “How are you?”, or “Your hair is really nice!”, or “Inyoue~”. That makes me happy and would power me up! When I feel worried or don't know what to do and come to her for advice, she would seriously listen to it, which made me think that I was able to meet a really dependable senior.
  2. With just one word, Habu-san could make everyone laugh and change the atmosphere of the place to become full of smiles in a snap. I think that is something that only Habu-san can do.
  3. How she fools around a lot and how she would throw in the “Habu Sayings”. It’s really funny how she does it not just during the variety shows, but also in the dressing room or when we go out in private. What I really remember is when someone asked, “Whose toothbrush (haburashi) is this?” in the group LINE, and Habu-san replied with “土生らしです (Haburashi-desu / It seems to be Habu’s)”, I laughed out loud at home! And how Habu-san can always dye anything in her color! It’s not just her clothes, her wonderful individuality also comes out during photoshoots, she even has her own color in variety shows, and I think it’s lovely how it’s something only Habu-san has!
  4. When I’m together with Habu-san, there would be a nice smell in the air. When I asked what that smell was, she would answer with, “It’s my pheromone!” now, but in the past she answered with “It might be shampoo?”! It’s a mystery which one is the real answer!
  5. Even if I already understand that there will be a day when you will graduate, I feel very sad with how that day is approaching. It makes me very sad that you, who would listen to my worries, who would go along with your junior’s weird jokes, who would notice slight changes the fastest, won’t be in the group anymore. I will always cherish the things that Habu-san has taught me. I pray that my beloved Habu-san will be active in various places from now on! Please come with me to play at an amusement park again! Please continue to take care of me from now on!

Endo Hikari

Habu’s comment:

Someone who draws your attention. All of her emotions are visible in her eyes, and whenever she’s shown on screen, you could feel it tremendously. I have always felt that way ever since she joined the group. We shared a lot of thoughts and I also have many memories of spending time together with her even during our private time. She’s someone who has supported me for sure. But first of all, I think it’s important for herself to be her biggest ally, so I would encourage her to give herself positive affirmations every day. I believe that the moment she figures out her strengths and weaknesses, she will evolve in no time, so I hope that Hikari can take the first step to find the hints for that at her own pace. I will always be on her side.

Hikarin’s answer:

  1. I have many memories with Habu-chan, but especially when we went out to Shimokitazawa on our day off to shop for clothes to wear for meet & greet, and she fully coordinated my outfit! I always thought that Habu-chan has an amazing sense of fashion, so I was very happy about it! It has become my treasure for a lifetime.
  2. I got the impression that she is always at the center of the group. She is kind to everyone and always shows her cheerfulness.
  3. How she doesn’t whine in front of others. I think that even when Habu-chan thought of something, she would keep it and make her own considerations without showing it on the outside, and then she would turn it into action.
  4. How she is actually a shy person ♥. She usually looks like the cool, stylish senior, but when her birthday is celebrated in a surprise or when she gets complimented, she would be happy in a slightly shy way and that’s very cute of her!
  5. Ever since I was just a fan of the group, Habu-chan has always looked straight ahead and faced herself at all times, and when I saw her actions after becoming a member, I felt the same way. You are truly a wonderful senior who never runs away from anything, but faces it head-on. The way you always care about the people around you and reach out to them is truly Habu-chan-like. But from now on, please be kind not just to those around you, but to yourself as well, and please spoil yourself too sometimes! As Habu-chan’s disciple, I am proud to see how my senior is moving forward to a bright future. I hope to be someone like Habu-chan, and I'd like to do my activities in a manner that will not embarrass my master while hoping to one day be able to work with you again! Please let me continue to be Habu-chan’s disciple! I sincerely hope that Habu-chan’s future will continue to shine brightly!

Ozono Rei

Habu’s comment:

She’s such a good listener who always has a smile on her face, which makes me want to share with her funny jokes that would make us both laugh together. She would create an easy-to-talk atmosphere in our workplace. She has a sharp sensitivity and tremendous expressiveness, so much so that I wish I could listen to her while carrying a memo in hand. She looks beautiful in everything she does, and the sight of her reading a book looks like a work of art. I also know that she gets hurt easily. I want her to continue to be the way she is while cherishing her own heart. I think that Rei-chan’s aura and charms will elevate the quality of the group to an exceptional level. That’s just how attractive she is.

Rei’s answer:

  1. When we were filming the MV for the 1st single, “Nobody’s fault”, she went together with me to grab the sushi for dinner, which made me so happy I still vividly remember that moment. I just entered the group and was standing alone by myself, so when Habu-san grabbed my hand, it made me think, “So it’s okay for me to be here~.”
  2. The gap between her beautiful visual and poppy personality makes her a truly charming person, there is no one else like her. She truly pays a lot of attention to the members, and gives us positive words, she is someone who brightens not just the atmosphere of the group as a whole but also the heart of the members.
  3. I love how she made me laugh a lot! Once I laugh, she will throw in more jokes, which makes it painful from laughing too much…!
  4. Whenever Habu-san said something funny and no one laughed at it, she would look my way, you see~~ That expression of hers is so funny it would definitely make me laugh (laughs).
  5. Kindness, thoughtfulness, humility, and stoicism… I will definitely remember the many things I have learned from Habu-san. “Zono, try to speak out about the things that you love~,” I will always cherish those words too. I hope that Habu-san’s future will be filled with the things Habu-san likes and makes you heart flutter~*.

Onuma Akiho

Habu’s comment:

Everyone is finally stuck in Numa-chan’s swamp [T/N: Numa means swamp]. She never lies, and everything is truly the result of her hard work. I think it should’ve happened sooner. It must have been very difficult for her to accumulate all these efforts. That’s why I feel so happy when I see her activities day by day, such as when she’s appearing on an outside show. It makes me want to do my best too. That’s just how much power she has in conveying her work. I have seen her working so hard, and I feel that she gives her everything even for the things I have yet to see. However, sometimes I worry that she might get burned out, so as a resident of the swamp [Akipo’s fandom name], I hope that she can take a breather from time-to-time and gently restrain herself.

Akipo’s answer:

  1. I thought it’s really cool how she doesn’t cry in front of others. There have been many times where I thought that she surely left the place to cry on her own, whether it is because of “Sokosaku” or another member’s graduation. Habu-chan who doesn’t cry or whine in front of the members is really so cool, I admire her.
  2. She is someone who always makes others laugh! There’s so much happiness surrounding Habu-chan, and it makes you start smiling naturally! That’s why I cannot imagine Sakurazaka46 without Habu-chan.
  3. ① How good she is at complimenting! She really knows how to compliment girls in a way that would make them happy. ② She’s a hard worker. She would often ask the dancers on how she should dance a choreo, she studies ways to show herself off, and you could tell she’s been putting a lot of effort into it from her performance. ③ She’s a genius at playing with words. She is really good at puns, and what left me the most impression is how when someone asked in the group chat about who left a toothbrush [haburashi], she answered with “Habu-rashi”, I thought she’s a genius!
  4. I was given the chance to stand in Akane-san’s position for “Blue Moon Kiss”, and there’s a part where I’m entangled with Habu-chan, and in every performance she would always make my heart go wild with how sometimes she would pat my head or gaze into my eyes!! She has amazing technique!!
  5. I think that Habu-chan, who is beautiful on the outside and inside, has a future that’s full of hope! I hope that Habu-chan can spend her life in your own way happily with plenty of humor! You will always be a senior I am proud of, I will always be a “Habu no Onna”. I will always love you. Thank you very much for always being kind to me. From now on, I will always be rooting for Habu-chan from the bottom of my heart!

Kousaka Marino

Habu’s comment:

Powerful. She makes me want to know more about a side of Marino-chan only I know about, and just like what the members often say, she’s so cute that I often end up patting her head and she always makes me melt. I hope to see more of what she’s like when she’s not at work, or how she looks when she’s not feeling like her usual self, she’s someone that I like to learn more deeply about. I could really understand TAKAHIRO-sensei’s feelings, there must be a meaning as to why he gave her a moment to shine in “Start over!” And personally, I feel happy to have been able to learn a new side of her. I believe that she is one member who can change the direction of her activities from here on however she wants.

Marino’s answer:

  1. When we did the photoshoot for 2nd single “BAN”s jacket photo, we had to stand barefoot on the sand and slippers were then provided for us afterwards. It was very memorable how Habu-san lined up the slippers for members and said, “Here you go, princesses”! The way she is equally kind to all the members makes my heart go kyun!
  2. She was truly a prince-like person who would pay attention to her surroundings, who would notice the slight changes around her and give out kind words! Whenever I see her say words that would make someone blush and are difficult to say so easily, not just to the members, but also to our managers or make-up artists, it makes me think about how cool and lovely she is. I think that there were many members other than me who admired such Habu-san!
  3. I really love how cute her voice is and how she throws out a lot of funny remarks, which is contrary to her cool beauty look! I am always helped by Habu-san’s cheerfulness that makes the place lively!
  4. It’s not a secret, but I think it’s very cute how she gets really embarrassed if other people repeat her joke or pay attention to her too much after making a joke in our variety show ♥. If you didn’t notice it, then please do pay attention as you watch Habu-san! (laughs).
  5. It makes me very sad that you are graduating from the group, and I wished that we could work together a little while longer, but Habu-san is really, really cool for making the decision to walk on a different path. After graduation, I will be cheering Habu-san with all I’ve got, so please do your best without pushing yourself! And please come visit Sakurazaka46 members from time to time~! Truly thank you very much for everything until now!!

Takemoto Yui

Habu’s comment:

She’s good at showing off her own strengths. Her attitude has changed so much compared to when she joined, she is pretty much a different person already. She is also an indispensable, reliable presence when it comes to variety, and I also think that she is a sponge-like person who can absorb objective opinions. She is also good at expressing her opinions, and I think being able to attract attention no matter what position she is in is a result of Yui-chan’s effort so far. Yui-chan is also someone who doesn’t give up midway through anything and holds on to the final punch line. She is truly a powerful girl that is indispensable to the group.

Takeyui’s answer:

  1. On the day the formation for Sakurazaka debut single was announced, right after we all went home, Habu-san sent me, “Let’s do our best as members with symmetrical positions :)” and it made me feel lighter right away. It was during the days when I was still reorganizing my feelings toward the renaming of the group and didn't understand my own thoughts, and those simple words made me able to resolve my doubts.
  2. I always think that there is no doubt that one who created the current Sakurazaka46 atmosphere of being “warm and always full of laughter where everyone is friends, passionate, and full of smiles” is Habu-san. That’s why I feel an incredible amount of worry about whether this current atmosphere could continue even with Habu-san no longer being in the group, but I’d like us (2nd gen) to do our best so that we can pass over what Habu-san has left to us to the 3rd generation members…!
  3. ① How a single word from her holds a destructive power. The reason why Sakurazaka46’s rehearsal is so cheerful is undoubtedly because of Habu-san’s words. ② How she compliments others a lot. Being complimented not only makes you happy, but also grateful from knowing how much she’s paying attention to you. I thought it’s amazing how, when she noticed something good, she would compliment said member right away. ③ The attitude that she is showing to us, her juniors. She was the senior who showed us the most etiquette and work attitude toward being an Idol, as a celebrity. There is truly so much that we, 2nd gen members, have learned from Habu-san, so we are grateful to her.
  4. When we went out for a meal together, although Habu-san was super kind already… she showed so much more kindness it made me think that I’ve never met anyone as nice as her before. When we went to get yakiniku together, she treated me to a feast, she grilled all the meat and even gave me a birthday present… she treated me so much that I went home with my heart full! (laughs).
  5. Whenever the members are laughing together while holding our stomachs, it makes me think how glad I am to be in Sakurazaka46. And Habu-san has always, definitely, been the center of it. I have seen how Habu-san always makes the people around her smile countless times, and you yourself have helped me over and over again. It’s so cool to think about how you will continue to do this from now on, making everyone, no matter near or far, smile. Seeing how the power Habu-san carries expands and grows tremendously gives me courage and motivates me to continue giving my best. I’m cheering for you from the bottom of my heart! And most of all, I want Habu-san to smile and be happier than anyone else.

Tamura Hono

Habu’s comment:

She has a high level of self-management and is so genuinely and sincerely a wonderful person that she would make everyone she met into a fan, not just because she’s an idol. No matter which moment I look back to, Hono-chan is always there in my memories. That is just how much she has cherished every moment, which makes me happy. I am glad that we have been able to talk more deeply in the past year or two. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to her for being such a dependable person who brightens up the group. I believe that Hono-chan’s smile would make the whole world smile. I can’t take my eyes off the way she is steadily advancing step by step. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself as you enjoy your activities to the fullest.

Hono’s answer:

  1. When I appeared on a music show as a member of the group for the first time, just when I was going to go home, Habu-san invited me to take pictures together. Habu-san’s act of reaching out to me at that time has emotionally supported me who was filled with nervousness, worries, and caution. I remember how it made me feel very happy.
  2. The person who gave color to the group. Habu-san’s presence and effort gave both the group and our songs a unique characteristic.
  3. I have always seen how Habu-san pursued her goals without compromise persistently, and have always thought that she was really cool. It’s fun to be with Habu-san, and I have the impression that she is good at finding the good points of other people and sharing it with them. She would tell me the things that are wrong, and show examples through actions, and I think there are many juniors other than me who have received advice from her. Whenever I am not sure if what I’m thinking or doing is right, I would always find the answer from looking at Habu-san.
  4. She’s so kind that she played along with Kira-chan’s puns for pretty much the whole day.
  5. Truly, thank you very much for always giving both me and the group a positive influence. I could feel how much I am smiling more with Habu-san being there with me. I learned many things from watching Habu-san, and your passionate attitude of never being satisfied has always inspired me. I will do my best so that Sakurazaka46 can remain a cool group even after Habu-san’s graduation, so I’d be happy if you could watch over us ( ^.^ ). Truly thank you very much for your hard work.

Fujiyoshi Karin

Habu’s comment:

She is someone who would show you a never-before-seen scenery, expression, and world. I never felt a hint of a lie from her words, and being able to experience and see the personal touch of “Fujiyoshi Karin” made me feel excited day by day. She’s hiding so many things within her, and I could see something new every time I looked at her, that I couldn’t help but to start cheering for her and enjoying it. Karin-chan fits [sitting] at a counter rather than a table, so I hope that we could sit at some counter as we converse together relaxedly. I hope that Karin-chan can continue to try many things and captivate more people from now on. I look forward to Karin-chan's future as she grows to become a wonderful adult.

Karin’s answer:

  1. It made me very happy how kind she was with us, 2nd gen, when we just entered the group and didn’t know anything. Even now she continues to be so kind to us, and I could feel her kindness every day.
  2. I think that she has become someone who gives characteristic to the group. Having Habu-san gives the group a peculiar characteristic and raises Sakurazaka46’s level as a group.
  3. She always makes me smile with her jokes. She cheers me up. It’s so cool and stoic how peculiar she is in the way she shows herself. She is someone who can put in the effort, which is something that looks easy even though it’s difficult, so I respect her for it.
  4. It’s cute how she’s not used to being complimented even though she makes a lot of compliments to others.
  5. Thank you very much for all the warmth you have given me until now. It saved me. Even after graduation, I will be watching your activities from the shadows. I pray that your life will be a lovely, warm one that allows you to sleep well at night.

Masumoto Kira

Habu’s comment:

When you are with her, you will mysteriously forget about the time. We would throw puns to one up each other all the time, and when I realized it, it'd be 30 minutes, or it would already be an hour already (laughs). Whenever we are in sync, we would do our special move, “hi-touch moshi mount”! I’ve never met anyone like her, and our relationship is very fun and comfortable. Kira-chan who used to be so clingy to the 1st generation members and gets lonely easily is now actively pampering 3rd generation members as Kira-nee. And when I announced my graduation, Kira-chan was the one who would quietly go to my side and comfort me. I hope that she can try many things through her activities, to establish her individuality and dye the group in “Kira-chan’s brightness (kira kira)”.

Kira’s answer:

  1. During the rehearsal for BACKS LIVE!!, when I was entrusted to perform in Habu-san’s position in “Utsukushiki Nervous”, Habu-san noticed how I was having difficulties performing, and she said, “I can teach you whenever you want.” It made me realize that she even checks rehearsal videos of a concert that she’s not participating in, and always watches the group as a whole!
  2. Habu-san was someone who always cheered everyone up. Even in the latter half of a rehearsal, when everyone is getting tired and speaking less, a funny word from Habu-san could drastically change the mood of the place. She is not only kind, but she also properly faces each member, so I think that there are many members who emotionally rely on her. I’m one of them!
  3. How even though she’s very kind to others, she’s pretty strict to herself. I am sure that each member of the group has seen how she is practicing without cutting corners in front of the mirror. She’s very peculiar in the way she presents herself at every moment, I thought that that’s really amazing. The results of Habu-san’s wonderful efforts are visible in her everyday life, so much so that every time I took a picture of her, the result would be so beautiful you’d think it came out of a photobook! I also like her cutesy side that would make silly mistakes, which is contrary to her image of being the perfect human.
  4. How she was playing “Umi no Koe” in a loud volume as we gazed at the sea. I think it’s not something people would do (laughs).
  5. Habu-san, truly thank you very much for your ~8 years of hard work. I remember telling you that I won’t be a “Habu no Onna”, but when I look back to any point of the past, Habu-san’s smile would be present in my memory. I think that I was drawn to Habu-san’s charm without even realizing it. Does this mean that I’m already a “Habu no Onna”? I think that Habu-san’s ability to be loved by everyone is truly amazing. Habu-san who pleases everyone in many different ways seems to be able to make anything you do into a huge success! I will miss you, but more than that, I’m looking forward to the future that you will pave. Please go out and play with me again! Truly thank you for everything until now. Congratulations on your graduation.

Matsuda Rina

Habu’s comment:

The captain who started everyone’s engines [T/N: pun with engine, as in group cheer]. Whatever Matsuri says will set the members in motion. I feel that she had a tremendous influence on the group from the time she joined, with the way she spoke proactively, her positive attitude, and such. I think that there are a lot of members who feel motivated to do their best by seeing her. She has honed her skills in various places and brought it back to the group. I truly feel like I can fully rely on her as our captain. She’s a member who I’ve spent a lot of time with, like during BACKS LIVE!!, and our positions in the formations are usually close as well. The accumulation [of her hard work] will definitely help her in the future, so I hope that she will continue to lead the group without overdoing it.

Matsuri’s answers:

  1. I really love how just a single comment from her brightens the mood!! Habu-san’s surroundings are full of smiles! Though her comments are confusing sometimes! Habu-san has helped me a lot both on and off-camera!!
  2. She’s someone who can instantly brighten the mood and make you smile! Sometimes she also shows you examples through her cool and beautiful actions!
  3. She’s beautiful! She has good style! She’s so fashionable! Her truly beautiful performance that is unique to her! She’s smart and cool! How she could brighten up the mood just by saying one comment!
  4. Even when the cameras aren’t rolling, she keeps putting out the “Habu Sayings”. She’s the best.
  5. Habu-san is someone who holds onto her principles, so I believe that you will shine in her own way in her new environment! I will be supporting Habu-san who will embark on a new path from now on!

Morita Hikaru

Habu’s comment:

She’s someone who can get the point across and immerse herself in what's in front of her. I think, in a good way, she has a clear difference between her on and off-mode. She has so many different sides and expressions that I'm always drawn to her. She has the image of having not just male fans, but also a lot of female fans. Above all, I love her sense of humor, and what makes us laugh is similar so the time we spent laughing together feels better than any massage [T/N: A pun, the word ツボ could mean both “sense of humor” and “pressure point” (for massaging)]. With her cuteness, beauty, and coolness combined, she has a presence that is very loveable, to the point that I’m enchanted by her everyday. I'm sure that she'll be dealing with a variety of emotions every day, but I hope she’ll be able to take a breather once in a while and look at the various scenery around her.

Run’s answers:

  1. When we were paired together for my first national handshake event. I was really nervous, but she would lead me kindly, and her calling me “Run-chan, let’s go~” was so cute, it made me feel happy.
  2. A sun-like person who always makes the members and staff around her laugh a lot.
  3. ① How she could switch between her on and off-mode is wonderful, I respect her. ② She always thinks about other people more than herself, I felt my heart skip a beat by the kindness of her actions.
  4. There’s a part where the members surround Habu-san in “Start over!”’s second chorus, and she would change up her gestures each time and practice the gestures in front of the mirror. I love that scene because she shows off a different charm each time.
  5. Congratulations on your graduation. You really have worked hard up until now. I’m happy to have been a junior of Habu-chan. Everyone will support you as well from now on. I wish that you would spend your days full of smiles happily.

Part 2 --> HERE


Raw: nira
Translation: tmi & meg


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