Habu Mizuho and the members' message to each other ["Destination" photobook] Pt 2


Question for members:

  1. In all this time you worked with Habu, which moment left you the most impression?
  2. What kind of presence is Habu for the group?
  3. What part of Habu makes you go “I love this side of hers” or “This side of hers is so lovely”?
  4. Please tell us “A secret about Habu only I know about”
  5. Please give a message to Habu, who is moving toward the next stage of her life.

PART 1 ---> HERE


Moriya Rena

Habu’s comment:
I think she has changed at a tremendous pace after our 5th single, “Sakurazuki”. I felt that her attitude towards the group changed as she gained confidence from her experiences. She’s a master of service, not only in giving fanservices during live shows, but she also understands what’s expected from her in variety shows, and often does more than what is required. There’s also a clumsy side to her, but she’s someone who’s really reliable and loveable. I also love how hardworking she is, and I’m always impressed by her attentiveness and responsiveness to her surroundings that even the staff on site are captivated by her, who I thought to be such a lovely person. I hope she will freely enjoy the group’s activities from here on out as much as she can.

Renaa’s answers:
  1. Habu-san giving me a present when it’s not my birthday or any special day really left an impression on me. She gave me sneakers, and I was very happy that I thought, “What a cool senior!” I also want to be a senior who can give presents and surprises smoothly like that.
  2. She’s the mood maker. In any situation, the mood maker is always Habu-san! She’s a genius who can brighten up the mood instantly. Even when the atmosphere is a bit tense, a single comment from her would instantly make us burst into laughter and lighten the mood.
  3. How she has a unique vibe that can’t be imitated by anyone and how her fashion style is always on point. I also like her drawings because they are really unique and cute. I also like her hands. It’s slender and long, her nails are also beautiful, I’m enchanted every time I look at her hands.
  4. She likes tsukemen. She has recommended her favorite restaurants to me. 
  5. Thank you for your hard work these past eight years. I’m always captivated by your overwhelming beauty, presence, and aura. On top of all that, I also respect your kindness, unique sense, everything. Because Habu-san is that kind of person, I pray that you will continue to be such a shining person even on the next stage of your life.

Yamasaki Ten

Habu’s comment:
She always gives you chills. Someone with a great ability to attract people. Ten-chan’s expressions would create a unique atmosphere wherever she is. She is no ordinary gal. I’m always impressed by the fact that she never hesitates in choosing what she wants, which is as expected of a model. She’s optimistic and she really cherishes the time she spends with the members that everyone around her is always smiling. She also talks a lot like at concerts and such, and I'm really grateful to her for being such a reliable figure who would lead the group along. I would like to continue to pamper and talk to her a lot, and I hope she will continue to open up new horizons* for Sakurazaka46 from here on out.
[T/N: She used 新天地, which was the title of her ViVi serialization.]

Ten’s answers:
  1. I was really happy when Habu-sensei gave me a cute bag for my birthday and said, “I think this would really suit Ten-chan~.”
  2. She’s like a bundle of individuality and presence. She has taken the lead in creating the cool image of the group, and the members who watch her from up close can’t help but be captivated by her aura and presence that only she can bring out. However, she’s a cute and funny person on the inside, which makes it fun to be with her. I really admire lovely women like Habu-sensei.
  3. The fact that she’s a strange person who makes unpredictable things happen every day. I like how you feel happy just by looking at her and how she always makes everyone smile. I also love Habu-sensei’s outfits and I secretly look forward to what kind of outfit she will wear every day. Also, her smile makes your heart skip a beat, I love that gap with her usually cool self. She’s really considerate of her juniors and watches each of us closely. She would notice any change right away and compliment us a lot, that makes me happy. 
  4. She would blush and get shy when I called her “Mizuho-san”. So cute! 
  5. Habu-sensei is such an attractive person and I respect every side of you. I’m full of anticipation for Habu-sensei’s future. If Habu-sensei is gone, it feels like everyone will laugh less, so that would make us feel really lonely, but I want to do my best so that Habu-sensei will praise me again! All the members love you! I will always support you!


Habu’s comment for 3rd gen members:
With the addition of the third-generation members, I feel like a new Sakurazaka46 has been born. They are full of power and charms and have made the group stronger as a whole. I’m looking forward to the evolution of everyone who is overflowing with potential.

Ishimori Rika

Habu’s comment:
Ishimori-chan has been following us ever since we were Keyakizaka46, and I’d like to express my many thanks to her. As the older sister figure in the third gen, she’s close with everyone, and that impressed me. However, I’m sure there will be moments when she feels overwhelmed, so at those times I want her to not force herself too much, I’ll always be there for her, so she can feel free to contact me. I’ve been helped many times by the friendly atmosphere she has created. I’m also looking forward to seeing her various expressions through her future activities. Now, I think it’s her turn to add color to this group that she loves. And someday, please let me express my gratitude to her.

Rika’s answers:
  1. The 3rd TOUR. Our outfit changing station was next to each other during the tour, so we talked to each other while changing our outfits, and it was the first time that the two of us talked together properly, so I think that we might have gotten a little closer during the tour.
  2. She’s the mood maker. When Habu-san is present, the mood on set suddenly becomes warmer. Her quick remarks are so funny and they make everyone smile.
  3. I love her remarks! Her performance is wonderful! I love how she has a gap between her normal self and when she is performing!
  4. I think this is a well-known fact, but she’s really kind. She reached out to the third generation members who were feeling down, read the situation, and cheered us up.
  5. Habu-san, congratulations on your graduation. I love how you can brighten up the atmosphere just by being there, your airheaded and funny remarks, your aura when you are performing, how you suit both cool and cute looks, and so much more. I was very happy that we got to talk a bit during the real meet & greet day(s). Thank you very much for caring about us third generation members and treating us kindly. I will do my best from now on without forgetting the kindness I’ve received! I’ll continue to love Habu-san from here on as well!

Endo Riko

Habu’s comment:
During one of our shows in the countryside, when everyone went to eat in the evening, she sat down next to me and we talked a lot. She’s so cute that I couldn’t help but stop eating… I still kept quiet about my graduation back then, but the sight of her telling me “Please don’t ever graduate” while being in tears remained in my heart. She often says “It’s not like that~.” However, she’s also full of cool unexpected sides, like how she’s a drummer, which I really admire, and her singing voice is truly very nice. I actually really like her, so I hope that she could develop her charms and have more confidence while doing her activities from now on.

Riko’s answers:
  1. When Habu-san took a photo with the third gen members during the real meet & greet.
  2. Someone who makes the people around her smile.
  3. How attentive she is to her surroundings, how beautiful her smile is, and how she’s overflowing with kindness.
  4. Sorry, I don’t have any.
  5. Although it was only for a short while, I’m happy to have been Habu-san’s junior! I will be supporting your activities from now on 🙂 

Odakura Reina

Habu’s comment:
A hard worker who never compromises despite the difficulties of balancing work and [university] life. When I saw her saying dad jokes at a certain concert, I felt that she had the same old man vibes as me. Hearing such a thing from such a cute and ladylike girl was a development that I would’ve never imagined to happen, so even now I can’t help but laugh when I think back to it. Her funny faces are also cute. She still has a lot of charms that haven’t been explored yet, so I want her to show them off more and more. If you’re feeling lonely, let’s sleep together. I’ll always be supporting you. It’s fun to think up dad jokes together, isn’t it?

Reina’s answers:
  1. When I still lacked the courage to talk to the seniors, Habu-san reached out to me saying “Let’s take a picture together,” and we were able to converse. Every time that happens, I would think that she’s a really kind person, and that left an impression on me.
  2. She has a dignified atmosphere that brings order to the place just by being there, and at the same time, also has a sense of humor that makes the place feel more comfortable. I admire her.
  3. I love how she laughs a little before saying funny comments. The fact that she becomes prettier every time you see her is also wonderful.
  4. This might not be a secret only I know of, but she keeps saying puns and retorts with a small voice during “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” recording sessions. They’re very funny and I laughed a lot during the recordings.
  5. Habu-san is someone I really admire, to the point that I think I want to become someone like Habu-san. With your wonderful personality and sense of humor, I wish you continued success.

Kojima Nagisa

Habu’s comment:
I was really shocked when I first watched the video of her playing the piano in the snow. Her piano playing at Omotenashikai was wonderful as well. I liked Konnagi-chan in “Seijaku no Bouryoku”, her presence was very impressive there, and I’m expecting her to take an even more active role in the future. I will never forget how whenever our eyes meet she would smile and how she talks to me in a friendly way. As she continues to refine her way of expressing herself as to leave a lasting impression on many people, and as she gains many new experiences, I believe that her anxiety will be alleviated, so I hope she will continue to take on various challenges.

Nagi’s answers:
  1. The first rehearsal for the 3rd tour with the seniors. It’s a given that her casual clothes are cool and stylish, but I was surprised at how strikingly stylish her practice clothes were. Of course all the seniors are fashionable, but most of the third gens including me usually only wear t-shirts for practice, so I felt like I was seeing a new world and I realized that Sakurazaka46 members look cool in all situations. 
  2. A kind and cool senior. A senior who is full of creative ideas, looks stylish no matter what she wears, everything about her is beautiful and cool. And yet, there's a sense of intimacy that can only be found in her world, she’s really kind. Whenever I see Habu-san, I realize that a woman can be this cool too, and I repeatedly thought that I want to be an adult like Habu-san.
  3. How she’s always like the image of Habu-san that I have in my mind. I once again realized that she is a wonderful person whose smile looks good on her and she’s as cool and funny as she appears on TV.
  4. I’m not sure that I’m the only one who knows about this because she’s so full of charms, but she always makes funny jokes when there’s a problem. I feel like she has a magical power that can turn my worried face to a smiling face. She always comes to my help.
  5. I will always love the idol Habu-san and the future Habu-san! I was happy to have worked together in the same group as you. I will continue to support Habu-san, whom I admire as a senior, as a fan of yours once again while you move on to the next stage of your career in a beautiful and cool way!! Thank you for pampering me a lot! Once again, congratulations for your graduation 🌸

Taniguchi Airi

Habu’s comment:
Overall, her skills are amazing. With the addition of Airi-chan, the third generation members look even stronger as a whole. I feel like she has an eye-catching presence no matter where she is positioned. I want her to aim to be someone who will lead the group, and I want to tell her that she should keep going all out without feeling shy on variety shows. I was surprised at how easy it is to go back and forth when chatting with her normally. I even thought that I wanted to get some advice from her instead. In any case, she’s a reliable and dependable junior. 

Airi’s answers:
  1. When we met each other by chance in the elevator, she asked me “Do you have anything that’s bothering you?” out of concern, and when she told me “If something happens, I’ll come rushing to your side!”
  2. She’s someone who’s attentive and brightens up her surroundings.
  3. ① How she treated the third gens really kindly right after we just joined. ② How she always tries to make everyone laugh. ③ How she often looks at her surrounding and meets my eye.
  4. She always calls us “cute”, but when we told her that she’s cute she would always get shy and be like “Really~?”
  5. Although it was only for a short time, I was really happy to be working together with Habu-san. I love the Habu-san who’s beautiful, cute, and cool! I'll be rooting for you so that you can have fun and be happy in your future activities!

Nakashima Yuzuki

Habu’s comment:
She looks like a laid back person, but she’s a high-spec girl who can speak English well, dance, has variety-related skills, and could tell the weight of rice just by intuition. That difference from her appearance and her many charms just makes you want to know her more and more. Just Yuuzu’s presence alone makes everyone smile. She’s someone who adds spice to the group. Her sense of humor is high level, and I feel that what makes us laugh are similar, because she would always laugh when I’m laughing. I hope that Yuuzu, who is loved by many, could make the group even more exciting from now on, and I think that there will be opportunities where we can see various kinds of her visuals at play. She is a star full of potential.

Yuzu’s answers:
  1. Our greetings. Whenever and wherever, if I greet her, she would always return it with a kind smile. No matter what day it is, Habu-san is Habu-san. I felt that sense of security every time I greeted her.
  2. She is the kind of person who everyone wants to be part of the group forever. The influence Habu-san has on the group is so huge, even in places people can’t see. I respect her both as an idol and as a person.
  3. How she can lighten up the mood with just a single comment. There have been countless times when something she said made me feel relieved and laugh. 
  4. She says things like “I’ll make you a Habu no Onna” when it’s just the two of us as well. All of the third gen members became Habu no Onnas right after we joined.
  5. I will always love you. Please let me support you from now on as well.

Matono Mio

Habu’s comment:
She’s my oshimen! Everything about her is lovely and cute. She’s also charming. Although she is the youngest, she’s calm just like an older sister, and there are many moments that made me feel like she pays good attention to her surroundings. But I want her to know that it’s okay to let herself be spoiled when she wants to. I want Mio-chan to work as hard as she can without hesitation. She also has a hidden cool side that comes out when she’s performing, she’s really cool. I think “Mio no Onna” already exists now, but it might grow even bigger in the future. I’m sure of that. I secretly hope that Mio-chan will improve herself a lot and expand the scope of the group as much as she can. I want to laugh together with her about silly things. 

Mio’s answers:
  1. How she talked to the third gens so kindly even though we just barely joined the group.
  2. Someone who always makes us smile.
  3. How she’s always there for us. Most of the time, I can’t reach out to the seniors because I’m shy, but Habu-san looked out for me and talked to me.
  4. Habu-san is cool even in text.
  5. We’ll do our best so Habu-san can leave the Sakurazaka46 that she has built to us.

Mukai Itoha

Habu’s comment:
With the addition of Ito-chan, Sakurazaka46 has become an even brighter group. Before, we would only converse with each other with facial expressions through the mirror, but she started to open up to me more and more, and now she could rely on me, which made me happy. And I’m also happy that she would laugh at all my silly comments 100% of the time. Her dedication and hard work in everything she does is really charming, and I’m looking forward to how she can show many different aspects of herself through the songs. I want to tell her that there have been many people that were saved because of her positive attitude that allowed others to have fun, including myself. I know that Ito-chan will be fine. I want her to cherish herself and stay the way she is forever.

Itoha’s answers:
  1. She has helped me a lot, so I can’t choose, but the most memorable is the 3rd tour which is the third gens’ first tour! It’s because personally, I think we got closer through this period! For some reason, whether we were seated far or close to each other, our eyes would often meet through the mirror (laughs), and because that happened often, it somehow felt funny and we laughed every time it happened. The words she unexpectedly said to me during the tour made me so happy that I wanted to stay by her side. When I was overwhelmed with worries that I couldn’t tell anyone else, she told me “You can tell me anything,” when I felt like crying by myself just before a concert, she told me “It’s going to be okay, you can do it”... She has saved me over and over again. After the tour, I was able to talk to Habu-san about what I’m thinking, what’s bothering me, and what I’m worried about.
  2. A goddess-like presence who watches over everyone kindly (laughs). She’s much closer to us than a goddess would be, though. When the third gen joined, we were unsure of what to do when we were together with the seniors and we just stood there, and then Habu-san would often call us by saying “Come here” and such. It may have been just a small action, but we were greatly helped by that. When I couldn’t tell the seniors that I wanted to take some pictures with them, Habu-san would say “Let’s take a picture~,” or “Why aren’t you coming~ come here~,” I’m glad that she treated us with familiarity. Each of her actions is filled with kindness.
  3. I love how kind she is. She has many kinds of kindness. The first one is the kindness of being there for others when they are having a hard time. When I was having a hard time, she would always be there for me. Whenever I talk to her about my worries, she would reply with kind and wonderful words, it has saved me countless times. I would often hide that I was feeling worried, but Habu-san would always notice it (laughs). I love her kindness that’s always there for me during those times. The second one is the kindness of saying words that will benefit others. She wouldn’t just be there for me, but she would tell me what I should do and give me advice that would point me in the right direction. I think it’s quite difficult to say those things, but since she said that, I realized that I should do what she said and that has made doing my activities easier. The third one is the kindness of helping others. She has helped me in many areas, but the one I remember most from recent times is when I did a presentation about my hometown for “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” by myself. I had to hype everyone up, but it was my first time, so I felt really nervous and my heart was pounding. But Habu-san gestured “You can do it!” to me before the recording, so I felt glad. During the presentation, I had to call out one of the seniors, and when I panicked because it would be a mess if I hesitated there, my eyes suddenly met with Habu-san’s. She really helped me that time. The fourth one is the kindness of watching over others. After the aforementioned “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” recording, she came over to me and said that I did well. She even messaged me after we went home as well… I was really happy! She didn’t just say that I did well, she also added some Habu-like opinions. I will keep the contents a secret though (laughs). She also messaged me after the tour, saying “Your facial expressions on the 11th performance were totally different from the first one, I watched you closely,” and that gave me a reason to work even harder. It’s really amazing that she watched over me closely like that. And the fact that she conveyed that to me also shows how kind she is. All in all, I love everything about her!
  4. I’m not sure if I’m the only one who knows about this, but she’s someone who can change her age (laughs). There are times when she made me think “Whoa! Amazing! Such an adult!” but there are also times when she made me think “Huh, is she the same age as me!?” When I talk and listen to her, I’d always think “She’s such a wonderful adult~..!” Her mindset, the words that come out of her mouth, and her actions all feel adult-like. I don’t have that kind of mindset yet, and I’m sure it’s a mindset that was only developed after someone grows up and experiences a lot of things. That’s why I feel like her opinions will definitely be useful in my life, and I want to keep talking and listening to her. However, when she says or does something silly, I can’t help but wonder if she’s just a high school student like me. I think she was adapting to me, but when we were making a ruckus together it really felt like she was the same age as me. Our eating portions are also the same (laughs). I’m a big eater, so I eat a lot, but she also eats the same amount as me, or perhaps even more! That’s also a part of Habu-san’s charm, I love it.
  5. I want to tell you this with the loudest voice, “I’m supporting you!” Since Habu-san is a wonderful person, I’m sure your future after graduating will be wonderful too. And I will protect and pass on what you have left to Sakurazaka46 so that it would not be wasted. I’ll work as hard as I can to be able to achieve the goal we have set together someday! Even after you graduate, I still want to talk a lot with you!

Murai Yu

Habu’s comment:
In any case, her dance skills are amazing. She has the power to draw people in, and no matter where she is positioned, she will catch your eye so when you take a look at her, you can see her as what she has been and as she is now. The moment she understood how to present herself to the audience, Yu-chan’s charm increased even more. She usually has a cute and soothing aura, but when she’s performing her personality changes and she puts so much energy into it, making her even more attractive, she’s someone with a really cool presence. However, I don’t want her to push herself to her limit so much that she burns out, so I hope she remembers to relax as well. She made me realize once again that I have to do my best to live up to her expectations, because she always relies on me. I’m looking forward to seeing her evolve in the future.

Yu’s answers:
  1. The “Shonin Yokkyu” MV shooting, because I was positioned next to Habu-san and we got to talk a lot. When I was worried about how to express myself during one of the scenes and was feeling nervous, she told me “It’s going to be okay, you can do it,” and gave me some advice. After the shooting, she also told me “You were so cool.” That made me really happy. We shot a scene where we had to pose together, and her pose was so cool that it made me think that I want to be like her someday. I wore a ponytail in the MV, and she told me that I looked cute so smoothly, that made my heart skip a beat and left a big impression on me (laughs).
  2. If Habu-san is around, the mood always becomes so peaceful. Her performance is really cool and you will be captivated by her unique charm. She’s a very important presence who supports the group in all sorts of meanings. 
  3. ① I love Habu-san’s kind and warm personality. I’m a bit shy, so I couldn’t really start a conversation with the seniors, but when Habu-san is near, she would talk to me, and that made me really happy. She’s the kind of senior who I feel safe with and someone I can naturally show my true self to. ② I love how she makes me laugh a lot with a beautiful smile on her face. She has cheered me up so many times, more than I can even count! ③ I love her cool performance and posing, and how she shows off her charms. I really admire her. 
  4. When I was seated next to her for a “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” recording, her witty retorts when we chatted were so funny and I enjoyed it so much, I think I smiled the most during that recording than ever before. It was really fun.
  5. I’m really glad to have joined Sakurazaka46 and worked with you, all of our memories together are my treasure. I will never forget it. I will always keep your cool appearance and words in mind and use it as support for my activities. I will always support you for the next stage of your life!

Murayama Miu

Habu’s comment:
I think she keeps a good track of her own pace. She may seem cool, but she also has a funny side to her, and not only that, but every time I talk to her, I discover a new side of her that makes me want to know more about her inner feelings. I feel like she tries harder than anyone else to find ways to make her performance more appealing and to convey the songs better, and I want her to evolve to being an almighty performer in the future and show us various expressions. I feel warm and my heart skips a beat every time I look at Miu-chan’s smile. I never told her but I actually really like the shape of her ears. I hope that she can encounter various kinds of emotions through her activities, give them shape, and turn them into experience.

Miu’s answers:
  1. When she calls us like “Habu no Onna, gather up~.” Hearing her call us Habu no Onna when gathering us to take group photos and such actually made me happy.
  2. A pillar-like presence. I feel like she’s always at the center of the laughter.
  3. How kind she is. I believe that she is the embodiment of all the kindness in the world.
  4. During one of our afterparties, she fed Endo Riko ice cream. I also took a video of that.
  5. Habu-san, congratulations on your graduation. I want to cherish and protect what you’ve left behind in Sakurazaka46. Thank you very much.

Yamashita Shizuki

Habu’s comment:
I think she’s a girl who’s honest with her feelings. There’s no trace of a lie in her performance, or rather, she conveys something big through her performance, and I think it’s charming how she earnestly enjoys being there. I’m always amazed by her expressiveness and the way she immerses herself in the music. I think her strength is her cuteness which makes her loved by everyone and her skills, so I want her to gain a lot of experience while sometimes being pampered by her seniors to add more depth to the group. I want her to expand her possibilities more and more.

Shii’s answers:
  1. During a rehearsal while we were preparing for the “Shonin Yokkyu” MV shooting, when everyone couldn’t catch up because the choreography was too fast, Habu-san said “Everyone~ go on ahead and leave me here~” and we laughed so much. As I gradually understood the meaning, it became funnier, and the rehearsals were always fun ♪
  2. She’s a cheerful and kind mood maker. She would kindly talk to the third gen members, and she always makes the mood more exciting with her puns and remarks in “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?” 
  3. Her smile is beautiful. How she has an aura that makes her easy to talk to. Her expressions while performing are captivating. Her fashion sense for her everyday clothes are amazing. How she’s really kind. 
  4. She’s so kind that she would always smile whenever our eyes meet 🙂
  5. Habu-san, thank you for your hard work in the group. I will remember all the things you’ve taught me and I’ll do my best so I can become a wonderful person like you. It will feel lonely after you’ve graduated, but I will always be supporting Habu-san who is continuing on to your next stage in life.

Habu’s parents

She was a child who would often do funny faces or poses when we took her picture. Because of that, there aren’t many pictures that we could show to the media (laughs). She loves the British animation series “Teletubbies” even more than Japanese animations, and used to go around riding a Po kickboard. Even now, she still treasures the doll. It seems that since childhood, she has always liked things that are different from others.
Both parents (and she herself?) never thought that she would become an Idol, so when she told us that she planned to apply to the audition, we let her as we both thought she’s going to fail immediately anyway. That’s why when she made it into the final round and passed, we both felt anxious and upset as we wondered what would happen next.
All her activities left a deep impression on us, but we both remembered how our hearts were pounding so hard it felt like it’s going to jump out of our mouths when we saw her on TV for the first time, when we saw her standing on stage for the first time. It was the same feeling we had when we saw our daughter appear on the stage for a ballet or piano recital when she was young. It’s also memorable for us to be able to attend many of the group’s concerts throughout the country as a fan of Keyakizaka46 and Sakurazaka46.
We think that all her worries and complicated feelings have disappeared ever since she started to get individual work as a model and radio personality, and she started to think more positively such as about what she likes and what she should do to achieve it.
When Keyakizaka46 was going to change its name to Sakurazaka46, she thought about graduation, but she said, “This is not the time to graduate. I want to be a member as long as I can and see what kind of group Sakurazaka46 will become,” and chose to continue. That’s why this time, when she told us that she’s thinking about graduating, we’d like to support her as she has come to decide that now is the right timing.

From Father: Continue to give it your best from now on while cherishing the people who are supporting and cheering for you.

From Mother: I will continue to watch over you as a precious daughter of mine, like always. Though I think you will start being the one who watches over me instead.

Raw: nira
Translator: tmi, meg


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