
Showing posts from July, 2024

Matsuda Rina in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

  - The other day, blt graph had an interview with Tamura Hono, in which she talked about your significant presence. The span of one and a half years since the previous Tokyo Dome concert also marks Matsuda captaincy, how do you feel about this period yourself? Matsuri: Like what has been said, it also happens to be the period of time since becoming a captain, and as I have been able to experience various things, I’ve started to think “Maybe I’ve been able to act a little more captain-like”. Of course I was happy to hold our first Tokyo Dome concert, but at the same time there were uneasy feelings, like “we’re not on this level yet”. However, this time it became a “Alright, we’re going to stand there!”. And this mentality has been solidified by responses like “It’s fine because we have worked hard to get this together”. This made me feel particularly happy. - When interviewing Tamura, I was impressed by the way you gathered the members to ask about their individual goals and make them

Morita Hikaru in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

I've been asking everyone this question, but for you, Morita-san, has the time since the last Tokyo Dome concert until now felt long or short? “I can’t believe that only a year and a half have passed, it feels like much longer. Especially last year, it felt like time was passing faster than ever in my life. I even wondered if other members felt the same way (laughs), but I was determined to approach each thing carefully.” You have been busy with combining your regular activities and the production of live performances, leading to hectic days. Amidst all this, have you noticed any changes in the group over the past year and a half? "I feel that the relationships among the members definitely changed with the third-generation members joining us. Many first-generation members graduated during this period, and the second-generation members have also changed a bit now that they've become seniors. Although it was always very lively before, it feels even more cheerful now." I

Inoue Rina in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

Q : Since the Tokyo Dome Concert on June 15th & 16h is just around the corner, let us look back to the period in between the last Tokyo Dome concert up until now. First of all, did you feel that this past year and a half has been a long one? Or perhaps it felt short? Inoue: Eehh~, well…… Each and every day was always quite intense since there are a lot of things that I need to do, but given that it is already a year and a half since then, I think it went by quite fast. Q : It sure was, wasn’t it? Within that period the group have released 4 singles and the 3rd-gens have also joined. Even Sugai Yuuka-san’s graduation now feels like something of the past. Inoue: Ehh, wasn’t Sugai-san’s graduation held back during the 2nd tour? I see, my memory is all jumbled up (laughs). Sugai-san's graduation was a big thing for the members. She had been protecting Keyakizaka and Sakurazaka until then, so at that time we really wanted her to stay in the group. Since then, the seniors have been g

Endo Hikari in B.L.T. July 2024 edition

  Q: From Endo-san’s perspective, what has the year and a half since the last Tokyo Dome concert been like? When I wasn’t with the others, each and every day felt so long, and it felt like “a lone battle”. I was in a hiatus for around one year, and that period of time was an important time for Sakurazaka, so I felt even more disconnected from the group and I hadn’t been in touch with the other members too. I started thinking that maybe our hearts have grown apart as well. However, I started my hiatus with the intention to come back, so during that time I also thought hard about what kind of position I should assume, so to say, or what kind of presence I should be within the group. But, right after I went into hiatus, the “Start over!” (Sakurazaka’s 6th single title track with all of the 1st & 2nd generation members participating) promotional period started, and I also felt somewhat guilty about why I couldn’t push through just a little bit harder. Q: After overcoming those conflict