Fujiyoshi Karin x Morita Hikaru x Yamasaki Ten interview in B.L.T January 2021

I'd like to ask the three of you who are acting as the Center in Sakurazaka46’s first single about your various thoughts. First of all, I'd like to ask you about your honest feelings about being in the position of Center. Hikaru: I think that the fans have various thoughts and opinions about the new system where the three of us share the position of Center for the songs in the single, and I also think about various things, but... I'd like to perform as the center of the songs in my own way. I read the fan letters sent through the mobame app and handwritten ones, and I feel like I’m only receiving their feelings of support now. I'd like to express what only I can do, and I think there are also expressions that can be born from it, so I'd like to focus on that. Karin: I didn't have a sense of 'I'm a Center, so this is what I have to do'. Oh, but I guess that might have been in the back of my mind somewhere!? Of course, I wanted to make it something g...