Yamasaki Ten Mercari Magazine column "To live with what I like" #38 24th December 2020)

Yamasaki Ten, who is the only middle schooler in the Sakamichi groups, is the Center of Sakurazaka46’s “Buddies”. She is perhaps having one of the most intense “restart” days for a 15-year-old in Japan right now. While she has the courage to say “Not really” when asked about the pressure from being chosen as Center, on the other hand, she also says “I am truly bad at communicating my feelings to others”. However, after going through a period of various changes, she said that she feels that “we have become much stronger both as a group and as individuals”. What was swirling within the heart of the wise 15-year-old before she was able to objectively look back on herself up to this point, stating that “I didn’t whine about anything, or rather, I didn’t know how to”. I can be stronger because I have “allies” “After all, without the people around me, I am still weak” Yamasaki Ten who boldly acts as the Center of “Buddies”, a coupling song of Sakurazaka46’s debut single “Nobody’s fault”...