Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka? staff interview in BRODY April 2021

A forward leaning attitude toward the show “Keyaki tte, Kakenai?” has been renewed to “Soko Magattara, Sakurazaka?”, but was there any consensus among the production staff to change something? Nagao (producer): Since the time of Keyakake, we have been thinking about “How do we make the members shine?”, “How can we make it easier for everyone to actively move?”, so there wasn’t any thought to change it after becoming Sokosaku. However, I felt that the girls changed starting from the latter half of Keyakake. Abe (scriptwriter): I think that the 2nd generation, including the 6 additional members, plays a big part in it. The 1st generation was sparked by the 2nd generation, and the group as a whole began to show the atmosphere of wanting to change. Anai (scriptwriter): Scriptwriters don’t have the opportunity to talk with the members, but when I read the questionnaire from the latter half of Keyakake, their aspirations in “I want to do something like this” has greatly become variety-leanin...